Herbal Asthma Treatment

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


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 What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic and non-curable disease which involves the respiratory system, and which causes the airways to constrict and become inflamed. However, it is believed by some to be partially inherited, but is also considered to be due to a wide array of other factors, such as environmental, infectious, and chemical factors. Therefore, although there is no definitive cause as of yet for asthma, there are certain presumed factors both in regards to the cause of asthma as well as to the onset of asthma attacks.

More on Natural Asthma Treatment .
More on Asthma Treatment .

What is an Asthma Attack?

There are many factors which are considered to trigger an asthma attack, as well as that of risk factors; although anyone may have an attack, it most commonly occurs in the following persons: children under the age of 5, adults in their 30s, adults over 65, and people living in urban communities. There are certain other factors as well that are considered to be involved, including: family history of asthma, personal medical history of allergies, children with a family history of asthma, children who have allergies and children who have exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke.

There are certain factors that occur during a typical asthma attack, with the most common being: the lungs and airways overreact to certain triggers causing the lining of the airways to become inflamed and swollen, tightening of the muscles that surround the airways, and an increased production of mucous; breathing becomes harder and may hurt; possible coughing; and there may also be a wheezing or whistling sound, and this is especially typical of asthma.

There are certain factors which are typically accused of causing attacks, and which any asthmatic should try their best to stay away from, and this includes that of the following: allergens, such as mold, pollen, animal protein, cockroaches, and certain foods; respiratory infections and sinusitis; irritants, such as strong perfumes, chemicals such as coal or talcum powder, air pollutants, changing weather conditions, and chemical-exposure; sensitivity to medications, such as aspirin or sulfites which are used as preservatives in foods and beverages; exercise; gastroesophageal reflux; smoke; and emotional anxiety and nervous stress.

Because asthma is not curable, it is incredibly important to take all of the proper precautionary methods that you can, in order to at least attempt and prevent attacks from coming on as best as you can.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Asthma Treatment

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What is Asthma?

Asthma is a non-curable yet controllable disease, and the first step in asthma treatment is that of environmental control, as the environment is considered as being one of the most primary causes of asthma attacks. There are certain symptoms of asthma, including: tightness in the chest, wheezing sound, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and increased pulse or heart rate.

More on Asthma . More on Natural Asthma Treatment .

What are the Available Methods of Asthma Treatment?

In regards to the asthma treatment that is available today, there are basic steps that are advised by most physicians in order to attempt to at least avoid attacks, which are: clean the house at least once a week, avoid any pets with fur or feathers, wash the bedding weekly in hot water, encase the mattress and pillows in dust-proof covers, consider replacing any upholstered furniture with leather or vinyl, consider replacing carpets in your home with hardwood floors or tile, and remember to keep the humidity in the house as low as you possibly can.

The most important form of asthma treatment if for asthmatics to take their proper medications properly and as prescribed. Asthma treatment in relation to this involves that of the monitoring of lung function, especially with the use of that of a peak flow meter, which is used to gauge lung function. This is incredibly important because lung function decreases dramatically before the actual symptoms of an asthma attack, and if the meter results in indicating that the peak flow is down by 20 percent or more from your usual best effort, then generally an asthma attack is on its way.

There are also anti-inflammatories which are often used, and which work by reducing the number of inflammatory cells in the airways and by preventing blood vessels from leaking any fluid into the airway tissues. However, the unfortunate part of this is that there are some people who cannot control the symptoms of asthma even when avoiding the triggers and using the proper medication, and for these people, there is the option of immunotherapy. This type of therapy involves the injection of allergen extracts in order to desensitize the person, and this asthma treatment in particular begins with injections of a solution of allergen given typically five times a week to start, and then the strength will be gradually increased as time goes on.

Herbal and homeopathic asthma treatment are also considered as being quite positive, and depending on the severity of the asthma itself in the person, herbal and homeopathic treatments can reduce or even eliminate the need for synthetic drugs, and even inhalers, and they can also safely be used to complement that of the more conventional asthma treatment.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Symptoms Of Asthma

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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes bronchial tubes particularly sensitive to irritants. This is characterized by breathing difficulties.

The symptoms of asthma include:

* Shortness of breath. Asthma sufferers often say they feel as though they can't catch their breath, they feel breathless or out of breath. They feel like you can't get enough air into or out of their lungs.

* A feeling of tightness in the chest. This can feel like someone is sitting on or squeezing your chest.

* Coughing. Coughing in people with asthma is often worse at night or early in the morning, making sleeping difficult.

* Wheezing. Wheezing is a whistling or squeaky sound when you inhale or exhale.

* Faster or noisy breathing

* Inflammation of the air passages, characterised by eosinophils in the airway wall

* Episodes of wheezy difficulty in breathing

* Rapid and considerable changes in airway obstruction (peak flow variation >= 20%)

* Narrowing of the air passages in the lungs and resulting increased resistance to airflow

* Symptom-free periods

* Frequent allergy occurrence

* Bronchial hyper-responsiveness to non-specific stimuli such as cold air or histamine

* Frequent nocturnal episodes and low morning peak flow values

* Significant reversibility with new steroid drugs

* Significant reversibility with drugs that resemble adrenaline, the beta2 agonists

People with asthma may have:

* Coughing or wheezing when they are near an allergen or irritant

* Asthma symptoms brought on by exercises such as running, biking, or other brisk activity, especially during cold weather

* Frequent coughing, especially at night (this is occasionally the only sign of asthma in a child)

* Wheezing when they have a cold or another illness

* Coughing or wheezing precipitated by prolonged crying or laughing

Not all people suffer all of these symptoms. Additionally, symptoms may vary from one asthma attack to another. Symptoms can also differ in severity. For example, symptoms may be mildly annoying at times and at other times they can be serious enough to demand your immediate attention. Sometimes symptoms can be so serious to the point of being life threatening and require medical attention. Symptoms also differ in frequency. Some asthma sufferers only have symptoms once every few months, others have symptoms weekly, and while other people have daily symptoms. With proper treatment and management, however, most asthma sufferers can expect to endure minimal or no symptoms, and are able to lead normal, active lives.
William Brown writes for several health-related web sites, on health and wellness topics

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Information On Asthma For Grown Ups

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Adults and Asthma

This article talks about Asthma for the grown up and elderly. We know that asthma has many medical implications.

Adult asthma normally comes from one of three conditions. First off, some adults that have had asthma their entire lives or that have had it since childhood are in one condition. In the second, the asthma was there during childhood and then all symptoms of asthma were gone for a period of time and then sometime later in their adult life, asthma has come back. Finally, there are those adults that are first getting asthma during their adult years. In this case, the asthma is almost always brought on by occupational asthma conditions, or poor working conditions or exposure to triggers that over time developed into asthma in the individual.

Anyone that has asthma, including the adult, can find the help that they need in treating and living with it. As you will learn as an asthma patient, there are many types of medications on the market that can be used to treat asthma both in the episodes that you may experience (asthma attacks) as well as in the day to day living arrangements. Those that have had asthma as a child and then had no symptoms of asthma for much of their life only to have it resurface are often the hardest patients to treat. Here, something, possibly contaminants or even infection, has caused the resurgence of the asthma and it is often a severe case when this happens.

In cases where occupational asthma is the culprit, it is often the asthma specialist?s first course of action to determine what the trigger is that is causing the asthma outbreaks. Then, the first treatment for this type of asthma will be to avoid that trigger. Of course, your doctor will help you to determine what that is and will work with you to determine just what can be done to help provide you with relief from your asthma. Even as an adult, it is important to seek out the help you need for asthma.

Roger Thompson writes health related articles and jobs for The number one healthcare job site He also advises consumers on online products.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Use Of Air Purifiers For Asthma Patients

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Have you ever given any attention to your breathing? You probably haven't, because we all generally take breathing for granted. The reason is that breathing is a subconscious activity. However, this is not possible for an asthmatic patient, as breathing is highly praised every moment.

In an asthma sufferer, the lungs and air passageways are affected. Consequently, it becomes very hard for them to breathe normally or properly. There is no absolute known prescription available for this condition. However, there are certain things that can be applied to curb the symptoms of asthma. The use of an air purifier can help to cure it.

Asthma includes two key components: constriction, and inflammation, which takes place in the air passageways. Due to constriction, the airways get narrowed as the surrounding muscles begin to tighten around them. On the other hand, inflammation causes irritation in the airways. Because of inflammation, the airways get swollen up.

All of these problems lead to asthma. As a result, the sufferer finds it hard to breathe properly, and the swelling of the lungs causes an asthma attack. During an asthma attack, the sufferer begins to cough and wheeze in an effort to breathe properly. This can happen at any time and any moment, and can sometimes be severe.

Air purifiers can be very beneficial to asthma patients. There are a number of impurities in the air that can increase asthma. These air impurities include allergens like dust, pet dander, chemicals or pollen. If an asthma sufferer takes in these airborne substances, it makes it tough for them to breathe normally.

