Herbal Asthma Treatment

Monday, March 31, 2008

What Do We Know About Asthma And Asthma Types?

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Asthma is a respiratory disease which can attack absolutely anyone ? infant, child, adult or senior. The mechanism of a healthy respiratory system is that when faced with any problem, the air sacs (or the alveoli) in the lungs first constrict to obstruct the bad air from getting in, and then expand to expel the already inhaled traces of pollution. In this way, the lungs handle the problem and protect the lungs.

What Happens When Asthma Attacks?

The same mechanism is triggered off in asthmatic patients as well. The difference however, comes at the phase when the lungs constrict to stop the entry of the irritant air. While in the healthy person the air sacs immediately expand, to expel the culprit, in the asthmatic person, the air sacs constrict further, giving the person respiratory distress signals such as breathlessness and gasping for breath symptoms.

There is quite a lot of information on asthma and asthma types all over the internet. Those who want to learn more in depth about both asthma and asthma types can browse and find all they want to know. Basically, there are two main types of asthma, i.e. extrinsic and intrinsic.

The extrinsic asthma is what most people are suffering from. As you will find from the asthma and asthma types information, this type of asthma is usually triggered by allergens. This type of asthma starts usually in the childhood and continues into adulthood. The most common triggers for this asthma are eczemas, hay fever and allergies that are handed down through the family medical history.

As the child grows up into his teens, this asthma will disappear. In some cases, it will re-appear when the child becomes an adult. There are cases however; there will be no reoccurrence at later stages of life.

It does not matter what asthma and asthma types information you look up, you find it confirmed everywhere that people who have asthma can lead perfectly normal lives without being hindered in any way about this disease. They have to extremely careful however, that they avoid any and all types of things that trigger the onslaught of asthma. As long as there are no immediate triggers, the patient will have absolutely no problems.

As per the asthma and asthma types information from the web, you will observe that the intrinsic asthma is on the other hand caused by respiratory infection mostly and require fast and constant medical supervision.

Dr. April Davall is SEO of AsthmaFact, her goal is to give you good and latest information and facts about asthma. Large site, free info, from Warning Signs to Adult Asthma (asthema).

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The Truth About Exercise Induced Asthma

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It has long been thought that exercise induced asthma and allergy induced asthma were two different varieties altogether. Recent research has shed new light on this, however.

Exercise induced asthma is a shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing brought on by physical exertion. This is caused by inflammation of the lungs and the bronchial tissue which in turn can be caused by an allergic reaction to something. The inflammation can then trigger muscle spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchial tube, making it even harder to catch your breath.

Even people who show no sign of asthma normally can trigger it through exercise. This could be due to changes in breathing patterns during exercise or it could be because people who suffer from exercise induced asthma are frequently more sensitive to atmospheric changes.

The rapid breathing that comes with exercise, which is often shallower as well, can lead to more allergens being inhaled as well as less time for the air to warm up when it is breathed in. When resting, we generally breathe through our nose which will warm up the air before it gets to the lungs.

Because most people breathe through their mouths while exercising, the air doesn't have the same chance to warm up and the cool, drier air can be more of an irritation.

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to minimize the chance of an asthma attack due to exercise.

Firstly, if you use a bronchodilator inhaler, use it about 15 minutes prior to exercise. This will help to relax the muscles surrounding your bronchial tubes, lessening the chance of them being irritated by changes in your breathing pattern.

Spend extra time warming up before exercising. By preparing your body for the changes in breathing you can often avoid an asthma attack entirely. In a similar vein, take the time to cool down once your exercise session is complete.

Don't exercise outside during colder weather or if you must, wear a scarf or mask over your nose and mouth. This will help to trap the warm air near your mouth and nose which will in turn help to warm the colder outside air as you inhale it.

Also avoid outdoor exercise during pollen season or when the air quality is poor. When these are combined with the changes in breathing patterns during exercise, it's very likely to trigger an asthma attack.

Jackson Sperry writes about asthma treatments, asthma symptoms and asthma supplies for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful asthma information, visit http://www.asthmaexplained.net

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fighting Asthma - Know Your Options And Treatments.

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Asthma treatments come in many shapes and forms. People who suffer from the breathing disorder have quite a few options to consider. Doctors can prescribe a number of medications that prove to be successful in reducing the symptoms associated with the frightening suffering. However, the options diminish when the person looking for treatment is pregnant.

One of the most exciting times in a woman?s life is when she is expecting a baby. The mother goes through a lot of emotional and physical changes during this time in her life. Some of the physical changes are unexpected and uncomfortable. A woman can find herself sleepless, irritable and sick.

Having breathing problems on top of all of the other symptoms of pregnancy can really be a burden. Finding appropriate asthma treatments that can be administered during pregnancy can put the woman?s mind at ease. However, finding asthma treatments is not always so easy especially if you are pregnant.

Asthma is quite common in the United States and other countries around the world. Anyone who has suffered an asthma attack knows the symptoms. An exacerbation, or attack, involves coughing wheezing and the frightening feeling of being unable to get any air. Some describe an exacerbation as go down in air. Asthma treatments are developed to improve the symptoms associated with
the attack.

Unfortunately, the developing baby in the womb takes in oxygen through his mother?s breathing. If the mother isn?t getting any air, neither is the fetus. The baby is dependant on the mother?s breathing to get the appropriate supply of oxygen he needs to survive. When a woman has an exacerbation, the baby is at risk for not getting enough oxygen. This can be very dangerous to the developing fetus.

Many women who used asthma treatments that involved medication before they became pregnant often stop the asthma treatments. Women with the breathing disorder are afraid that the medicine will have an difficult effect on the baby. However, it is best to consult a physician before quitting the medication completely.

Your doctor needs to know the details about your condition and he needs to know if you choose to quit asthma treatments. You could be putting the baby at greater risk by quitting the medication because a severe attack will do more harm to the fetus than the medicine can. The more severe the exacerbation,
the more dangerous it is for the baby. suddenly stopping asthma treatments can do more harm than good.

John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, fitness and other related information

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Dealing With The Side Effects Of Asthma Medication

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Asthma medication can make a big difference for people who suffer from asthma, but there are some side effects associated with them. And unfortunately, many people stop taking their medication when these side effects occur, which can lead to increased risk of an asthma attack.

The side effects vary, depending on the medication in question, and their severity also varies. It can range from mild jitteriness to more severe effects. The following are some of the most common medications as well as their associated side effects.


Most doctors prescribe bronchodilators as a type of "rescue" inhaler. They help to relax the muscles surrounding the airways, making it easier to breathe quickly. They don't treat the underlying asthma inflammation, however. The technical term for these types of treatments is "beta2 agonists."

The side effects of bronchodilators are normally minor, if any occur at all, but if they are used more often than recommended, they can cause problems. These problems can include an irregular or increased heart rate.

Oral Corticosteroids

Oral steroids are generally prescribed for acute asthma, when the symptoms are particularly severe. They work by reducing the inflammation in the lungs, along the bronchioles.

Because there are a number of associated side effects, this type of medication is normally used for short-term asthma management. In certain cases - if a patient doesn't respond to other forms of treatment - these may be prescribed for longer term treatment.

Common side effects of oral steroid medications include the following:

- insomnia
- mood swings
- thinning skin
- increased hair growth

If you experience any of the following side-effects you should contact your doctor right away:

- itching and/or hives
- breathing problems
- headache
- eye pain
- stomach pain
- pain or swelling in the lower legs
- sudden weight gain
- vision problems

Inhaled Steroids

The side effects of inhaled steroid medications are much less severe than those associated with oral steroid medications. Because the side effects are much less common and because of the effectiveness of these medications, they are often prescribed to manage asthma attacks.

One of the only common side effects of this type of medication is oral yeast infections.

Regardless of the type of medication you are using to manage asthma, if you have any unusual symptoms appear you should consult with your doctor to ensure that your treatment plan is not causing further problems.

Jackson Sperry writes about natural remedies for asthma and other related topics on the Asthma Explained website. Read more at http://www.asthmaexplained.net

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How To Live With Adult Asthma With A Good Management Plan

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Learning to live with adult asthma is a daily routine for millions of people worldwide but do you know, it doesn't haven't to interfere with your quality of life. There is no cure for asthma. Avoiding certain triggers can be tricky at times but it does not have to be impossible.

Identifying Asthma Triggers

By knowing what triggers an adult asthma attack, sufferers usually go to great lengths to avoid them. In extreme cases, some have even moved away from a particular area because of the effects of pollen or industrial pollution. Here is a shortlist of common adult asthma triggers:

- Animal hair, particularly cats and dogs
- House dust and dust mites
- Pollen
- Household mold such as the type that can gather in bathrooms and kitchens
- Cold air or extreme areas of cold, wet, dry or hot
- Illnesses such as colds and flus
- Air pollution including industrial and cigarette smoke

That is just a shortlist so if you are a non asthmatic and you are reading this you are probably thinking there are not too many places on this planet adult asthma sufferers can retreat to, to avoid triggers. You're right but avoiding asthma attack is all about good management practices.

