Herbal Asthma Treatment

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Asthma, the Buteyko method 3

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To begin the Buteyko method, you first need to learn to breathe through your nose. This is important because:

1/ the nose has smaller holes than your mouth (less oxygen getting in!); and

2/ your nose has filters and a temperature regulator in it (helping those with

temperature induced asthma!).

If you constantly have a blocked nose (many asthmatics do) then an easy way to unblock it is:

1/ Breathe out completely

2/ Hold your nose (blocking your nostrils) and close your mouth - do not inhale

3/ Relish in the "lack of oxygen" feeling that comes over you - don't fight it -

it is natural

4/ When your body figures out it is not getting oxygen, it will automatically

begin unblocking your nostrils. You will feel a little 'pop' in each nostril

5/ Once your nostrils pop, release your nose and inhale VERY SLOWLY. If you

inhale too fast your body will assume it has oxygen again and block you up

Step 5 is the most difficult. Just relax and know that even though you are inhaling slowly (I know you just want to gasp) you will eventually inhale the right amount of air. Continue taking deep slow breaths until you can breathe slowly and comfortably through your nose. See next week for how to apply the initial Buteyko techniques in your life in preparation for ridding your life from asthma.


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