An air purifier is used to remove contaminants from indoor air. Thus, a better and cleaner environment can be created for the sufferer indoors. There will be less probability of an asthma attack due to fewer toxins in the air.

It has been proved that most air purifiers are capable of filtering 99.7 percent of all particles from indoor air. An air purifier cleans the air by drawing the air from the room into the system with the help of a fan. After that, the clean air is released back into the room.

It may be a little tough to make a proper selection between the various air purifiers available in the market. While buying an air purifier, it is important to be familiar with the working of the air purifier system. The purpose is to eliminate contaminants, harmful chemicals and odors, so you must look for an air purifier that possesses activated carbon or a UV purification system. It is also essential to get knowledge about the power of the machine and its overall effectiveness.

In conclusion, it is quite good to find a comparative table for air purifiers manufactured under different brands and compare them. This will give you the details about the various brands and models of air purifiers, and grade them on the basis of their effectiveness.

Stefan Rockhaus writes about various air purifiers topics. For more information visit Air Purifiers - Find more articles at Information Point

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Asthma: A Respirotory Tract Infection

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Asthma is a disease which affects the respiratory system of the human organism. Asthma makes the airways more constrained and makes it more narrowed down through certain symptoms like wheezing, lack of proper breath, tightness of the chest and coughing, prolonged termination of breath, fast heart beat, chest inflation etc. Asthma is generally caused due to environmental pollution. Asthma reduces and constricts the airways as a result of which the patient suffers from normal way of breathing. The term ?Asthma?? is usually a Greek word which means ?sharp breath.?

The symptoms of asthma can sometimes range from mild to severe life threatening. Moreover, it is to be estimated here that the symptoms of asthma can be solely controlled through the use of certain drugs and through changes in the life style. Asthma is generally caused by inflammation of breathing or the bronchial tubes which is present in the lungs. The most common cause of asthma is environmental pollution. Exposure to the environment of cotton and flour dust, smoke, smoke and to a wide range of chemicals further increases the risk of asthma. Generally, the most common symptom which is associated with asthma can be felt with the tightness sensation in the chest.

Asthma can be of two types. One is extrinsic and the other is intrinsic. Extrinsic is considered as the most common form of asthma which is usually caused due to allergies and also due to the use of certain allergens to diagnose the allergies. This form of asthma is very much prone during the early stage of one?s development which gradually gets reduced with the advancement of the age. The other form of asthma which is known as the intrinsic asthma can be traced out through certain infections in the respiratory tract.

Asthma as it is a chronic disease can be to a certain extent overcome through proper means of exercises. Sports like swimming can to a great extent help in overcoming asthma. This sport helps in exfoliating the humidity in the atmosphere and helps in overall toning of the body. Besides swimming, activities like long walks in the morning as well in the evening helps in reducing the effects of asthma. Along with these activities biking, cycling, skiing helps effectively in the process of inhaling the air. Along with them, football, basketball, golfing, wrestling, gymnastics etc all works quite effective in overcoming asthma.

All asthma patients need proper treatment and medical attention so that the intensity of the disease gets mild and also if possible are diagnosed forever and thus enable the patient to lead a healthy life.

Farzina Naznin is glad to write an article on asthma as one of her cousin is suffering from it and while writing this article she found certain informative sources which will help in overcoming the disease. Her articles are also found in certain sites like http://www.healthcenterassociation.com/ http://www.betterhealthworld.org/

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Do You Think You Have Asthma

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More than fifteen million people in the United States suffer from asthma, making it a very common long-term condition that affects the human airways and breathing process. Whether or not you have experienced what asthma is, you should be aware of its existence and how it can endanger a person's well-being. Regardless if you are currently diagnosed as an asthmatic or not, knowing the nation's leading cause of chronic illness in children, less than sixteen years of age, is extremely important.

In fact, of the ten million people diagnosed with asthma, five million are children alone and over one million are asthmatics over sixty-five years of age. But although younger individuals can develop asthma more frequently than adults, the fact remains that an asthma attack can occur at any moment during our lives. Asthmatics have reported attacks while outside or inside, during any season of the year and time throughout the day. Whether or not one experiences asthma attacks once a day, a month, or a year, they can last anywhere from a few minutes to even days. But today, these upper-respiratory problems can be alleviated when surfacing, as asthmatics can decrease their severity by taking the proper medication that is prescribed by a doctor to treat their particular situation. Moreover, peak flow meters, devices that measure the amount of force an asthma patient can exhale, help asthmatics track their situation and check if an asthma attack is on its way.

Asthma affects the airways, the small tubes that carry air in and out of lugs. Those suffering from asthma have sensitive airways that can easily become swollen. During the irritation process they narrow in width, the muscles around them tighten, and there may be an increase in production of sticky mucus or phlegm. All these make the possibility of breathing extremely difficult and cause wheezing, coughing and chest pains associated with one feeling short of breath.

Unfortunately, while many suffer from asthma and the cases reported vary from rather mild to very severe, the cause of asthma is not yet fully understood. Researchers and specialized doctors have concluded that asthma is partly an allergic condition and partly hereditary (run through the family) because of the genetic connection found between asthma, hay fever and eczema. But since anyone can develop asthma at any time during their lifetime, doctors cannot predict who will suffer from asthma in the future solely based on hereditary indicators. Again, although asthma is not predictable, it is somewhat preventable. Asthmatics have to keep track of their case -duration and austerity of their asthma attacks- and report to their doctor any observed change. Using the peak flow meter daily and stay on alert for warning signs of possible asthma incidents are some of the practices asthmatics can use to prevent themselves from experiencing an unforeseen attack.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Health, Men's Health, and Society

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Asthma And Exercise Is It A Deadly Combination?

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All of us should be participating in some form of aerobic exercise a couple of times a week. You know the kind, keep our lungs and heart pumping, plus it never hurt to keep those muscles toned up and strong. While it may not seem so at first glance, even those suffering from asthma will receive a benefit from regular workouts, in helping the lungs function more effectively from the increased capacity. More often then not asthmatics that are taking part in high aerobic activity have a fear that their asthma might act up, or course this keeps them from participating in things due to their conditions. Wile these to issues (exercise and asthma) might seem like water and fire there are ways around the dooming attack that might come on. There are numerous athletes in the professional world who suffer from some form of asthma, how ever they've found away to subdue the symptoms when they need to perform. To help with the symptoms there are several allergy and asthma meds available. Some over the counter, while others require a prescription, all will help subdue the symptoms you might experience while exercising.

Emotional well beings, as well as physical well being can both be improved through exercise, at least according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, of course exercise can also help you manage your asthma better. Here are just a few exercise and asthma tidbits to get you active and stay that way. While it's not known by all, it isn't just any type of exercise that will bring on an asthma attack. It's ideal that you consult either an asthma or allergy specialist prior to beginning an exercise program. Asthma and exercise can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, a tight feeling in the chest, or coughing, all of which can develop into a full blown asthma attack if not treated immediately. Using short or long acting bronchodilator before exercising, asthma symptoms can be controlled and possibly prevented completely. Other medications such as decongestants and antihistamines, either oral or inhaled, are also effective in controlling asthma and exercise.

I you know you suffer from asthma related symptoms when exercising there are a few tips you should follow. Avoid exercising when pollen counts are high in the air, as well as in windy and cold weather, both of these will bring out symptoms making it difficult to exercise. Of course, not all people experience the same effects in the same conditions, and exercise regimes should be tailored to a persons exact requirements. if you would like to find more exact information about asthma and exercise effects you should check out the Medem Medical Library, available online. Having asthma doesn't have to cripple your activity level, or effect your lifestyle habits. It's just a matter of educating yourself about your condition, and learning your limits. once you know that then you can begin to benefit from regular exercise while controlling your symptoms and enjoying life all at once.

For more information about asthma and other health related resources please visit our website at Medical Issues.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Using Homeopathy to Control Asthma

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Asthma is a chronic condition that affects millions of people all over the world. Studies show that 1 in 7 children, and 1 in 12 adults, suffer from asthma. Thought the severity of the attacks can vary--it can be mild and easily treated, or lead to weeks of hospitalization--anyone who suffers from the condition can testify to how it can impair their quality of life.

In an asthma attack, our ability to breathe in air is hampered, due to the tightening of muscles in the air passage, swelling, and thick mucus. The attacks are triggered by pollen, smoke, even food allergies (each person has its own set of asthma triggers) and are characterized by wheezing, coughing and tightness in the chest.

Many asthma sufferers have found relief in herbs and other homeopathic treatments. For example, khella (also called Bishop's Weed) helps prevent the tightening of the air passages, and there are cases of it actually opening the airways. However, dosages have to be controlled by a homeopathic expert, especially for children. The herb is best used over a short period of time, since overextended intake can lead to loss of appetite, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.