Adult Asthma Management

A visit to your health physician for the sole purpose of completing a checklist with him/her is part of the asthma management process. Why would you visit your health physician as an adult asthma sufferer when you know you have asthma? If you suffer from frequent episodes then obviously something is triggering these attacks. Completing a checklist, will in all probability identify an area or object that may be responsible.

Adult Asthma Checklist Triggers

It's important not to leave "any stone unturned" when going over your checklist. Here are possible points to bring up in your discussion:

- Do you have pets? Do you find your symptoms are worse when you are around them? Next time you are away from your home for any length of time try to recognize if your symptoms improve.

- Do certain times of the year cause you more distress than others. For example, is winter a bad time for symptoms or do you find spring time when there is more pollen in the air causes your symptoms to worsen.

- Are there any areas in your house you go to that seem to worsen your asthma symptoms? Do you have a damp basement or does visiting the bathroom for any length of time bring on symptoms?

- Do your symptoms worsen by simply walking through your garden or is there a particular variety of plant that seems to always be a factor when determining what brought on any form of adult asthma attack you may have suffered.

A shortlist such as the one listed is only a guide. Yours will be more comprehensive and remember not to leave out anything. Your doctor can then discuss and assess these points and help come up with a adult asthma management plan to help suit your lifestyle.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Can you minimize the incidence of adult asthma attacks? Get the latest news and views on asthma at http://www.asthmainfoline.com

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Asthma Medication

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Asthma asthma treatment asthma symptom allergy asthma asthma medication asthma in child asthma inhalers asthma attack asthma child bronchial asthma bronchitis asthma asthma doctor cause of asthma asthma information asthma medicine childhood asthma asthma symptom in child exercise induced asthma prednisone asthma asthma cure allergy asthma family guide home house killing asthma attack treatment asthma specialist asthma attack natural asthma sign and symptom asthma inhaler asthma trigger type of asthma asthma pathophysiology picture of lung with asthma asthma picture asthma home remedy

Asthma management natural asthma remedy adult asthma asthma relief natural asthma treatment asthma exercise skin asthma cough variant asthma feline asthma sign of asthma natural cure for asthma pediatric asthma asthma and pregnancy dog asthma asthma control allergy and asthma associate asthma remedy kid with asthma singular for asthma asthma scholarship asthma action plan adult onset asthma cat asthma asthma food allergy asthma and allergy clinic steroid for asthma arthritis asthma bronchitis chronic condition diabetes disease emphysema healthy heart life living management others self aspirin and asthma asthma and acid reflux asthma cough asthma attack symptom asthma fact asthma therapy

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The Link Between Asthma And Coughing

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One of the common symptoms of asthma is coughing, particularly during the night. It generally doesn't have the typical wheeziness most coughs product, however. This night cough has a particularly negative effect because it can affect the sleep of both the asthma sufferer and anyone else in the house.

This cough is often the first sign of asthma in children, so if their cough continues for any length of time it's best to let their doctor know. It's also often a warning sign that asthma is either getting worse or is not being controlled properly.

If someone who is asthmatic develops a persistent cough it is paramount that they follow their prescribed asthma treatment. These treatments - usually inhalers - contain medication that will usually relieve their cough.

It's important to understand that coughing is a symptom of asthma - not the condition itself. The underlying cause of the coughing needs to be addressed in order to eliminate the problem.

If any of the following symptoms accompany your cough, it's important that you consult with your doctor as soon as possible:

- Fever and/or sweating
- Whooping cough or croup
- Coughing up discolored phlegm
- Sudden weight loss
- Chest pain
- Swelling and pain in the calves
- Recurring night-time cough
- Shortness of breath and/or wheezing

Treating asthma that is characterized by coughing spells is no different than any other symptoms. Inhaled corticosteroids are generally the most helpful, with inhaled beta2-agonists also helping.

If the symptoms of asthma are particularly severe, oral corticosteroids are often used as an initial treatment, followed by the inhaled version.

Jackson Sperry writes about asthma symptoms, asthma and childhood and other related topics on the Asthma Explained website. Read more at http://www.asthmaexplained.net

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Asthma in Infants

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The person who is learning the Buteyko method takes control of their breathing and by reduction of the use of their deep breathing muscles reduces the depth of their breathing until a desire for a deeper breath is felt. This indicates that a higher level of CO2 is being trapped in, so in a short time avoiding the conditions associated with CO2 deficiency.

For you to apply the Buteyko Method in infants it is necessary to recognize the ways in which your breathing can be affected indirectly. This simply means that you must recognize what makes your breathing deeper,and avoid it where possible. Once you have followed how this applies to adults then you simply apply it to babies.

1. Keeping your mouth closed.

This is the first step for all people learning to apply the method. It is active in the sense that you control the separation of your lips, but the way that this alters your breathing is passive. You simply close your mouth and the increase in CO2 levels happens to you. [Providing that you do not become stressed and increase your breathing depth, still with your mouth closed. This may be a factor if you suffer from panic attacks.] In most cases people who have been used to breathing through the mouth will feel a little suffocated or feel the desire for a deep breath within a minute or two of having their mouth closed.

This feeling is an indication that you have trapped in a little more CO2 than you are used to, and your normal response to this is for your body to believe it should get rid of some of this extra CO2. This is the reason for the desire for a deeper breath. After a time your body becomes used to the higher level of CO2 that keeping your mouth closed causes. Once used to this level the desire for a deeper breath [or feeling of slight suffocation] disappears. At this point keeping your mouth closed feels absolutely normal, and breathing through your mouth will feel a little odd.

The application of this wisdom to infants requires a little lateral thinking as it is unusual for a baby to actually do what you tell it. The simplest approach is the use of a 'dummy' or 'pacifier'. While these do allow a little mouth breathing they reduce it greatly. Try it yourself.

There are lots of discussions about these devices and the problems that people have associated with them. Crooked teeth, thumb-sucking habits, and so on.

If you were to be given the choice of a baby who was A. Miserable with asthma and associated problems, or B. Much healthier but uses a 'dummy' and who may (and this is not proven at all) develop teeth problems.

Which would you choose? It is not a difficult choice at all. The dummy can help!

So, the first step in improving your babies breathing is to encourage nasal breathing. The dummy is part of this, other parts include simply pushing your babies lips together. This can be done at anytime, and done automatically by you even if the child is asleep. Some Native American Indian tribes did this as part of their culture, it was simply a normal part of the mothers job. [I do not know if the father also participated]

2. The other positive aspect of infants is that they will copy you almost exactly Do not under-estimate their ability to absorb information from around them.

This includes you! You are examined regularly ? so what you do with your breathing is very important. If you wander around like a 'complete wally' with your mouth hanging open then your baby is likely to copy you.

An excellent example of this is watching how toddlers learn to sneeze. You already are aware of the wonderful variation we see in different peoples sneezes. Some have a powerful and loud explosions that are preceded by a series of warning noises such as 'AHHHH, AHHHH' or AHHHHH' ending with a violent 'CCHOO!!' Others have something like a mouse shriek which is like a gentle and brief 'zthco' often causing people to turn around to see what that odd noise was.

If you follow a powerful sneezer home and observe how his [more pronounced in the male] toddler sneezes guess what you will find. The child will have learned without being officially told that appropriate way to deal with a nose tickle is loud, violent and irrigating method that dad does, or whichever person the baby has learned from.

Another excellent example of this is how to blow your nose. Study the nose blowing method of a child whose modelled parent is from the 'enraged elephant school'. I have even seen parents coaching toddlers in power blowing or something that almost guarantees continuing demand for handkerchiefs and tissues.

3. The next part of helping your asthmatic child is to look carefully at what and how much you are feeding him or her You will have heard of the impact of dairy food on people in general.

You may have heard that dairy food is 'mucus-forming'. This implies that the food itself causes the formation of mucus, but you now know that the food simply causes a change in the depth of breathing which then causes the production of mucus. [The increased depth of breathing causes you to lose a little more CO2, which causes your 'mucus factories' to increase production!]

Different people have different levels of response to different foods. Some people can eat a whole bucket of double chocolate icecream, and have almost no change. Others can observe mucus after one teaspoon. With others it might be strawberries, or oranges.

Your child is an individual, but has similar genes to you. Look at the sensitivities of both parents and grandparents when looking at your child's diet. Find all of the clues you can about how your entire family handles their food. Quiz your parents by asking what you were fed, and if you had any problems. It is amazing what people remember about their own babies!

Once you have gathered as much information as you can then begin to observe what happens to your baby after meals PAY ATTENTION AND MAKE NOTES!

If you find that coughing is more common after any particular food ? replace it or reduce the quantity. Realize that a huge meal of anything can make your [and your baby's] breathing much worse. [This is apart from any effect of any individual food.] If your meal is too big your breathing will suffer! Try it. Measure your breathing using the Measurement Pause, then stuff yourself until you are past full.