Another asthma treatment makes use of the ancient Chinese herb, Ma Huang (also called Desert Herb). While not recommended for those who have heart disease and high blood pressure, it has been known to reduce the bronchospasms that cause difficulty in breathing. Because of the risks associated with his herb, it should be taken only with the directions of a homeopathic expert, and the approval and co-management of your regular physician or respiratory specialist. This is because Ma Huang has some contraindications, and interactions with other prescribed drugs can be dangerous. However, with the proper monitoring and in the right doses, it can help with the most severe forms of asthma attacks.

Like with many asthma medications, people who take Ma Huang can experience side effects like palpitations and restlessness, or mild nausea to actual vomiting. This is, unfortunately, a function of how medicines (whether traditional antibiotics or herbal) must contain some amount of ephredine or a similar drug that can counter or protect the body's loss of oxygen.

Another herb that can control asthma is the Pleurisy root, a liquid extract of the plant Asclepias Tuberosa. It is an expectorant and can help decongest the patient and ease the difficulty in breathing. Doses must be closely monitored, however, because it can lead to vomiting if not properly prescribed. It is also not recommended for those who have heart problems.

Homeopathic experts can also help asthma sufferers examine diet and lifestyle for any asthma triggers, or sometimes they will prescribe vitamins and herbs, or recommend a particular diet, that can help strengthen the lungs. In other words, their approach is holistic, and does not only cure the symptoms but prevents the attacks from occurring. Many asthma sufferers can lead perfectly normal lives as long as they can create a lifestyle or routine that minimizes their risks for attacks.

Philip Nicosia is the webmaster of Resources.eu.com an online resource centre covering many topics including health and fitness.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Asthma, the Buteyko method 6 Edit

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With more Buteyko exercises, you will eventually be able to come off all of your Asthma medication. First your relievers, then in time your preventatives. This is only possible if your triggers are exercise, temperature and some allergens (ie: it is possible for some people who are allergic to dust, grasses, pollens and smoke) etc. I don't think Buteyko would help with a food allergy induced Asthma as food is ingested, not inhaled.

Buteyko works for the exercise type triggers because you simply implement the "exercising with less oxygen" theory and your body no longer needs to shut down the esophagus. For allergens, the nose acts as a filter, not allowing the offending particles into your lungs where they usually wreak havoc (a large portion of Asthmatics are mouth breathers). Similarly for temperature, your nose acts as a regulator, altering the temperature of the air before it hits your lungs.

There is one last technique I haven't mentioned yet - but I will write one last article about it as I think it is important both for Asthmatics and also for Non-asthmatics. It's a little weird, but I have convinced many of my Non-asthmatic friends to try it and many of them swear by it! See next week for details!


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Asthma, the Buteyko method 3

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To begin the Buteyko method, you first need to learn to breathe through your nose. This is important because:

1/ the nose has smaller holes than your mouth (less oxygen getting in!); and

2/ your nose has filters and a temperature regulator in it (helping those with

temperature induced asthma!).

If you constantly have a blocked nose (many asthmatics do) then an easy way to unblock it is:

1/ Breathe out completely

2/ Hold your nose (blocking your nostrils) and close your mouth - do not inhale

3/ Relish in the "lack of oxygen" feeling that comes over you - don't fight it -

it is natural

4/ When your body figures out it is not getting oxygen, it will automatically

begin unblocking your nostrils. You will feel a little 'pop' in each nostril

5/ Once your nostrils pop, release your nose and inhale VERY SLOWLY. If you

inhale too fast your body will assume it has oxygen again and block you up

Step 5 is the most difficult. Just relax and know that even though you are inhaling slowly (I know you just want to gasp) you will eventually inhale the right amount of air. Continue taking deep slow breaths until you can breathe slowly and comfortably through your nose. See next week for how to apply the initial Buteyko techniques in your life in preparation for ridding your life from asthma.


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Early Detection of Childhood Asthma

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 It is estimated that 5 million children in the United States suffer from childhood asthma. The American Lung Association estimates that 4 million children under the age of 18 have suffered an asthma attack in the past year. Asthma is considered one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood and there is no cure. The best that a parent can do is seek medical treatment for the child and try to get the disease under control.

But how do you know if you should take your child to a doctor to determine if he or she has asthma? There are certain signs you can look for that will help determine if your child may be suffering from childhood asthma. If you detect any of these signs it is strongly recommended that you take your child to a doctor as soon as possible where a proper diagnosis can be made.

Coughing and wheezing are two prominent signs of asthma. Wheezing is like whistling sound when breathing and often occurs after a child has been running and playing. A tight feeling in the chest and shortness of breath after playing or exercise are also signs of asthma and if you suspect your child might have asthma you should pay close attention to your child during playtime and after playtime for these symptoms.

Colds can be difficult for children with asthma as the cold symptoms tent to concentrate on the chest, which affects breathing, and the colds tend to last longer. Children with asthma also tend to have more respiratory illnesses than normal and they are more severe. Often this is an indicator of ?hidden asthma.? Children with hidden asthma often do not show the ?classic? symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and this can make diagnosing asthma very difficult.

Allergies can also spark asthma symptoms and asthma attacks. If you know that your child is allergic to certain allergens whether it is food, pollen, mold, or something else, pay close attention to your child if an unavoidable situation arises that he or she comes in contact with an allergen. Is there an increase in breathing difficulties, wheezing, or coughing? Asthma is often induced by exposure to an allergen and can lead to an asthma attack.

If you detect any symptoms of asthma in your child at any time it is important that your child sees a doctor and is tested for childhood asthma as soon as possible. Your family doctor or pediatrician may refer you to an asthma and allergy specialist. Treatments are available that many times will keep the childhood asthma under control.

Daniel Lanicek is an life long sufferer of asthma on a mission to heighten world awareness of asthma and childhood asthma. By giving parents the information they need childhood asthma does not have to degrade the quality of life for their children. You can learn more about asthma at Asthma Explained.

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How To Identify An Allergic Asthma?

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 An allergic asthma. It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the lung airways. It's symptoms are made worse by exposure to an allergen (e.g., dust, mold, pollen, dust mite allergens and animal dander) to which the patient has been sensitized.

A simple sneeze could trigger allergic asthma or a simple cough could lead to that as well.

What are the symptoms of allergic asthma?

The symptoms of allergic and non-allergic asthma are the same. They include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, and chest tightness. These symptoms are often provoked by an identifiable trigger.

What factors can cause or trigger allergic asthma?

A family history of allergies is the most important predictor of whether a person will develop asthma. Environmental substances (allergens) can trigger an exacerbation - or attack - in patients with allergic asthma.

The allergens include tree, grass, and weed pollen, plus molds, animal dander, dust mites and cockroach droppings. Asthma attacks can also be triggered by viral infections, exercise, cold air and non-specific irritants.

How many people suffer from allergic asthma?

Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, of the 17 million asthma sufferers in the United States, 10 million (approximately 60 percent) have allergic asthma. Three million are children and 7 million are adults.

What is the relationship between allergies and allergic asthma?

Most people with asthma also suffer from other allergic disorders. In fact, research from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that at least 70 percent of asthmatics also suffer from allergic rhinitis or "hay fever."

Nasal allergies and allergic asthma are both triggered by exposure to allergens, initiating a series of events that result in tightening of the airways, swelling of the lining of the airways, nose and eyes, and mucus production.

What is IgE and why is it important in allergic asthma?

IgE (Immunoglobulin E) is an antibody in the human immune system that plays a critical role in the allergic process.

When an individual is sensitized to an allergen, he or she produces an IgE antibody directed against that allergen. The IgE antibody attaches to mast cells.

When the individual is exposed to that same allergen again, the allergen binds to the IgE on the mast cell causing it to release substances such as histamine, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which cause symptoms such as chest tightness, coughing and wheezing.

What treatments are available for people suffering from allergic asthma?

It is important for people with asthma to seek treatment. First, patients are evaluated to identify their specific allergic triggers and a program of allergen avoidance is recommended.

Asthma is treated with medications including anti-inflammatory agents, such as corticosteroids and anti-leukotrienes that decrease inflammation in the lungs, and bronchodilators used for relief of symptoms.

Allergen immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a program of injections that reduces allergic sensitization.

A new drug currently under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), known as anti-IgE, concentrates on short-circuiting the allergic reaction in the body before it even begins.

Anti-IgE therapy stops the allergic reaction before it starts, allowing the patient to avoid allergy symptoms that often trigger an asthma attack or lead to the development of asthma attacks.

Researchers are looking for targets for new forms of treatment. Future therapies may focus on cytokines, substances that maintain the chronic inflammation responsible for asthma.

Other research may also lead to the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs, which may retain the anti-inflammatory effects of corticosteroids but cause fewer systemic side effects.

As the more and more developing countries are emerging, more and more air pollution is arising, whether asthma or allergic asthma, the number of people having is rising.