After each 30 minutes measure it again. Look for mucus formation, drowsiness, and irritability. See if your ability to think clearly is reduced. Unless you are breast-feeding your child [which limits the total amount of food he gets], then it is worthwhile reducing the size of each bottle. A childs stomach is quite small ? and too much of any food will soon overfill it. Like you, your child can take a little time to realize it is full and naturally keeps sucking away at the bottle until it is overfull. Just like breast feeding is the best for babies and toddlers in small meals often.

The other challenge here is to not confuse hunger with thirst. Not every bottle has to be milk or formula. We all need water. When you give your baby [or yourself] water it should be filtered. If you do not have a high quality filter, then at least boil the water, and let it sit. This not only ensures it is free of nasty bugs ? but as importantly gets rid of the chlorine. And it will taste much better than tap water.

Apart from experimenting with the size of each meal/snack you give your child, you must also look at the timing of each meal. Think about what happens to adult asthmatics if you have a large meal, followed then by having a good sleep.

Both of these factors increase your breathing depth by themselves.

This impact is much greater when you do both. This is very important so let's go over it again.

A large meal will increase your breathing depth, causing loss of CO2, increase in mucus production and greater likelihood of breathing problems. Similarly, lying down, [especially if you lie on your back] will increase your breathing depth. Test this for yourself right now.

A good slouch will do for demonstration. Right now slouch right back in your chair, just like you were watching TV. Without consciously altering your breathing, note how long each breath takes, how easy or hard it is to breath in and out. Do this for about a minute.

Then compare your breathing when you sit up straight. A good model is the following. Sit forward on the edge of your chair, as if it were a bench edge. Imagine that your spine is like a broomstick, and that your body is like a jacket. Your shoulders [the shoulders of the jacket] will drop down towards the floor, not forward or back ? but down. The lapels of the jacket [your chest] will also just hang, not pushed in or out. The belly of the jacket will also just hang. Now check to see that your spine is still a little like a broomstick again. And relax.

Now observe your breathing again. Note to see how long each breath takes, how easy or hard it is to breathe, whether your breathing is nice and regular or erratic. Do this for a minute or two.

You could see the difference. Slouching made your breathing become much deeper. This effect is even further enhanced when you lie down completely. If you lie on your back your breathing can become massive ? unless you are awake to control it. Lying on your side or front simply makes it physically more difficult to take as deep a breath. It is interesting that sitting or standing up straight results in your breathing become less deep. For all of these years we have been told to stand up straight and breathe more deeply!

If you allow yourself to go from the nice straight sitting position to the slouched position ? what is the first thing that happens to your breathing? You find yourself taking a nice lovely big deep breath! Ahh. Let's apply this to your baby. Large meals increase their breathing depth. Sleeping [worse on back] increases breathing depth. You want your child to cough then give a large meal then put them down for their big sleep!

This is traditionally done because the big meal makes them drowsy, [the huge dose of insulin released does it], and therefore easier to put to sleep. If your child is getting asthma ? then you have to forego this shortcut.

Give the larger meal well before bedtime, and then a smaller snack before bed. If you are using milk or formula, then use a small bottle at bedtime or give water or [unsweetened] juice at that time.

In effect this usually means breaking the larger before bed feeding into two smaller feedings. Just like when breastfeeding. This same rule also applies to adults that have either a very small meal before going to bed or nothing at all.

What food is best for your baby? Breast milk is best. Sometimes this is not possible or always available so mostly you will use or supplement with milk [cows] or some kind of 'formula'. If you are having problems or at least your baby is with coughing or wheezing, then you need to experiment.

Many children are lactose intolerant which means that cows milk will not allow them to thrive, and will adversely affect their breathing.

As a general rule if your child has problems go off cow's milk and other dairy. Substitute non-dairy formula or soy or goats milk. Experiment! Try different things for a week or so, making notes of coughing, wheezing and runny noses.

For more information on the Butekyo Method. If you are looking for music to help you meditate and control your asthma Meditation Music

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Understanding - And Living With - Allergic Asthma

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For those who suffer from asthma, every day can be unpredictable and frightening. An asthma attack ? resulting from a common disease that affects the respiratory system ? can render its victims unable to take a single breath. The result can mean a lifetime dependant on medication ? such as respiratory inhalers ? and a quest to discover the specific elements that trigger an attack.

No one asthma sufferer is the same. But the unifying theme of the disease is its definition. Asthma is defined as a chronic irritation of the airway, causing swelling and constriction and, ultimately, hindering breathing function. Treatment can return the airway ? and breathing ? to normal.

There are two types of asthma ? allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma. Allergic asthma often surfaces in childhood and is the most common type of asthma. While non-allergic asthma can affect sufferers year round, allergic asthma can sometimes be triggered by seasonal allergens, resulting in seasonal attacks.

Allergic asthma at least offers it sufferers a first line of defense. If they are able to pinpoint those allergens that trigger an attack then they can avoid them. And thus avoid frightening and dangerous attacks.

Allergy tests are required to diagnose allergic asthma. Medical professionals will administer injections that contain specific allergens and wait to see if there is a reaction. If an injection results in redness and/or swelling then the patient is considered allergic to that specific component.

Those who suffer from allergic asthma will have to remain vigilant in avoiding their specific triggers. For those who find that animal dander is the culprit, the ownership ? or even the company ? of animals will have to be avoided. For others, for whom seasonal elements are the trigger ? pollen in spring or ragweed in summer -they may have to limit their outdoor activities during that specific season. For someone for whom dust is the enemy, conscientious upkeep of their home to keep dust to a minimum can pay off in extended health and comfort.

While it can seem an inconvenience to address all the possible offenders, for those who suffer with allergic asthma, it is a small price to pay to ward off an attack. Most will gladly go far out of their way to avoid the elements that trigger their asthma.

Allergic asthma can be frightening but it doesn?t have to control your life. With proactive medical supervision and careful planning, allergens can be avoided and allergic asthma attacks can become few and far between.

For easy to understand, in depth information about asthma visit our ezGuide 2 Asthma

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Home Remedies For Asthma Sufferers

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There are a number of home remedies for asthma - some more effective than others. There are many "old wives tales" that have been handed down over the years, and many of these are really not effective at all. The best home remedy for asthma is one that everyone with asthma should practice - environmental control.

By environmental control, we are talking about controlling things in your home that will help to avoid asthma attacks. Historically, asthma treatments have dealt with the symptoms of an attack, after the attack has already started. The only preventative measure that was offered for many years was "avoid exercising and getting short of breath".

Over the last several years, much more has been learned about the causes and effects of asthma and it's now realized that asthma doesn't just sit dormant waiting for a flare-up. It is more like diabetes - a chronic condition that can be affected by your lifestyle and environment.

Because certain things in your home can trigger as asthma attack, one of the primary keys to avoiding it is to control your home's environment. So forget about inhaling crushed garlic or drinking onion tea - try some of these home remedies that actually work:

1. Avoid smoking or letting anyone else smoke in your home. Cigarette smoke is one of the most common irritants that causes asthma attacks.

2. Don't burn fires in wood fireplaces or stoves - the smoke from the fire can also irritate.

3. Watch what you spray in the air. Things like air fresheners, perfumes and cleaning products can get into the lungs and trigger asthma attacks.

4. Keep your home as dust-free as possible. Dust mites are one of the most common irritants for asthma sufferers. And this doesn't just mean dusting regularly, it also means avoiding things that can cause dust to accumulate:

- Use polyester filled comforters and pillows
- Wash all bedding in HOT water (130 degrees plus) weekly
- Cover your mattresses and pillows with covers that are mite-proof
- Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which traps dust mites and other allergens. Many vacuum cleaners simply blow them back out after picking them up.

5. Avoid mold build-up, again one of the most common asthma triggers:

- Wipe down the bathroom and laundry room with bleach weekly
- Avoid humidifiers as they can encourage mold growth
- Use a fan or improve the ventilation in bathrooms to decrease moisture

Jackson Sperry writes about asthma symptoms and other related topics on the Asthma Explained website. Read more at http://www.asthmaexplained.net

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Alternative Asthma Medicine: Does It Work Or Not?

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Asthma can be an easy disease to live with, except for the sudden attacks that can occur. During these attacks, people who suffer from asthma can experience moments of breathlessness and sometimes tend to panic. In order to prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant moments, it is important that you follow your doctor's indications and always keep the inhaler with the necessary medication close to you. You can even try alternative asthma medicines: you will find them to be quite effective sometimes.

Those alternative remedies for asthma have the disadvantage that the FDA does not approve them and your regular doctor will certainly not prescribe them. Why? Because since these alternative medicines for asthma were not included in any medical research, they can affect our health in a negative manner, so being careful to what you try is the best advice we can give you.

The greatest disadvantage of alternative asthma remedies is that they are not applying to any person who suffers from asthma. Some of those persons respond well at this kind of treatment, while others do not respond at all or worse, they encounter disturbing secondary effects for their health.

It is said that the acupuncture can relieve the tension in the breathing of asthmatic persons. The people who have tried it say that it can work miracles on your breathing, making it easier. If you choose the acupuncture though, make sure you go at a professional practitioner, who can assure you with properly sterilized needles, in order to avoid infections of your skin.

Some other people tried hypnosis. It is a popular alternative remedy for asthma and it can be beneficial for a certain category of patients, while for others it might not be recommended.

You can also choose to go to have a chiropractic treatment. It involves a specific treatment, which includes the manipulation of the spinal chord, and trying to heal the body from the inside. For the daring ones, a modern laser treatment can bring an immediate relief. Some people don't think about possible scars or infections of the scars resulted from this particular treatment and proceed with the intervention. The laser will be used to diminish swallowed tissues and the instant relief can be satisfying, if we don't think at post-operator eventual complications.

Meditation combined with complicated physical positions of the body has proven their effectiveness in winning the battle with asthma. Yoga probationers say that if you practice those moves daily, you can observe real improvement of your health, and on a long term, it can even cure asthma with this popular and efficient kind of treatment.

But no remedy is a good one if you don't know and avoid the causing elements and allergens of asthma. If you are aware of the things that can cause you an asthma attack and avoid them as much as you can, you can live normally and enjoy every minute of your life without even feeling that you have a disease.

The effectiveness of alternative medicines for asthma is different from one person to another. It is influenced by how advanced the disease is, how well the person who has asthma supports the treatment and how long the alternative medicine for asthma lasts. That is why the best way to obtain the relief of your breath is the proper combination between these alternative methods and the medication prescribed by your doctor.

You can learn much more about Asthma Control by visiting the Asthma Symptom Site which provides comprehensive and up to date help and advice on all Asthma issues. Clive thoroughly recommends this site so make sure you check it out today here =>http://www.asthmasymptomonline.com

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Fighting Asthma - Know Your Options And Treatments

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Asthma treatments come in many shapes and forms. People who suffer from the breathing disorder have quite a few options to consider. Doctors can prescribe a number of medications that prove to be successful in reducing the symptoms associated with the frightening suffering. However, the options diminish when the person looking for treatment is pregnant.

One of the most exciting times in a woman?s life is when she is expecting a baby. The mother goes through a lot of emotional and physical changes during this time in her life. Some of the physical changes are unexpected and uncomfortable. A woman can find herself sleepless, irritable and sick.

Having breathing problems on top of all of the other symptoms of pregnancy can really be a burden. Finding appropriate asthma treatments that can be administered during pregnancy can put the woman?s mind at ease. However, finding asthma treatments is not always so easy especially if you are pregnant.

Asthma is quite common in the United States and other countries around the world. Anyone who has suffered an asthma attack knows the symptoms. An exacerbation, or attack, involves coughing wheezing and the frightening feeling of being unable to get any air. Some describe an exacerbation as go down in air. Asthma treatments are developed to improve the symptoms associated with the attack.

Unfortunately, the developing baby in the womb takes in oxygen through his mother?s breathing. If the mother isn?t getting any air, neither is the fetus. The baby is dependant on the mother?s breathing to get the appropriate supply of oxygen he needs to survive. When a woman has an exacerbation, the baby is at risk for not getting enough oxygen. This can be very dangerous to the developing fetus.

Many women who used asthma treatments that involved medication before they became pregnant often stop the asthma treatments. Women with the breathing disorder are afraid that the medicine will have an difficult effect on the baby. However, it is best to consult a physician before quitting the medication completely.

Your doctor needs to know the details about your condition and he needs to know if you choose to quit asthma treatments. You could be putting the baby at greater risk by quitting the medication because a severe attack will do more harm to the fetus than the medicine can. The more severe the exacerbation, the more dangerous it is for the baby. suddenly stopping asthma treatments can do more harm than good.

John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, fitness and other related information

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10 Ways To Manage Asthma

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Your doctor can offer treatments and suggestions for managing asthma, but there are plenty of things you can do yourself as well. A doctor can prescribe medication to help, but prevention is really the best medicine.

Because asthma can be triggered by so many things, there are lots of ways you can decrease the chances of an attack. The following are 10 of the easiest ways:

1. Follow your doctor's orders. This kind of goes without saying, but do what your doctor tells you. Don't stop taking medication if you're feeling better, follow it according to the doctor's recommendations. If he has you taking daily peak flow measurements, make sure you follow those instructions carefully.

2. Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke is one of the most common triggers for asthma, so if you smoke, quit. This should be the case whether it's you that suffers from asthma or someone else in your household - second hand smoke is bad too.

3. Keep your house as dust-free as possible - dust is another one of the common triggers. Use a cylinder vacuum rather than an upright - preferably one that has a sealed canister to stop dust from escaping back into the air.

4. If possible, remove any carpets and heavy draperies from the house. They catch dust and are breeding grounds for dust mites. If they can't be removed, make sure they get vacuumed regularly (again with a cylinder vacuum).

5. Avoid down and feather pillows or comforters and cover your mattress with plastic. Pillows and mattresses can also harbor dust mites, as can stuffed animals and other "soft" items.

6. Use a scarf to cover your nose and mouth in colder weather. Cold air is another common trigger for asthma.

7. If allergens trigger your asthma, keep track of the outside air quality every day. Avoid fields and wooded areas during pollen season and take extra care on days when the air quality is particularly bad.

8. Mold is another common asthma trigger. Dry wet laundry right away and wash and disinfect showers and bathrooms regularly, to help minimize the chance of mold growth.

9. Pet dander is another common trigger for many people. If you have pets, be sure to keep them out of the bedroom and main living areas to minimize the exposure to dander.

10. Avoid any foods, drinks or other items that may cause allergic reactions.

Jackson Sperry writes about various forms of asthma relief and other related topics on the Asthma Explained website. Read more at http://www.asthmaexplained.net

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Demystifying Asthma - Causes and Symptoms

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Asthma has become a very prevalent chronic disease these days. However, there is still a lot of misinformation and myth surrounding it. I'd like to take some time now to clear up some of the erroneous information that is circulating out there and help us all begin our study of asthma on the same page.

One question I keep running into is this: What does an asthma attack feel like? After doing a lot research and finding explanation after explanation I finally heard the perfect description. Asthma feels like a fish out of water. Now use your imagination a little and you'll be able to identify with both the terror and physical pain associated with asthma attacks.

Another fact that I have run into a lot while researching this topic is that no matter how long you have had asthma or how many asthma attacks you have had you never get used to the attacks. That is also a big issue to understand. Usually when you experience something over and over again you may not be able to stop it however you do become better at dealing with it.

Due to it's magnitude you probably know one or more people who have asthma today. Despite the new treatments that are out -- the incidence of asthma is growing. However there are still myths and misconceptions about this chronic disease. Let' begin by getting to the real information.

Asthma is now the most common chronic disease in children as it affects 1 in 15 of them today. A total of 5% of adults in North America have asthma as well. That works out to about 1 million in Canada and 15 million in the United States.

An asthma fact worth noting is there are about 5,000 deaths annually in the United States from asthma and about 500 deaths annually in Canada. Over the last 20 years the rate of new asthma sufferers has risen by 30%. Even with the new advances in treatment the deaths of young people from asthma has doubled.

Asthma affects breathing by narrowing the airways which interferes with the normal movement of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma only involves the bronchial tubes and not the air sacs or the lung tissue itself. The narrowing that is caused by asthma is caused by three factors: inflammation, bronchospasm and hyper-reactivity. The combination of these three things is what causes the difficulty in exhaling.

As a result the person with asthma has to forcefully push the air out of their lungs which then causes the wheezing sound. Some people with asthma begin to cough to try to expel the thick mucus plugs.

Asthma may be caused by many different triggers and each person can be triggered by a different substance. Once a person who is suffering with asthma discovers their own triggers they are better able to manage their condition and alleviate some of their attacks.

Another important asthma fact is that 80% of children and 50% of adults who have asthma also have allergies.

Remember today asthma is treatable especially if the individual can identify their own personal triggers. With this knowledge you can assist those you know with asthma to live a better life with less attacks.

Now with the most current information you can understand how this chronic disease can be truly be managed. From this point on you will have a better understanding of just what people you know or meet that have asthma are truly going through.

Owen Walcher is a freelance writer, writing helpful articles about topics such as Asthma. You can find an alternate version of this Asthma Triggers article here. asthma.helpfularticle.info

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Best Way To Deal With A Asthma Attack

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Asthma is a common lung disease that affects both children and adults. The disease causes the airways of the lungs to become narrowed or even blocked, making breathing very difficult. Close to 20 million Americans are affected by asthma.

Generally, asthma is divided into two categories, allergic and non-allergic. Allergic asthma or extrinsic asthma is triggered by an allergic reaction to something. The allergic reaction is partially treatable with the right medicine. Nearly 50% of Americans suffering from asthma have allergic asthma. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. Triggers include dust mites, pollen, mold and other inhaled allergens.