They could have acquired this chronic illness rather than having it genetically as the environment is getting more and more dirtier.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Acupuncture For Asthma - Fact Or Fiction?

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 Acupuncture for asthma may sound like an odd combination. One is a common disease that affects approximately 20 million Americans; the other is a mysterious, esoteric, alternative medicine technique. Lots of people have asthma, but not many people have tried acupuncture.

But if you are an asthma sufferer, it can seem at times that anything - even something as mysterious as acupuncture - is worth trying. Breathing is something that most us never think about. It's an unconscious process and unless we're ill, we easily get the oxygen we need. But for people with asthma, breathing is always on their minds. There is always the chance that an asthma attack will leave them gasping for air. Sometime these attacks are predictable and sometimes they are not, sometimes they are minor and easily handled at home, and sometimes asthma suffers end up in an emergency room. It's no wonder that some asthma sufferers have turned to acupuncture for asthma.

Asthma is a chronic disease with no cure. There are different types of asthma, but they all produce the same signs and symptoms: rapid breathing, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and the uncomfortable sensation of suffocation. The exact cause of asthma is not known (there may be a genetic factor at work), but there is no doubt that environmental factors - cold, dust, pollution, etc - trigger the attacks. During the attacks, inflammation and constriction of the respiratory passages limit the amount of air that can be inhaled, the attacks can last for minutes or hours and as mentioned earlier, there is no cure. But although there is no cure, there are constant efforts to find new methods of treatment, and there are practitioners and patients who believe that acupuncture for asthma is the answer.

Acupuncture (the word comes from the Latin words acus, meaning needle, and pungere, meaning to puncture) is a very old system of medicine. It is not clear where acupuncture originates from, but it has been most closely associated with China. In acupuncture, very narrow needles are inserted into the skin (just barely penetrating the surface) at certain key points in the body. The needles are said to correct a disharmony in the flow of energy through the body, a disharmony that is said to be the cause of disease. Traditional, Western medicine has several theories about how acupuncture works (e.g., it may stimulate the release of natural pain relievers, endorphins) but has not yet completely explained how acupuncture.

Of course, the big question is, does acupuncture work? And can acupuncture successfully treat asthma? Well, not unlike the search for an explanation for how asthma works, the answers are not clear - and they depend on whom you ask. According to traditional acupuncturists, yes, acupuncture for asthma is an effective treatment, especially with asthma in young children. There are dozens of websites and thousands of testimonials that all attest to the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for asthma. Acupuncture, they say, has worked where nothing else has.

But ask the same question - does acupuncture for asthma work - of doctors and scientists who have been trained in traditional, Western medicine and scientific methodology, and the answer will be quite different. Acupuncture, they say, is as interesting phenomenon, but the question of how it works is less important than the question does it work, and their answer to that is no. There is no conclusive evidence that acupuncture for asthma works, and a review of the scientific studies that have attempted to answer this question have not proven acupuncture to be a viable technique for treating asthma. If there are reports that it works, these can be explained by the placebo effect (The placebo effect states that medications or medical techniques/ procedures may be perceived by the patient as effective because they believe they are effective, but there is no measurable effect).

So can acupuncture truly help someone who suffers from asthma? That seems to depend on your point of view. If you feel that illness is caused by disruption in energy flow and you are convinced by anecdotal reports, the only reasonable answer is: try it and find out. Acupuncture for asthma is very safe; serious adverse effects are very rare. But if you are the type of person who needs proof in the traditional sense, it may make more sense to stick with the medications/therapies you are taking and wait for solid evidence that acupuncture can help treat your asthma.

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Go to Bed with a Bug and wake up with Asthma

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If I were to tell you that every night you sleep with thousands of insects right there in the bed with you, you would probably like to believe I was crazy. I'm not. Sorry. These insects are called dust mites. I know, I know, you've never seen one in your bed. You can't, as they are microscopic entities. A hundred of the little pests wouldn't fill up a speck of dust. Now before everyone takes a long sigh of relief that could cause a tornado in Texas, let's get something clear; Dust mites can be a health hazard, especially if you suffer from asthma. The problem that they cause is because of a protein they create that can trigger an asthma attack. Just one of these mites can make two hundred times its body weight in waste, waste containing this protein, so you don't need to be Einstein to do the math. Suffice to say that there's a lot of dust mite protein in every house in the entire world.

Dust mites inhabit all the rooms in your house, but they seem to have a particular liking to the bedroom. They live off dust (hence the name) and yes, our dead skin as it falls off us at night. Not a very nice thought if you had a romantic evening planned. If you have asthma, then it might very well be worth your while to follow these simple steps to controlling this particular asthma trigger.

First of all, let me say that it is nigh impossible to eliminate dust mites completely, but that's not to say you have to give in and live with them. You can buy an anti mite cover for your mattress, and avoid keeping anything under the bed. Cleaning is a priority, but not with a feather duster. All they do is move the dust from one place to another, causing a dust storm in the process. Use a damp cloth to make sure all the dirt is eliminated. Next, when was the last time you looked on top of the wardrobe? Or rather, when was the first time you looked on top of the wardrobe! This is one area no one ever seems to bother cleaning. Out of sight, out of mind, they say, and the dust mites love you for it. Wash the bedclothes at least once a week at a high temperature and try to use plastic coverings for all your clothes hanging in the wardrobe, too. If you have carpets and you don't want to get rid of them (wooden floors are perfect for the asthma sufferer), invest in a good vacuum cleaner.

These are simple things we can do to cut down on dust mites. If you have asthma, they might well be the major cause of your attacks.

John Savage is a former health education officer and has dedicated his life to health and fitness matters.

For lots more free information on Asthma, and a sure-fire treatment go to the free information link.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Asthma treatment utilizing natural health products versus prescription medicine

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Traditionally, Asthma is researched and known as a condition, which affects the respiratory track of the lungs. Asthma can be categorized into allergic and non-allergic or extrinsic, intrinsic and mixed asthma.

An extrinsic Asthma (allergic) :It is normally attacked by allergic things such as dust particles, fumes or smokes, animal dander, sugar, chemicals, drugs, environmental and industrial pollutants, food additive and tobacco, etc

An intrinsic Asthma (Non-Allergic): Generally triggered by adrenal glands' disorder and emotional disorder such as stress, tension and anxiety.

It is wholly depends on the stimuli that trigger or target in attacking a person.

Mixed Asthma Mixed asthma is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic asthma. Mixed asthma patients react to certain allergies but also are triggered by other reasons and things.

It is a two- steps problem. * When a person is affected by asthma, inflammation is felt in the air passages and it becomes red and swollen. * When the air passages get inflamed, the patient becomes extra-sensitive to different things, which may aggravate asthma.


It is a respiratory disease caused from allergies; it can be identified or its presence can be felt by symptoms like chest constriction, labored breathing and continuous coughing.

Asthma is a chronic disease, which cannot be cured permanently but can be controlled. One can control his asthma if it is early and properly diagnosed and then patient goes for early treatment. If treatment is not done earlier or a patient becomes careless about his health then there will be frequent and severe attack of asthma, which may lead to fatal consequences.


We know that asthma cannot be cured permanently but we can control it to great extend if we opt natural treatment and take some precautions. Heavy doses of medicines of different chemical compositions may aggravate asthma instead of controlling it. So it is better to start treatment using natural products.

Natural treatment is safe and result oriented; it can control asthma to great extend without any side effects. The health condition of the lungs, immune system, nervous system and adrenal system are the vital areas for the treatment of asthma through natural products.

Asthma treatment using natural product

Natural treatment starts by avoiding things, which trigger asthma such as aerosol, sugar, food additives, fats food, salt, fast food, junk food, ice cream and chemically preservative food.

The patient must add more juicy fruits, green vegetables, fiber vegetables and raw nuts in his diet.

Patent must avoid such conditions and situations, which cause emotional disturbances or negative emotions such as depression, restlessness, anger, anxiety, destructiveness, self-condemnation and self -pity.

In natural treatment of asthma diet, emotional and physical aspects to be taken care.

Herbal products must be taken that help in removing excessive mucous and clear respiratory track.

Herbal asthmatic formula contains 13 types of herbs, which reduces excessive mucus, chest constriction; clear respiratory track and helps in comfortable breathing.

Herbs contain antitussive and antispasmodic qualities, which helps in toning lungs and helps in relieving congestion.

There are herbs included for the treatment of asthma that having demulcent and expectorant qualities to tone up bronchial tubes that help in expelling excessive mucus and phlegm.

Some herbs have multi qualities, which act on the body suitably and positively to tone and shape up lungs, clear air passage, control and calm down coughing and control labor breathing.

Herbs like elecampane, garlic, mustard, ginger, skullcap and valerian easily available naturally and these herbs are highly recommended for the treatment of asthma.

There are herbal chocolate and tea, which can be used for the treatment to control asthma. There are tonic, based on herbs to strengthen the immune system and respiratory system. Food powders are made of herbs and fruits to fight asthmatic attacks.