Things like cold air, anxiety, stress and exercise bring on non-allergic or intrinsic asthma. Symptoms of non-allergic asthma are very similar to allergic asthma. Again, the airway is obstructed and inflammation occurs and is partially treatable. The immune system is not affected by non-allergic asthma.

There are many myths surrounding asthma. Therefore, it is important to know the facts about asthma. Asthma is not curable but rather treatable.

The first step in dealing with asthma attacks is to be properly diagnosed by a doctor. Once you have been formally diagnosed with asthma, your doctor will find a treatment regimen that works best for you.

Although there are hundreds of asthma medications on the market, there are two basic categories. There are controller medicines, ones that are used to manage the symptoms and quick relief medicines, ones that are used when an asthma attack occurs.

With a few simple steps, you can control your asthma. First, get away from what is triggering the asthma attack. Whether it is pollen, mold, dust mites or smoke, try to get away from it. Next, judge how severe the attack is. Sometimes you might be able to judge the attack solely on how you feel. But a more accurate assessment is to measure your exhales on a peak flow meter.

After you have assessed the severity of the attack, try to suppress the inflammation. You will need to treat the constricted muscles and the overproduction of mucus. For a severe attack, you may need a prescription steroid.

Be sure to know when to call for help. Asthma attacks that are severe can be very dangerous. If after taking the first few steps, you don't feel better, seek help from your doctor or call 911.

SUMMARY: There are many myths surrounding asthma. However, if you know the truth about asthma, it can help save your life and make living with it a lot easier.

Nigel Martin writes for Asthma Informer a website packed with advice about asthma

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Five Ways To Lessen The Risk Of Asthma Exercise

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If you are an asthma sufferer and a fitness nut, then you'll realise that exercise can be a dangerous thing if you don't take the proper precautions. Being a little prudent before undertaking any form of exercise is vitally important and in most cases, depending on the severity of your asthma, undertaking exercise should only be considered under a doctor's advice.

By being a little vigilant, there is no reason why you cannot include exercise as part of your daily routine. Let's examine some steps you can perform during and after any strenuous activity.

Performing Safe Exercise

1. It doesn't matter what type of activity you undertake, if you are an asthma sufferer then a warm-up is vital. It's good practice to spend at least 10 minutes warming up so your body will gradually get attuned to the exercise to follow. Rushing in and working out without any warm-up could lead to a rush of adrenaline and shortness of breath.

2. Your exercise routine should also be performed slowly. Slowly means keeping your heart rate at a safe level. Monitoring your heart rate is advisable and keeping it to below 150 beats a minute will normally keep you in the safety zone. It's easy to become complacent during exercise and remember, exercise induced asthma will not usually surface until after your routine has been completed.

3. Using inhaled medication before you begin a routine can be helpful as this helps keep your airways open. I recently observed a professional footballer during a play-off game in Australia using his inhaler before the start of a match and during the half time break.

4. Swimming is considered an excellent asthma exercise. Slow laps of a pool will get you into a nice rhythm but again, doing a warm-up before diving into the water.

5. While warming up is important so is cooling down. There are a number of cooling down exercises you can perform this acts by moderating the air but more importantly, cooling your body down naturally.

Other Danger Signs

Heavily pollenated areas are not a good exercise option for sufferers. Add the prospect of a warm climate then extreme caution is needed. At the other end of the scale, cold air is a known trigger which should be avoided. In colder climates, exercising indoors is a preferred option but there are instances where breathing through a mask has proved effective.

Asthma sufferers in the main, should avoid extremely strenuous exercise. There are exceptions to the rule but in those instances, you'll find they are usually professional sportspersons or very close to it. Asthma can be fatal without proper management. Don't get hung up on the fact that asthma exercise can be a risk. Sure it's a risk but with proper management, it can be kept under control and there is no reason why exercise shouldn't be part of a sufferer's life.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Reviews and tips on minimizing asthma attack along with asthma news and views at:http://www.asthmainfoline.com

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Allergies - Living With Asthma

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More and more children in developed countries suffer from asthma. In fact many doctors consider asthma to be a new epidemic. More than 10 million Americans suffer from asthma and most of them blame the condition on worsening environmental pollution and increased exposure to toxic chemicals in the air. Deaths from asthma continue to rise at an alarming rate largely because many people do not recognize the warning signs in time.

Asthma is a condition that causes the lung airways to swell, secrete thick mucus and eventually spasm. The swelling narrows the airways and makes breathing difficult and sometimes impossible. The first asthma attack can include wheezing (a sign that the airways are already constricted), congestion or pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dryness of mouth, coughing and a feverish feeling.

Almost anything can cause asthma. The most common triggers are an allergy, respiratory infection, emotional stress, strenuous exercise, or nutritional deficiency. Allergies tend to be the most common trigger off them all. Most asthma attacks follow exposure to environmental allergens like pesticides, pollen, cigarette smoke, natural gas odors and car exhaust. Foods that most likely trigger asthma are chocolate, peanuts, corn and dairy products. Waxes, artificial smoke, emulsifiers, thickeners, sulfites and artificial sweeteners in food are also more subtle asthma triggers. Asthma is also prompted by taking tranquilizers, hormones, or antibiotics.

You can take a number of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements to help treat asthma. Vitamin B complex is probably the most important supplement to take. It is necessary for maintaining biochemical balance in the body and can reduce the frequency and severity of an asthma attack. Vitamins A and E worked together to protect lungs against air pollution. A large dose of vitamin C, preferably 500 mg three times daily, is effective in preventing exercise-induced asthma attacks. Gingko biloba enhances breathing and lessens sensitive bronchial reactivity. 400 mg of magnesium taken daily helps the lung muscles relax. Omega-3 can improve breathing, while selenium protects against free radical damage inside the lungs. Odorless garlic is a strong anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce the possibility of an attack. And Indian herb called tylophora asthmatica is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine that blocks the release of histamines and other inflammatories. Licorice root taken three times a day also loosens phlegm once an attack has begun.

If you suspect that you have asthma, go to your physician and asked to be tested for food and environmental allergies as soon as possible. Avoid allergens known to trigger asthma attacks and eat a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. Try to avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners and other refined carbohydrates. Try to eat five or six small meals throughout the day rather than three traditional large meals. Make sure you warm up slowly before beginning all physical exercise. Minimize stress and avoid situations that trigger emotional disturbance. Use aspirin sparingly if you must. It would even be better if you would eliminate aspirin entirely from your regular medication because aspirin has been shown to trigger asthma attacks. Your physician will prescribe a bronchodilator that you can bring around in case you have a sudden asthma attack. If you don't have it with you while you have an attack, drink two cups of coffee quickly. Coffee acts in the same way and usually provides enough protection for you to go to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Allergies

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Rise of Allergies and Asthma

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It is estimated that over half of Americans between the ages of 6 and 59 would test positive to one or more allergens. It is believed about one quarter of these people would be allergic to dust mites, ragweed or cockroaches. Surveys have shown that about ten million Americans are allergic to cats. Two million are allergic to insect stings. According to The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic (i.e. long-term) disease.

The problem is not confined to the U.S. It is estimated that between forty and fifty per cent of children in North America, Western Europe and Australia have some form of allergy. Why is this a problem if you have asthma? The World Health Organization believes 90 per cent of asthma attacks are triggered by allergic reactions.

An allergy starts with the body?s increased sensitivity to something it perceives as a threat. The immune system overreacts to an allergen that for others is an innocent, harmless substance. We don?t know why some people become sensitized to an allergen and others do not, but it is believed that people inherit a tendency for allergies, although not to a specific substance.

Some experts believe the sensitivity is related to a child?s environment and lifestyle. They point to the increasing sales of antibacterial sprays and other cleaning agents. Today?s homes are generally cleaner. Children spend more time in the home and less time playing outside in the dirt. Consequently they are less exposed to potential allergens and denied the chance to develop immunity. This is believed to lead to allergic sensitization.

Studies have shown that children in a large family or who attend a daycare center are less likely to develop allergies. It has also been found that children who share their home with dogs and cats have less allergic reactions than those raised in a pet free household.

Pollen is a common allergy and asthma trigger. When these tiny particles enter the airways of someone sensitive to their presence proteins on the surface of the pollen and an enzyme also carried by the pollen cause an overreaction. The protein triggers the immune system and the enzyme interacts with the cells of the airways. This inflames the respiratory passages and leads to breathing difficulties.

Understanding this process may lead to new, more effective medications, but what can you do in the meantime? Firstly know the pollen count for your area. However be aware that the pollen count is usually taken the day before it is broadcast. It can be reduced by rain or cool weather, and increased by hot weather or short thunderstorms.

There are some easy preventative actions you can take for each type of allergy. If you have an allergic reaction during yard work and in damp places dispose of anything that smells moldy; if pets start a reaction regularly wash pets and their bedding; many allergies will improve if you do not smoke, especially at home and around your children.

If you find you have a food allergy vigilance is the best prescription. Today you can encounter food substances in the most unexpected places. There was a classic school experiment that involved burning a peanut and measuring how much energy it gave out. Now pupils burn another type of food. Some pupils discovered they were allergic to peanuts the hard way as the oils in the nut gave off fumes.

Now there is another food to treat with caution. Sesame seed allergy is one of the fastest growing allergies in the world. And don?t think you will only find the seed resting atop a bun. They are used in salad dressings, ethnic foods, baked goods and even soap.

So what can you do if you suspect you have an allergy or you may be asthmatic? First, become educated about the condition. Experts agree that knowledge is the best prescription.

Do some research. Consult your doctor. They may recommend tests to determine any allergies you have. If an allergy or asthma is identified there are medications, precautions and complementary therapies you can use to control your condition.

Above all do not believe that a diagnosis of allergy or asthma means you have to live a less active, enjoyable life. Our understanding of these conditions is incomplete, but we know enough to allow sufferers to take control.

David Kane is the author of ?Stop Asthma Now? and is giving away copies of his ?Guide to Allergy and Asthma Relief?. To get your copy visit the Stop Asthma Now - Asthma Relief eBook site while the offer lasts.

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Asthma Attack - Learn About What Happens When It Occurs

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When asthma strikes, it is usually due to a constriction in the air passageways, which disallows a person to breathe normally and even produce a wheezing sound in severe cases. The main factors that cause the airways to become narrowed and blocked during an asthma attack include a constriction of the muscles surrounding the air tubes, an inflammation and swelling of the lining of the air tubes, and an increase in mucus production, which clogs the air tubes.

Twitchy Airways

The air tube is made up of several layers. On the outside of the air tube there is muscle which, by tightening and relaxing, controls the size of the opening of the air tube (the space through which air must pass). The muscle works by reflex, and is guided by the same portions of the nervous system that control reflexes, like involuntary blinking.

We have little conscious control over the tightening and relaxing of these muscles. Everyone's airways have the potential for constricting in response to irritant, such as cigarette smoke, perfume, or newsprint. In the asthma patient the airways are overreactive and have been described as 'twitchy'.

The overreactive asthma airway responds not just to allergens (like cat dander and ragweed) but also to other factors, like viral infections, barometric pressure changes, exercise, and cold air. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airways tighten, causing airway narrowing.

Asthma is not a problem limited to muscular constriction of the airways. An equally important problem is the inflammation of the lining of the airways. Inflammation can be understood by describing what happens when you scrape your knee. The scraped area becomes swollen and oozes with a fluid that contains many kinds of cells, some of which help to fight infection.

However, this fluid also contributes to the swelling. In asthma, the innermost lining of the airways is filled with cells and fluid that, as with the scraped knee, are a product of the inflammatory response. These cells and the associated swelling contribute to the obstruction of the airways in asthma attacks. Steroids, the medication most often utilized for difficult to manage flares of asthma, help to reduce inflammation in the airways.

Mucus Plugs

Mucus, which normally lubricates the airways to allow air to flow smoothly, increases in amount during asthma attacks and serves as a sticky plug to clog the airways, especially the smaller ones. All asthma patients are aware of the sensation of trying to cough up mucus. Often, they feel that if they could clear their airways by coughing up a sufficient amount of mucus, their asthma symptoms would subside.

But frequently there is so much mucus that even if one mucus plug is brought up, the same sensation and symptoms persists. It is important to seek your doctor's advice early on if you are unable to clear mucus plugging your airways, since neglected mucus plugging often prolongs asthma attacks.

In addition, when the plugs are allowed to linger they can become a source of infection. For this reason, an antibiotic is often prescribed for patients who are slow to respond to treatment during an asthma attack.

Asthma attacks at varying time intervals. The attacks can be as brief as several minutes or as lengthy as hours or days. Between attacks, there may be symptom-free intervals when it is impossible to tell an asthma patient from someone who does not have it.

A breathing test called spitometry, which is used to determine whether a person has asthma, may be normal in an asthma patient during an asthma-free attack. Nevertheless, spirometry is an important clue for determining whether a patient has asthma and should be part of the doctor's evaluation.

Charles Amith reveals a FREE $27 eReport...For The First Time Ever... * Barely Known Secrets * That The Drug Industry Has Been Hiding That Can End The Pain and Suffering Caused By Allergies and Asthma Attacks!" http://AllergyandAsthmaTreatment.com

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Symptoms of Asthma - Learn How To Read The Signs Before The Unexpected Happens

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An asthmatic attack is one of the most striking medical emergencies. In an asthmatic attack, there is contstriction or a tightening or the bronchial wall muscle, and a secretion of mucus, often with plugging of small air tubes, as well as inflammation and swelling of the bronchial lining. The frequency, duration and severity of the asthmatic attack and its symptoms vary markedly from patient to patient.

Symptoms and Signs of An Asthma Attack

Although there are differences from patient to patient, the asthma attack is typically characterized by shortness of breath and wheezing. Cough and mucus production may be prominent symptoms.

In some patients, wheezing may not occur and a cough may be the dominant symptom. The patient demonstrates a rapid rate of breathing, often with heaving of the chest and use of neck muscles to assist each breath. During an attack, the patient is totally disabled. Even speech may be impossible due to severe breathlessness.

The patient may be totally consumed by the effort to breathe and become unable to eat or dress. The patient is often restless and unable to lie flat. Severe attacks can also end in exhaustion, with ominous slowing of the respiratory rate and arrest of breathing.

Depending on the severity of the patient's disease, the attack may be totally or partially reversible, allowing the patient to assume normal activities between episodes. Patients with severe asthma, however, may remain to some degree symptomatic at all times.

It should be noted that the degree of wheezing can be misleading. The severity of the asthmatic attack and its symptoms should never be judged on this basis alone. Some patients who are capable of moving large amounts of air may produce more turbulence and audible wheezing than others who are so severly obstructed that their breaths are shallow and incapable of producing much sound.

Reading Asthma Symptoms

In bronchial asthma, it is extremely important to recognize the presence of an attack before it become severe and requires emergency measures. Each patient should have a means of assessing the degree of the asthma symptom that is present from day to day. In this manner, severe episodes and often the use of oral or injectable corticosteroids necessary for such emergencies can be avoided.

As an extension of this home monitoring, the patient should also be instructed how to respond to the presence of increased asthma symptoms. In this way, a contingency plan can be in place and ready before severe attacks happen.

There are basically three elements to defining asthma. First is airway obstruction, which is characterized by the n arrowing of airways: air can no longer flow smoothly through the bronchial tubes. Since these tubes can dilate or open in asthma, this obstruction is called reversible, an important aspect of the definition since it may distinguish asthma from other broncial illnesses.

The second element in defining asthma is the presence of inflammation; the red, swollen appearance of the inside of the bronchial tubes. This characteristic of asthma has received a great deal of attention recently and has become the focus of much of the asthma therapy. The inflammation is present in the lining of the bronchial tubes, which can be examined by inserting into them a lighted scope called a bronchoscope.

The third asthma symptom is increased responsiveness or hyperirritability of the bronchial tubes and their tendency to overreact and narrow. The term twitchy has also been used in this regard. This irritability is often demonstrated the sudden, severe attacks patients can experience when exposed to substances, such as pollen, animal dander, dust and fumes. This forms the basis for bronchial provocation or challenge testing that is used by physicians to diagnose asthma in patients whose illnesses do not fit easily into the other symptoms.

Charles Amith, an independent researcher, reveals a FREE $27 eCourse..For The First Time Ever... * Barely Known Secrets * That The Drug Industry Has Been Hiding That Can End The Pain and Suffering Caused By Allergies and Asthma Attacks!" http://AllergyandAsthmaTreatment.com

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please coordinate with a medical professional.

**Attention Ezine Editors and Website Owners ** This article may be republished as long as it includes the resource box, links are kept intact, and is left unchanged.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Asthma Important Characteristics

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Once the asthma attack starts the lack of air and shortness of breath the asthma sufferer feels must be one of the worst experiences someone can experiment, as oxygen is our vital lifeline that keeps the body functioning. The lack of this vital gas in our body, even for short periods of time can have devastating consequences. The lack of oxygen affects the brain in just a few minutes and a continuos lack of this gas can cause an irreversible damage in the brain after just five minutes. An asthma attack is similar to living on the edge constantly, with just the minimum amount of oxygen needed to survive.

Asthma is an extended disease that affects the respiratory system of the individual, in which the airways constrict, become inflamed, and there are excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to a number of "triggers," for example, exposure to an environmental allergen, cold air, exercise, or even emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing, which fortunately respond to substances known as bronchodilators. Though this condition may become chronic, between episodes, most patients feel in good shape.

As mentioned above, this disorder is a chronic or recurring inflammatory condition in which the airways develop increased responsiveness to various stimuli, characterized by bronchial hyper-responsiveness, increased mucus production, inflammation, and intermittent airway obstruction. The symptoms of asthma have different degrees of gravity and can range from mild to even life threatening symptoms in the worst conditions, thankfully these symptoms can usually be controlled with a combination of drugs and some environmental changes.