There are ointments made by herbs to rub the chest during the breathing problems or chest constriction. There are also ayurvedic and homeopathic treatment to control asthma, which is found to be very effective and substantial.

Asthma should be treated opting natural products and herbs because it is safety, cheaper and free from any side effect. These applications will certainly control your asthma and same time you can enjoy life normally and naturally.

Author Rich Marsiglia, Natural Health Products at YourHealthyPlace.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Are Your Asthma and Allergies Caused by A Low Immune System?

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Many people who suffer from asthma and allergies don't realize it, but a low immune system is very likely at the root of their problems. Medical experts agree that a lowered or improperly functioning immune system can and does result in several diseases such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer to name just a few. There are ways to strengthen your immune system, which will help to significantly decrease your allergy and asthma symptoms.

The body's immune systems first line of defense against disease are barriers that prevent antigens, which are large protein molecules of bacteria, viruses, chemicals and other substances that appear harmful from entering your body. The barriers include your skin, mucus, cough reflex, stomach acid and even enzymes in your tears, which destroy toxins. If the antigen or toxin manages to get past these barriers, then the immune system launches a second line of defense, found in your blood. They are white blood cells, which perform a protective function by seeking out and destroying foreign protein antigens.

If you suffer from a low immune system it is important to avoid things that suppress or act to destroy it, such as a high cholesterol diet, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium), fat, alcohol, fried foods, food additives, obesity, industrial pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, stress, prescription drugs, too much sunlight, tobacco, and radiation.

Unfortunately, there is no "magic bullet" that you can take to quickly repair your immune system, but there are several ways to help build and support it by providing your body with proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate rest, relaxation and maintaining a positive mental attitude.

Taking the following dietary steps will help protect and build your immune system:

1. Limit saturated and trans fats, food additives and alcohol 2. Take a good quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement daily 3. Ensure your diet includes adequate protein 4. Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily. 5. Eat 3 to 4 servings of vegetables daily. 6. Eat 3 to 4 servings of legumes weekly. 7. Eat 3 to 4 servings of omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods weekly

The length of time required to re-build a low immune system of course will vary depending on your individual situation and environmental exposure to immune system suppressants. This is not an overnight process, for some people it can take three months to two years. Obviously, the higher your exposure has been to immuno-suppressants, the longer it will take to build your immune system. Children tend to heal much more quickly than adults or the elderly. People with allergies and asthma will find that their asthma and allergy symptoms become less frequent and less severe when their immune systems are strong. It's important to avoid using allergy and asthma drugs, which have toxic side effects and act to lower the immune system. There are natural supplements that safely and effectively eliminate allergy and asthma symptoms. To find out more please visit http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/

Susan Millar is a former asthma and allergy sufferer. She is a researcher and the author of "The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report", based on extensive research from internationally respected medical publications about genuinely effective alternative treatment for asthma & allergies. For more information please visit: http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/

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How to Ease Your Allergies: Quick Relief for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers!

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You may be one of the masses who don't even realize that you have allergies! According to studies, there are about 17 out of every 100 Americans that are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

What are allergies? According to Wikipedia, "an allergy is a condition of hypersensitivity to a substance (an allergen) considered harmless to most people." Hmmm, most people? In fact, 50 million Americans are estimated to have allergies.

There is no clear apparent medical reason why people contract allergies, but one thing remains clear: the condition is indiscriminate in its coverage and may affect us regardless of age, gender, or race. Commonly, however, the allergy manifests in our infancy or childhood, although some symptoms may appear at any age or may reappear after any period of apparent inactivity.

Most allergies are largely insignificant and may be dealt with by simple lifestyle choices; however, there is a possibility of them either adversely affecting our daily life, or perhaps life-threatening conditions.

As of this writing, if you run a Google search on the word "allergy" you will receive over 32 million results. Sure, some of those are duplicates but that's a pretty substantial number. And that doesn't include other simple search terms.

The bottom line here is that those 50 million Americans already know they have an allergy. That doesn't include all the people who are under the misconception that their suffering is not just a simple cold!

How would you know if you have an allergy?

Below are the most common types of allergies.

- Food Allergies - ignited by certain food types

- Anaphylaxis - triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings

- Respiratory Allergies - triggered by allergens which are airborn

- Contact Allergies - triggered by skin-affecting allergens

- Insect Sting Allergies - triggered by insect venom

Mild Symptoms:

- Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat

- Tightness feeling in your throat

- Difficulty speaking or swallowing

- Nausea

- Indigestion and abdominal cramps

- Vomiting and diarrhea

- Skin rashes

- Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing

- Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose

Severe Symptoms:

- Breathing difficulties

- Sweating, dizziness, and faintness

- Rapid or sudden heart rate increase

- Sudden inability or hoarseness to speak

- Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling

- Anaphylaxis

As children are more susceptible to allergic reactions, the parent must exert extra effort to keep any allergic reaction at bay. Schools are often considered breeding ground for allergens so the parent and school administrators must work hand in hand. The home must also be allergen-proof so the children can go about freely.

Allergic reactions are dangerous and fatal, if left untreated or if the person is more susceptible than usual. It is mandatory that preventive measures must be carried out to avoid the severe symptoms. For more information on allergic reactions, one must ask the family doctor.

Properly diagnosed and treated, allergies need not affect your life in any significant manner.

Adam Asar is the founder of www.howto101.info , www.homeandherbalremedies.com, www.healingwithvitamins.com and www.Quranichealing.com web sites and writes articles for these sites. He writes articles and content for several magazines and websites.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pediatric asthma treatment tip: Is it really that dangerous? Can an effective asthma treatment tip help?

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What might our children pay 20 years from now after the full side effects of asthma drugs are known?

Curing pediatric asthma with time bombs.

When you discover that your child is suffering from asthma your doctor will undoubtedly reach for the prescription book. If he is a particularly good doctor he might hand you a couple of leaflets on how best to cope during your child's asthma attack. What he probably won't do is mention the possible side effects of all the drugs your child is going to start taking. And taking. And taking.

Do you really want your kids to have go through this day after day? Isn't there a better way? There is. Pediatric asthma does not have to begin and end with drugs. Drugs which could cause more harm in the longer term than good.

Let's start with what young junior is going to have to take. He'll probably have two inhalers. One called a 'reliever' and another called a 'preventer'. In the reliever you'll find usually one or several types of Bronchodilator. These types of drug work to increase the diameter of the airways. Don't you just love natural remedies? Ok, ready for the bad news?

Here are some of the possible side effects: nausea, actual vomiting, feeling restless and nervous, and finding it impossible to sleep. Depending on the Bronchodilator that your child takes, they could also suffer from headaches, irregular heat beats, diarrhea, depression and leg cramps. The preventers don't have those problems. They are normally made up of Corticosteroids. Which are worse.

Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs and people have died while switching from oral medication to inhaled medication. Other things to watch out for are mood swings (just what you need in a teenager), coughing, weight gain, muscle weakness, cataracts and osteoporosis. The options available in pediatric asthma are few and far between but they do exist. Would you like to take care of your kid's asthma without drugs?

I did. For years I had to blindly submit to the whims (and down-right boredom) of several doctors. Then I came across a new form of not just living with asthma but beating it too. Many people are now taking advantage of this drug-free method, especially children, who don't have the bodies developed enough to cater for all these drugs.

Pediatric asthma need not be one drug after the next and hoping for the best. Doctors may say that the drugs are safe, but have they done twenty years of tests on them? Do they know what effects these drugs will have on our children's children? Do you want to take the risk, however small?

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Asthma Treatment & Asthma Prevention

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More than 17 million people in the US alone suffer from asthma, a serious lung ailment, resulting in 5,000 asthma deaths a year. Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which is generally triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods. Asthma drugs, which are traditionally used to control asthma symptoms can have very serious side effects, plus they are also quite expensive. For a detailed list of asthma drugs and their known side effects see:


Fortunately there are alternative asthma treatments which are quite effective, relatively inexpensive compared to drugs and best of all they are without negative side effects. However, it is best to prevent the development of asthma in the first place.

Asthma Prevention - Measures You Can Take to Prevent the Devlopment of Asthma

Doctors and researchers agree that the single most important thing that parents can do to prevent their child from developing asthma in the first place is to eliminate or significantly reduce dust mite allergens or asthma triggers in the home.

"Clinical studies have revealed that avoidance of dust mite allergens in early childhood can prevent the onset of asthma..." Michael LeNoir Md

Dust mite allergens are known to play a major role in it's development. Researchers have determined that other important allergens (after dust mites) that also need to be eliminated from the home are cats, certain types of mold, dogs, cockroaches and tobacco smoke. It is a popular misconception that children will "outgrow" asthma. It is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness that should be taken seriously. Long term use of steroid drugs is not recommended by doctors and has serious side effects. Making these preventative environmental changes is a much more viable, healthy and preferable alternative. If you or your child are already suffering from asthma or allergies these measures will certainly help.

What are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic insects and live in bedding, pillows, mattresses, blankets, upholstery, carpets etc. They thrive particularly in humid climates. They live off of dead skin cells and produce an allergen from their excrement, which is inhaled.

All Homes Contain Dust Mites No Matter How Clean They Are. Studies have shown that dust mite allergens in the home must be reduced to at least 2mcg/g dust or mite populations decreased to 100/g dust to have any significant benefit. There are several things that can be done to accomplish this.

What Can Be Done To Eliminate or Reduce Dust Mites? Researchers have found through numerous studies that these are the most effective measures: Changing the relative humidity and temperature of the home:

-Keeping relative humidity less than 50% is proven to greatly reduce the dust mite population. (Portable dehumidifiers were not shown to significantly reduce humidity).

-Mechanical ventilation with a heat recovery unit has proved to be the most effective to reduce humidity in the home.

-Using air cleaners that have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which will also eliminate other allergens such as pollen and animal dander.

-Cleaning using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and steam cleaning rugs and upholstery regularly.

-Washing all bedding in hot water (60 degrees C, 130 degrees F) on a weekly basis is known to kill dust mites. Drying bedding in a hot dryer.

-Dry cleaning quilts and blankets weekly will also kill dust mites.

-Placing plastic casings specifically made for dust mite control on pillows and mattresses.

-Chemicals used on carpets and upholstery which are known to kill dust mites include benzyl benzoate, permethrin, pirimiphos methyl, phenyl salicylate, tannic acid, common household disinfectants, combinations of these, and insect growth regulators. (please note: some chemicals can also trigger asthma and allergy reactions, therefore research them carefully before using).

Susan Millar is a researcher and ex-asthma and allergy sufferer, providing people suffering from asthma with free asthma prevention resources. To download your free Asthma Prevention Report in pdf format,visit http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/asthma-prevention.htm

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What Every Parent Should Know - Simple Ways New Parents Can Significantly Reduce Their Baby's Risk of Developing Asthma and Allergies

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Childhood asthma and allergies have been on a steady increase worldwide, in the US alone there are more than 6 million children with asthma under the age of 18. Asthma drugs have potentially serious side effects and are not the optimal solution to asthma, particularly for children. During the last 15 years, there has been an alarming 160% increase in the rate of asthma in children under 5, sadly many of these children could have been prevented from ever developing asthma. The good news is you can do something to safeguard your child's health by taking a few simple measures in your own home.

According to experts, the major causes are home air pollutants with house dust mites being the worst, next to cockroaches and secondhand tobacco smoke. Although dust mites and the feces they produce are found in vast numbers in every home, don't despair: drastically reducing the population of these microscopic, spider-like insects is easily done by washing bedding in hot water weekly. Next, using zippered, plastic covers on pillows and mattresses will keep them from coming back. Since dust mites thrive in moist or humid conditions, it's important to lower your home's humidity level to less than 50% with a dehumidifier. Carpets, upholstered furniture, all dust and dust collecting objects should be removed from your baby's bedroom. It's also a good idea to keep pets out of your baby's bedroom, as pet dander is also a very common allergy and asthma trigger.

Cockroaches thrive in moist environments, so to discourage them from invading your home, be sure to fix all leaky pipes and plug up any holes in walls or near plumping. Since they love to feed off crumbs, food droppings or open food containers, keeping food in sealed containers and maintaining a clean kitchen will discourage them from taking up residence. Beware of using pesticides as they can trigger an asthma attack.

Secondhand smoke during pregnancy and after pregnancy should be avoided completely. If family members smoke, have them do it outside and don't let visitors smoke in your home. For women smokers who are planning a pregnancy, making an effort to quit smoking for the sake of their future baby's health is a wise choice. If your town or city has poor air quality, then you should invest in a HEPA air purifier to keep air born pollution to a minimum inside your home.

Food allergies in infants and children can be life threatening and are also known to contribute to the development of asthma. Delaying the introduction of potentially allergenic foods to your baby is a good preventative strategy. Mothers who breastfed for at least 4 to 6 months can benefit their babies with stronger immune systems too. If breastfeeding is not possible, then avoid feeding your child milk or soy based formulas, instead use partially pre-digested protein hydrolysate formulas.

It's best to feed your baby solid foods only after they are six months old, then vegetables, rice, meat, and fruit can be introduced to their diets. Trying each food one at a time makes it easier to identify and eliminate any foods that cause a reaction. When your baby reaches one year old, milk, wheat, corn, citrus and soy may be added. Wait until they are two years of age to serve them eggs. Next, when your child is 3 years old you can introduce fish and peanuts.

Taking these preventative measures will help ensure your baby a healthy childhood free from allergies and asthma. For more asthma prevention information visit: http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/asthma-prevention.htmSusan Millar is a former asthma and allergy sufferer. She is a researcher and the author of "The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report", based on extensive research from internationally respected medical publications about genuinely effective alternative treatment for asthma & allergies, which helped her to eliminate her asthma and allergies. http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Every Parent Should Know-Simple Ways New Parents Can Significantly Reduce Their Baby?s Risk of Developing Asthma and Allergies

Breath FREE and Enjoy and Active Life Without DRUGS CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE




 Childhood asthma and allergies have been on a steady increase worldwide, in the US alone there are more than 6 million children with asthma under the age of 18. Asthma drugs have potentially serious side effects and are not the optimal solution to asthma, particularly for children. During the last 15 years, there has been an alarming 160% increase in the rate of asthma in children under 5, sadly many of these children could have been prevented from ever developing asthma. The good news is you can do something to safeguard your child?s health by taking a few simple measures in your own home.

According to experts, the major causes are home air pollutants with house dust mites being the worst, next to cockroaches and secondhand tobacco smoke. Although dust mites and the feces they produce are found in vast numbers in every home, don?t despair: drastically reducing the population of these microscopic, spider-like insects is easily done by washing bedding in hot water weekly. Next, using zippered, plastic covers on pillows and mattresses will keep them from coming back. Since dust mites thrive in moist or humid conditions, it?s important to lower your home?s humidity level to less than 50% with a dehumidifier. Carpets, upholstered furniture, all dust and dust collecting objects should be removed from your baby?s bedroom. It?s also a good idea to keep pets out of your baby?s bedroom, as pet dander is also a very common allergy and asthma trigger.

Cockroaches thrive in moist environments, so to discourage them from invading your home, be sure to fix all leaky pipes and plug up any holes in walls or near plumping. Since they love to feed off crumbs, food droppings or open food containers, keeping food in sealed containers and maintaining a clean kitchen will discourage them from taking up residence. Beware of using pesticides as they can trigger an asthma attack.

Secondhand smoke during pregnancy and after pregnancy should be avoided completely. If family members smoke, have them do it outside and don?t let visitors smoke in your home. For women smokers who are planning a pregnancy, making an effort to quit smoking for the sake of their future baby?s health is a wise choice. If your town or city has poor air quality, then you should invest in a HEPA air purifier to keep air born pollution to a minimum inside your home.

Food allergies in infants and children can be life threatening and are also known to contribute to the development of asthma. Delaying the introduction of potentially allergenic foods to your baby is a good preventative strategy. Mothers who breastfed for at least 4 to 6 months can benefit their babies with stronger immune systems too. If breastfeeding is not possible, then avoid feeding your child milk or soy based formulas, instead use partially pre-digested protein hydrolysate formulas.

It?s best to feed your baby solid foods only after they are six months old, then vegetables, rice, meat, and fruit can be introduced to their diets. Trying each food one at a time makes it easier to identify and eliminate any foods that cause a reaction. When your baby reaches one year old, milk, wheat, corn, citrus and soy may be added. Wait until they are two years of age to serve them eggs. Next, when your child is 3 years old you can introduce fish and peanuts.

Taking these preventative measures will help ensure your baby a healthy childhood free from allergies and asthma.

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Is Your Child's Beloved Pet the Cause of an Asthma Attack?

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Measures You Can Take to Prevent or Minimize Asthma Attacks Caused by Pets.

That cute little kitten or lovable dog that your child (or partner) can't live without could be making them very sick. Sadly, as much as we love them, cats and dogs are often major asthma triggers for asthma sufferers and can send some to the emergency room. Contrary to what many people believe, it is the dander (dry flakes of skin), not the hair of the animal that actually is the cause of the problem. Your pet's dander is shed continuously, but it is so small that it's difficult to see. The dander is easily airborne and sticks readily to fibers- therefore it goes everywhere and gets on just about everything. If you have rugs and your pet comes inside the house, they are certainly full of it, so is your furniture and beds if they are allowed on them. If you cuddle or play with your pet, it's all over your clothing too. However, this doesn't mean that you have to get rid of Fido or Garfield.