It is important to notice that most public health systems in the developed world have recently focused on asthma because there has been a rapidly increasing prevalence among the population, affecting up to one in four urban children. Susceptibility to asthma doesn?t depend only on the environment but it can also be explained in part by genetic factors, though no clear pattern of inheritance has been found.

You can find dramatic Asthma Relief in a natural way. For more information visit:

=> www.askingplanet.com/Asthma-Cure/1

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Living With Asthma

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I began having asthma symptoms at the age of three. My mom had a cat and we soon found out the hard way that I was extremely allergic. Thirty years ago asthma medication was still basically in its infant stage and I had a really hard time growing up with asthma. I spent many a holiday in the emergency room because one of my relatives always had a cat or because just the excitement of the day would cause me to have problems breathing and there we would be most of the night with me holding onto the breathing tube.

What is asthma and what is it like? I've run into many, many people that just didn't understand what I was going through. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on the internet describes asthma as a disease of the human respiratory system where the airways narrow, often in response to a "trigger" such as exposure to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress. You know those little straws given with coctails? You know you can still drink through them but the holes are very small? Now imagine breathing through one of those. That's not too bad, is it? Now imagine covering that tiny hole with a cotton ball and still trying to breathe through the other end. Do this for at least 20 minutes to get the full effect. Now you have an idea of what asthma is really like.

I?ve always hated having to take medicine to control my asthma. When I was young I had to take this awful liquid stuff whenever I felt an attack coming on. It smelled like liquorices but it certainly didn?t taste like that. To this day I can?t stand the smell of liquorices; it just makes me shutter. That medicine always made me feel so sick. I would always get the shakes the next day and it made me so tired. By the time I got to my teens, I was on to inhalers. Those were so much better to deal with, at least the taste wasn't so bad, but they didn?t always do the trick. I started with the over the counter ones and everyone warned me about the many side effects associated with them. I mean who wants to be thinking about the possibility of having a heart attack at the age of 14? Not to mention that these, too would give me the shakes and tremors.

Cats have always been my worst enemy. Why did all of my really, really good friends always have cats as pets? Sleepovers were always a trial and error sort of thing. Sometimes I could sleep all night and others I spent the whole night sucking on that inhaler and hoping for a little breath. I?m terrible with medicine. I really am. Having to remember to take my medication every day is not something I?m really good at. But my asthma would always remind me. Go a day or two and sure enough I was short of breath by the end of the day. I rarely slept through the night without having to reach for my instant relief inhaler.

So for approximately 30 years, this was my life. This past year I personally discovered hypnosis and meditation. I?ve been intrigued by these before but I finally decided to give them a try. So I started with a healing self hypnosis CD I had found on the internet. I did this hypnosis tape for about a week. I didn?t notice it at first but suddenly, probably about a week and a half later I realized that I hadn?t needed my inhaler. I also noticed that my depression, which I had suffered from for over 18 years, was not weighing me down either. I could breathe. I felt happy, really happy.

I do this tape periodically now but I also practice daily meditation. I love to meditate. It is so relaxing and refreshing to begin my day with about 20 minutes of meditation. I love my new life. I sure wish I would?ve done this sooner. It's been more than three months now, I have been completely asthma free and I haven?t touched an inhaler once. Even when I caught a cold, which normally would activate my asthma, I was absolutely fine. There are literally thousands of meditation and hypnosis tapes for any ailment that you may have. Hypnosis and meditation; it certainly turned my life around for the better.

Find out more about natural healing and sign up for my FREE newsletter here: http://jenettyshome.homestead.com/naturally_healthy.html

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Even for Asthma, Yoga can be Helpful

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Yoga has been labeled as a therapeutic near-panacea for a plethora of human ailments and incidentally, even asthma victims and patients may be able to receive immense benefits from this ancient exercise.

Based on my experiences, one helpful exercise for alleviating Asthma symptoms and dealing with its many inconveniences is Yoga.

Taking into consideration its gentle poses and stretches and the deep breathing involved in Yoga, certain poses-when used correctly-can be very helpful for smoothening the chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) that causes swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the airways as is the case in Asthma patients.

In addition to the benefit above, it must be mentioned that when using yoga in a natural asthma control regimen, one need not worry about the common exercise-induced asthma attacks that may come as a result of vigorous activity as these poses are very calm and involve very little motion.

Based on my research, experience and practice, the following poses will definitely be stand-outs in aiding asthma victims in controlling and correcting their respiratory health.

-The Shoulder-Stand

This pose belongs to the category known as inversion poses. Being that a practitioner is literally upside-down, inversion poses in yoga drain excess mucus from the lungs and balance the immune system.

The Shoulder-stand (aka Savangasana :All members Pose) has been coined by several Yoga sages as a near panacea or cure-all, as far as Asthma is concerned, it is indeed very helpful in regards to relieving excess encumbrances in the respiratory organs and owing to its deep breathing, it increases the lung?s airflow, capacity, stamina and efficiency.

The Shoulder-stand pose has 2 main counter-poses: the Bridge and the Fish Poses. They are indeed very simple to execute and as a matter of fact, the very last pose (the fish pose) is one of the specific poses mentioned by Sri Swami Devananda and IBS Iyengar (two of the most authoritative figures in modern day yoga) as being specifically useful for removing spasms from the bronchial tubes and thus relieving Asthma.

Now, let?s discuss the breathing exercises associated with Yoga. In addition to these poses, let me briefly mention the ?Bellow?s breath exercise? (a yoga breathing exercise) as this helps tremendously.

The Bellow?s Breath Exercise (aka Kapalabathi) involves purposely pumping the stomach in an inward motion and exhaling through the nose simultaneously in controlled movements. This removes spasms and tones up the respiratory system significantly.

In addition to all of this, one commonly overlooked factor in using Yoga is this; Yoga calls for a specific consumption of foods that make up its associated Sattvic Diet or Yogic diet.

Coincidentally, this diet excludes all processed, packaged or animal foods and is mostly (if not all the way) vegetarian.

For asthma problems, you may want to strongly consider this as giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko.

Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

So if you are looking for therapeutic drug-free methods of Asthma control naturally and effectively, you will do well to look into Yoga. It won?t hurt and could possibly help out a lot.

Here?s to free breathing?


(Special Note) The responsibility of your use of any suggestions or procedures lies not with the author, publisher or any other party affiliated with this program. This information is not intended as medical advice

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Website today for more on Healthy Living Tips and information on Asthma Treatment

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

8 Nutritional Supplements You Can Use For Your Asthma While Visiting Your Supermarket

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Do you know that asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition? You improve it with a suitable and effective nutritional health complements.

Asthma difficulties can cause inflammation in the airways until they eventually become permanently damaged, which makes the tissues in the airways extremely vulnerable to further inflammation. And there we have the vicious cycle which is asthma.

We know that keeping the air clean is one very important precautionary in minimizing the inflammation, but this is becoming increasingly difficult due to today's indoor air quality problems, which are at an all time high. Fortunately, a well thought-out nutritional plan can also help reduce inflammation, and therefore reducing asthma problems.

A strategic nutritional plan is especially crucial when you consider that asthmatics are more likely to be afflicted by certain nutrient deficiencies as a result of asthma medications and the stress associated with this condition. Most importantly though, there are certain nutrients that offer specific benefits for those with asthma, such as natural anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, and anti-histaminic.

A good nutritional plan with specific benefits for asthma sufferers is very important to them especially we need to consume 1kg of food every day.

1) Antioxidants Why: They defend against free radicals, which cause irritation and inflammation (common for asthmatics) Where are the sourcess: Plenty of fruits and vegetables are better than vitamin pills. An apple a day keep asthma away.

2) Fish Oil (avoid if fish allergies are suspected) Why: Anti-inflammatory Where are the sources: Having fish twice a week or fish oil concentrate (capsules) are your best sources. Consume cod liver oil is another source.

3) Magnesium Why: Asthmatics are chronically deficient of it. Helps to relax the bronchial tubes and smooth the esophagus muscle. Where are the sources: Milk and other dairy products, whole grains, nuts, legumes, leafy green vegetables.

4) Multivitamins with B complex (especially Vitamins B6 & B12) Why: Asthmatics are typically deficient of these according to Nutritional Medicine. Where are the sources: Multivitamin supplements, especially those strong in B6 & B12.

5) Vegetables that contain folic acid Why: Asthmatics typically deficient. Where are the sources: Dried beans, peas, lentils, oranges, whole-wheat foods, liver asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and spinach.

6) N-acetylcysteine Why: Antioxidant that thins the bronchial mucus. Where are the sources: Forms of amino acid that is well-absorbed or using amino acid supplements.

7) Vegetables that contain Vitamin B5 Why: Helps to form antibodies. Where are the sources: Eggs, fish, milk and other dairy, whole-grain cereals, white/sweet potatoes, lean beef, legumes, yeast, broccoli, capsules, and shitake mushrooms (Japanese/Chinese delicatessen)

8) Quercetin Why: It is a natural anti-histamine according to the US Department of Agriculture. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory. Where are the sources: It is a plant extract or consuming vegetable food supplements.