There are a number of alternatives that you can take. Steam cleaning rugs and furniture in your home will help to remove the dander. Using a HEPA vacuum cleaner is also good. If possible, getting rid of rugs is the best solution. Make sure your pet stays out of the asthma sufferer's bedroom. Wash all bedding, floors and walls to remove the dander. Then use a HEPA air purifier at night in the bedroom with the door closed.

Take your pet to the groomer for a shampoo once a week or have a family member wash your pet outside to ensure that the dander level is kept as low as possible. Long haired pets should get clipped shorter. If your pet loves to show their appreciation by licking, this should be discouraged since their saliva will contain dander as well as proteins, which are also an asthma trigger for many asthma sufferers.

If you don't have a pet but your friends or relatives do, even a short visit to their home can cause problems for an asthma sufferer, especially children who can't resist playing with them. When you get home, get your child to take a shower and wash their clothing too to remove the dander.

Living with your beloved pet can be comfortable and symptom free when taking all of these measures. However, if your situation is more serious and your pet still makes you sick, then you may want to try a natural asthma treatment.

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Among all allergic and respiratory-related diseases, asthma makes up the majority. Asthma is perhaps one of the leading causes of respiratory illness among children and young adults although this condition may progress a lifetime.

While it is considered an allergy, asthma is so prevalent (especially among children) that it deserves to be addressed in its own chapter.

Proper care and health maintenance is essential to warding off the debilitating repercussions of exposure to irritants which could trigger all the symptoms underlying such disease.

The following information provides you with all of the basic need-to-know information about asthma, its exact nature, progression of the disease and current medical treatment in place to treat the symptoms manifested by patients.

What exactly is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by difficulty of breathing, wheezing, coughing, and increased mucus production during recurrent attacks. These same symptoms can cause death in some cases depending on the severity of the amount of allergens involved and antihistamine molecules produced by the body enough to block the airways for the transportation of air to the lungs.

Around 7 to 10% of children experience the condition and current statistics shows an increasing number of sufferers. Asthma does not seem to be an inherited disease since a family member, who apparently do not have relatives exhibiting the symptoms of the disease, can be infected anytime should he or she is exposed to environmental factors triggering the onset of the disease.

People with this medical condition have a very sensitive bronchial pathway. Presence of molecules or particles recognized by the body as foreign can set a huge allergic attack characteristic of the condition described above.

From a medical point of view, asthma is a type of allergy. Allergy is defined as a change in the body's biological activity due to the presence of one or more types of allergens (substance promoting the symptoms of allergy.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans are suffering from allergy and currently 20 million individuals, comprising the wide-range of America's population experiences the symptoms of asthma.

Causes of Asthma

Causes of asthma can be in the form of dust, certain chemicals, scents, and various odors. Other trigger factors may be in the form of temperature. Cold or hot air can provoke allergic reactions to patients sensitive to them. In any case, allergic reactions are specific to individuals and not all individuals suffering from allergy responds universally to all types allergens.

Particularly interesting clients are the ones allergic to some forms of physical activity like exercise. In the same manner, emotional state is one factor for some individuals in order for the characteristic asthma symptoms to set in.

Among all these influential agents, smoke has been found to occupy the universally recognized trigger attacks for patients with asthma especially for children. At least 8 out of 10 children are more prone to developing asthmatic conditions once exposed to these agents.

Perhaps, as society becomes industrialized and increased fume emissions accelerates, more and more people will develop symptoms characteristic of this disease. Ken Cheong contributes to two health websites, http://www.quick-pain-relief.com and http://www.health-wellness-care.com. You will find more free health and wellness articles in these websites.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

When Having Sex Triggers An Asthma Attack- You Don't Have to Live Like a Monk If You Suffer From Asthma

Breath FREE and Enjoy and Active Life Without DRUGS CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE




Sex can be a wonderful expression of love between two people, sadly, however for some asthma sufferers all that heavy breathing can actually trigger an asthma attack by drying out the airways. Fortunately, there is a solution that will make you and your partner happy.

Exercise induced asthma is quite common and the general consensus is to avoid those activities that trigger it, but avoiding love-making can certainly put a strain on any relationship.

There are several things that you can do ensure an active love life:

Since the bedroom is often where love-making actives take place, you will need to ensure that dust mites (a major asthma trigger, which live in your bedding and rugs) are reduced as much as possible to help eliminate your asthma symptoms. (see the free Asthma Prevention Report for details)

Moist, warm air prevents the airways from becoming dry, so using a good humidifier in the bedroom/home will help those who live in a dry climate.

Next, if you are out of shape, you will need to increase your fitness level gradually by activities such as yoga, walking, cycling and swimming. Those allergic to chlorine should find a warm lake or sea to swim in. Continuous running can trigger asthma, so team sports that require short bursts of running are far better. Avoiding temperature changes is also important: cold air entering the lungs at a rapid rate will dry out the airways and cause an asthma attack. Working out in the gym is a good alternative to exercising outdoors in cold weather.

When you have strengthened your lungs through exercise and applied the simple preventative measures in the bedroom, you are much more likely to enjoy lovemaking without threat of an asthma attack.

? Susan Millar - http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com

Susan Millar is a former asthma and allergy sufferer. She is a researcher and the author of "The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report", based on extensive research from internationally respected medical publications about genuinely effective alternative treatment for asthma & allergies, which helped her to eliminate her asthma and allergies. This book has helped many other sufferers worldwide to do the same. http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Asthma and Altitude

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 Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways.

During an asthma attack, the airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constructing, causing increased resistance to airflow, and obstructing the flow of the air passages to and from the lungs.

It is possible that people with asthma are more likely to be affected by altitude sickness.

However, fit, healthy people with well-controlled asthma should have no problems coping with high altitudes provided that they ascend slowly and recognise and accept their limitations, adjusting their medicine if need be.

In freezing conditions, pressurised inhalers may not work properly. They should be warmed (e.g. in the hands) before use.

In addition, the conditions are high altitudes are often dry and cold, and these conditions tend to exacerbate and trigger asthma. People whose asthma is triggered by cold conditions might find that high altitudes are a problem, as the air temperature usually decreases at higher altitudes.

Also, climbing can be a very strenuous exercise and this may trigger exercise-induced asthma in some people.
However, people whose asthma is triggered by house-dust mites may find that their asthma improves, as the house-dust mite cannot survive at altitudes higher than 'the snow line'.

People with asthma who fly directly into a place that is at high altitude will not have time to acclimatise and may experience problems. This should be discussed with a doctor so that the altitude reached by aircraft should not pose problems for people with asthma.

The best thing to do is to discuss your trip with your doctor several weeks in advance of your departure. This will allow time to work out a personal asthma action plan for the trip. This might involve increasing your preventer treatment for several weeks before the trip to give the airways extra protection, or measuring peak flow while away to determine how altitude is affecting your lung function, or even simple things like ensuring that you have enough medication and backup medication.

Asthma and Altitude: Conclusion

It is possible that people with asthma are more likely to be affected by altitude sickness.

It is also possible that asthma can become worse with altitude, especially if people ascend too quickly or ignore their limitations.

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Childhood Asthma: Its Crucial to get the right Diagnosis.

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Why a separate title ?Childhood asthma?? First, the majority of asthma cases begin in childhood, making it the number one chronic pediatric illness. Second, asthma is more of a syndrome than a disease that affects adults and children differently. General physicians often fail to diagnose it in early stages and in variant forms resulting, in mismanagement, indiscriminate use of antibiotics, antitussives, and antihistamines, etc, that further complicate and prolong the illness.

Third, although many management approaches are similar, there are significant differences in diagnosis and drug handling in the case of children. It is extremely unwise to consider them as mini-adults and half or reduce the dosage of medicine.

In fact, drug doses are calculated based on the surface area of the child, the maturity of renal, liver and other metabolic systems to handle the load.

Finally, the interaction between the physician and the patient?s parents is the crucial factor. It is often this relationship - the human factor on which the success or failure of treatment plan hinges. This is certainly true of all chronic illnesses but is especially true in properly managing the child with asthma and the family dynamics that result from such a disease.

The treatment of each child should be individualized and requires treating the patient, the parents and the environment. Despite the antiquated health care provider attitude that ?doctor knows best?, many parents are well informed through books, Internet, etc, and are keen to participate in treatment decisions. Nevertheless, clinicians have wisdom from years of experience and scientific knowledge from in-depth study. These must be used for developing a partnership approach to treat the child and the family.

The definition of asthma has changed. The emphasis should be on treatment of underlying pathology that produces symptoms rather than just the treatment of symptoms. Despite the frequency with which it occurs (5 to 22 per cent), childhood asthma is unfortunately not diagnosed correctly or soon enough. There is a tendency to relate the symptoms of asthma to infectious processes and mistreat the child with antibiotics.

There are many reasons for this; the main being that childhood asthma manifests differently than the case in adults and needs specially trained pediatricians to deal with it so that there is no delay. The majority of asthma cases occur before two years of age despite the fact that this is the time when attention to a child?s care and environment is at its highest. Proper treatment at such an early age may have a great impact on the outcome of treatment. Inflammation, if left untreated early, may result in irreversible changes.

It cannot be overemphasized that on examination asthmatic children may have typical fancies and many peculiarities, but may not have typical features, which are found in adults. Therefore, they deserve specific attention by trained doctors. There are millions of children who have yet to receive the benefit of correct diagnosis and treatment. They are losing their childhood. Let us not make children ?Therapeutic Orphans? due to our follies or gains.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Luteolin And Oxazolone

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Does Diet Causes Asthma?

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 Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system, where the airways get obstructed due to muscle spasm and swelling within the airways which may be with or without secretions. Ayurvedic texts have it that wrong and unsuitable diet and subsequent digestive impurities are a potent cause for respiratory allergy leading to asthma. A combination of other allergic or non-allergic factors, including air pollution, vagaries of the weather, emotional stress and heredity predispositions, can also be responsible for the genesis of asthma in susceptible persons.

In recent years a number of scientific studies have come to the conclusion that certain foods and nutrients exacerbate asthmatic inflammation and bronchial hyperactivity while others reduce such pathology and promote easier breathing. Due to the advanced and effective emergency management of asthma available these days its reasons are often overlooked. But it is a fact that an asthmatic attack in the case of young patients is mostly precipitated by wrong food.

According to ayurveda, asthmatic reactions to food can vary widely as both the whole and the processed foods are known to precipitate such attack. Diet, the chemicals added to food items these days and individual susceptibility supported by seasonal discrepancies and other environmental factors are found to set off allergic reactions in the body. It is widely documented that several commonly used food items like milk, yoghurt, ice-cream and other dairy products cause coughing and wheezing in many asthmatics.

Any unsuitable food can lead to a respiratory spasm, or cause irritation or inflammation that will then overreact with environmental triggers like virus, pollens, smoke and dust. Apart from any ordinary fruit and vegetable, this may include even common foods like cereals such as wheat, rice and maize, poultry products and bakery items or eatables made of yeast.

Many modern foods consumed occasionally or as part of our daily diet have preservatives, flavors and colors which are considered as potential prompters of respiratory or other allergies.

It is seen that in some patients even an attack of hyperacidity sets into motion an episode of asthma. This factor highlights the ayurvedic dictum of maintenance of post- digestive purity also. Asthmatics are advised to choose a food that suits their digestion in perfect order. It is better to scan one?s diet and evolve a food plan carefully as many times the reactions occur hours after a particular food has been eaten.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

When Having Sex Triggers An Asthma Attack

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 You Don't Have to Live Like a Monk If You Suffer From Asthma

Sex can be a wonderful expression of love between two people, sadly, however for some asthma sufferers all that heavy breathing can actually trigger an asthma attack by drying out the airways.

Exercise induced asthma is quite common and the general consensus is to avoid those activities that trigger it, but avoiding love-making can certainly put a strain on any relationship. Fortunately, there is a solution that will make you and your partner happy.

There are several things that you can do ensure an active love life:

Since the bedroom is often where love-making actives take place, you will need to ensure that dust mites (a major asthma trigger, which live in your bedding and rugs) are reduced as much as possible.

Moist, warm air prevents the airways from becoming dry, so using a good humidifier in the bedroom/home will help those who live in a dry climate.

Next, if you are out of shape, you will need to increase your fitness level gradually by activities such as yoga, walking, cycling and swimming. Those allergic to chlorine should find a warm lake or sea to swim in. Continuous running can trigger asthma, so team sports that require short bursts of running are far better. Avoiding temperature changes is also important: cold air entering the lungs at a rapid rate will dry out the airways and cause an asthma attack. Working out in gym is a good alternative to exercising outdoors in cold weather.

When you have strengthened your lungs through exercise and applied the simple preventative measures in the bedroom, you are much more likely to enjoy lovemaking without threat of an asthma attack.

? Susan Millar - http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Asthma Treatment, Asthma Symptoms and Asthma Prevention

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More than 17 million people in the US alone suffer from asthma, a serious lung ailment, resulting in 5,000 asthma deaths a year. Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which is generally triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods.

During an asthma attack the walls of the lungs become inflamed and the mucus membranes fill with fluid and thick, sticky mucus making it difficult to breathe. Asthma symptoms can include a scratchy throat, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and a tight feeling in the chest. An asthma attack can be mild, moderate or severe and lasting for a few minutes, hours, or even several days.

Knowing when to get emergency help for a severe attack can save your life. If you are experiencing the following, you should seek immediate medical attention:

-your medication does not control your symptoms

-you have extreme difficulty breathing, talking and walking,

-your fingernails or lips are turning blue,

-your chest feels tight and your ribs are pulled inward as you breathe,

-your nostrils flare when you breathe

(References: Adams Francis V. The Asthma Source Book 1998; American Academy of Family Physicians)

Unfortunately, many widely prescribed asthma drugs can have serious and even fatal side effects. Salmeterol, the medication used in Advair and Serevent appeared to trigger fatal attacks in some users. Additional side effects of these drugs are: liver dysfunction and damage, increased heart rate, blood pressure, heart beat irregularities, chest pain tremor, nervousness, worsening of bronchiospasm (life-threatening), allergic reactions: skin rash, hives, swelling, bronchiospasm, and anaphylaxis (life-threatening), worsening of diabetes and lowering of potassium, potentially fatal heart complications.

For an extensive list of asthma drugs side effects please see: http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/asthma-drug-side-effects.htm

Asthma Prevention

Doctors and researchers agree that the single most important thing that parents can do to prevent their child from developing asthma in the first place is to eliminate or significantly reduce dust mite allergens or asthma triggers in the home.

"Clinical studies have revealed that avoidance of dust mite allergens in early childhood can prevent the onset of asthma..." Michael LeNoir Md

Dust mite allergens are known to play a major role in it's development. Researchers have determined that other important allergens (after dust mites) that also need to be eliminated from the home are cats, certain types of mold, dogs, cockroaches and tobacco smoke. It is a popular misconception that children will "outgrow" asthma. It is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness that should be taken seriously. Long term use of steroid drugs is not recommended by doctors and has serious side effects. Making these preventative environmental changes is a much more viable, healthy and preferable alternative. If you or your child are already suffering from asthma or allergies these measures will certainly help.

Asthma Treatment

Susan Millar is a researcher and ex-asthma and allergy sufferer, providing people suffering from asthma with free asthma prevention resources. To download your free Asthma Prevention Report in pdf format, please visit: http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/asthma-prevention.htm Please visit her website and blogs for more asthma information: http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/

Asthma Treatment

Asthma Symptom

Allergy Asthma


Susan Millar is a researcher and ex-asthma and allergy sufferer, providing people suffering from asthma with free asthma prevention resources. To download your free Asthma Prevention Report in pdf format, please visit:http://www.dramatic-asthma-relief.com/asthma-prevention.htm Please visit her website and blogs for more asthma information:

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Asthma Types and Its Symptoms

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Asthma can happen to anybody. Asthma starts at all ages. If Asthma is detected in childhood, that is between the ages of two to six, it is mainly due to the exposure to allergens, pollens, smoke and dust particles or mites.

It is very difficult to diagnose whether the child has asthma or not. In many cases, the child shows symptoms which resemble the onset of asthma, but when observed carefully, the child does not get asthma. Adults may also get asthma. The main reason behind getting asthma in adults is respiratory tract infection.

There are two types of asthma.

1. Extrinsic
2. Intrinsic

Extrinsic asthma is the most common type of asthma seen in asthma patients. Extrinsic asthma develops due to allergies and allergens. Extrinsic asthma develops during childhood, since children are most susceptible to allergies. Most allergies in children are due to hay fever, eczema or family history of allergies.

These allergies disappear as the child grows up and so does asthma, but they may reappear in later stages of life. Intrinsic type of asthma occurs mostly in women who are in their 30s. It is not associated with allergies and intrinsic type of asthma is more chronic and perennial.

The cause of intrinsic asthma can be traced to respiratory tract infections. Asthma also has categorizations based on the intensity of the disease
Asthma can be mild, moderate and severe Mild asthma is found in 30% of the patients.

Patients with mild asthma do not have frequent attacks and can be cured or minimized with some precautions in dietary habits and lifestyle and a periodic checkup. These sorts of people do not need attention at all times and are self-supporting in case of an attack.

There is almost an equal percentage of people who have moderate asthma. These patients have moderately mild attacks and have the attacks more frequently.
Proper medication and precautions must be taken to help the patient remain healthy.

Severe asthma patients require urgent medical attention, as the attacks are frequent and severe. The symptoms of Asthma are almost the same in all cases.

The intensity and the frequency of such attacks increase. Asthma is definitely curable and the frequency of attacks can be minimized with proper support and precautions.

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