So by consuming these top 8 alternative health complements for your asthma problem, you will free yourself the agony of having asthma again. You should never add to, or alter any component of your current asthma treatment without first consulting your physician.

There are many cases that, asthmatics sometimes tend to forget to consume these health complements, even though there are many health complements to be found in supermarket. By consuming this supplements in conjunction with your normal diet, you may have an asthma free life. No matter how complete is your diet, without a proper asthma management system, there will not be much asthma free lifestyle to hope for.

Consume your health complements complete together with a system, you can enjoy your asthma free life once again.

Eddy K. Elton is the author of a 7-day Asthma Recovery System, "How to Quickly & Effectively Treat Your Asthma Condition". Drop by at Asthma Recovery System Center for your free copy.

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Top 3 Reasons How Asthma Was Caused

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With more than 15 million in the USA suffering from asthma, it is rather important to know what causes asthma. Many asthmatics till now still does not know what actually cause asthma.

What is the Cause of Asthma?

Reason #1 - Allergic Rhinitis

The cause of asthma is also known as a trigger and one trigger is rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is excessive discharge of mucus glands in the nose, congestion of the veins in the nasal cavity that can cause blockage of nasal airflow and cause irritation of the sensory nerves in the nose and throat.

These symptoms usually occur when airborne allergens are inhaled and are usually harmless until the immune system reacts by making antibodies. These antibodies stick to the surface of special cells called mast cells and release pro-inflammatory substances including histamines which are a cause of asthma.

These changes in the body cause an obstruction to airflow in and out of the lungs and during breathing these obstructions will increase and cause a wheezing and trapping of the air in the chest.

Reason #2 - Heredity Cause

Heredity is a big cause of asthma in children. The tendency to become allergic is inherited and is controlled by genes that only influence the production of an antibody called IgE. However, you will only develop an allergic inherited allergy if exposed to those certain inherited genes, if you are never exposed you will never develop a cause of asthma.

Reason #3 - Bronchial Irritability

Bronchial irritability is the basic cause of asthma problems. The inflammation of the bronchial walls causes loss of protective cells from mucosa therefore exposing sensitive nerve endings to the affected area. This is probably a direct result of genetics.

Other Causes

Besides the top 3 reasons, there still other thing we should know that bring on an asthma attack. Dogs and cats cause asthma attacks in some people. Tobacco smoke, cold air, exercises and even laughing can cause attacks.

Exposure to certain things in your work environment is another cause of asthma in adults who never suffered a day in their life from asthma suddenly develops asthma.

There are many medical things that can be a cause of asthma but there are things that an asthmatic must avoid. For example, dogs and cats can cause an attack in some people.

Tobacco smoke, and not just cigarettes, but cigars and pipes as well will cause attacks. The cold air can be a cause of asthma. When someone gets anxious it can cause them to start breathing irregularly which will bring on an attack. It is hard to say for certain, however, what the cause is and hard to diagnose a cure.

Even though you may know the top 3 reasons what causes asthma internally and externally. However, will all these information will of no use to no action is being taken. Having the knowledge is not power, applying the knowledge is true power to free yourself the agony of having asthma again. You should never add to, or alter any component of your current asthma treatment without first consulting your physician.

However, many asthmatics sometimes tend to forget that even though they may know the reasons of how asthma was caused, but this is not adequate, they should be be conscious and aware that in order to have an asthma-free lifestyle, a proper and yet effective asthma recovery system is necessary. Even without a proper asthma management system, there will not be much asthma free lifestyle to hope for.

Applying the knowledge of knowing of what causes asthma together with an effective system - enjoy your life once again.

Eddy Kong WW is the author of a 7-day Asthma Recovery System, "How to Quickly & Effectively Treat Your Asthma Condition". Drop by at Asthma Treatment for your free copy. Also do visit his Asthma Blog

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Do You Want To Know 5 Little-Known Facts On Asthma Prevention

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Many people around the world are constantly seeking ways to prevent asthma. In fact, there are many ways to prevent, but I have laid down 5 little known facts on how to prevent asthma to the max.

Here are the facts:

Fact #1 Within the United States of America, there are over 17 million people suffering from asthma, with more than 75 million people in the USA who suffer from allergies, sinusitis and asthma want a cure. This asthma disease has leads to 5,000 deaths every year.

Fact #2 Asthma is a serious lung ailment leading to an allergic inflammation of the lungs.

Fact #3 Asthma attacks are generally triggered by dust mites, pollens, molds, animal fur, air pollution such as smog and smoke, breathable chemicals, vigorous exercise, sudden temperature changes or indigestion of food.

Fact #4 Looking at these facts, it can be consideration of parents to make sure that their children or even adult themselves do not get exposed to these triggering factors for asthma prevention.

Medical researchers agree that it is most essential that parents should prevent their children from developing asthma in the first place.

Fact #5 And this could only be done by eliminating and reducing the most important factors from above-namely dust mites, animal or soft toy furs or any other asthma triggering elements from home.

5 Top Simple Tips For Asthma Prevention

1) As discussed above, avoidance of triggers such as dust mite allergens at early childhood can help asthma prevention. Researches have shown that eliminating these factors, which cause the allergic inflammation at the first place, can help reduce coughs and other dust-related health problems as well. This can be done through keeping the relative humidity and temperature of the home at the correct level, having proper ventilation and air cleaning system, and cleaning the whole house regularly, especially fabricated areas which are prone to dust mites.

2) Besides dust mites, parents also should avoid having cats, dogs, cockroaches and other pests for asthma prevention or certain type of moulds, tobacco, or cigarette smoke. Smoke is another big factor which brings about asthma due to the contents of the tobacco smoke which can cause inflammation in the lungs and other respiratory parts such as the bronchus. If your child is already having asthma or allergies, taking these measures will help to reduce the number of asthma attacks.

3) Parents should avoid having chemicals such as benzyl benzoate, phenyl salicylate, common household disinfectants and other insect growth regulators. In fact, these chemicals are used to kill dust mites and asthma prevention but when used out of control and exposed to air too long they can cause asthma too.

4) Having discussed of external preventions, let's move on to internal prevention. A child, from birth, should be given sufficient breast milk and other nutritious food such as Omega-3 fatty acids, and oily fishes for asthma prevention as well.

5) For working adults on the other hand, if you think you body is weak and vulnerable to getting an asthma infection, avoid working at places where there are wood dust, baking flour, animal fur and skin cells, fumigants, dyes, perfumes and deodorants and fresheners, car exhaust fume, chemicals, dust, gases and paint fumes. If you happen to work at such places by having no other choice, make sure there is proper ventilation and don't forget to wear mask or respirator.

So, now you know the 5 simple facts and 5 simple tips on asthma prevention. With all the information available of no use, action is power when applying knowledge which will then free yourself the agony of having asthma again. You should never add to, or alter any component of your current asthma treatment without first consulting your physician.

However, many asthmatics sometimes tend to forget that even though there may be many methods to asthma prevention around in order to have an asthma free life. Without a proper asthma management system, there will not be much asthma free lifestyle to hope for.

Applying these facts and tips together with a system - enjoy your life once again.

Eddy Kong WW is the author of a 7-day Asthma Recovery System, "How to Quickly & Effectively Treat Your Asthma Condition". Drop by at Asthma Treatment for your free copy. Also do visit his Asthma Blog

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Allergy And Asthma?

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There are over fifty million Americans who suffer from allergies each year. The range of severity varies from allergies that threaten your life to seasonal ones like hay fever that may be combated with drugs purchased at the pharmacy. If allergies are seriously affecting your life, make sure you go to your doctor for a thorough check up and allergy testing.

An allergic reaction occurs when the body responds to a substance such as mold, pollen or dust which are normally deemed harmless. The immune system releases antibodies that may attack different parts of the body. It can go for the nose, the sinuses, the throat, the stomach or lungs. This attack causes symptoms such as stuffiness and itching and sneezing in the nose, and irritations in other areas such as the mouth and ears.

You may end up with tingling, red, watering eyes or conjunctivitis. Your skin can become dry and red and irritated or welts may appear. For example, asthma is an allergic reaction and the result of an attack is coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath.

There are many materials that may cause an allergic reaction but the ones that affect most allergy sufferers readily, are easily found like cockroaches and their feces; bee stings or other insect bites (which can be deadly); household cleaning products and any other industrial cleaners; foodstuffs such as peanut butter (which can also be fatal); and feathers, if you have a bird or if you sleep with a feather pillow.

Allergies affect all types of people no matter what sex, race or age. It can run in families. They tend to affect the youth more but a person who has had an allergy before may suffer an onslaught, years after it disappears. The allergies can gradually form through changes in the environment; through diet and stress; hormonal changes or even perfume.

The tests of a possible allergy are fairly simple. The first is a blood test, where the specific allergy is measured in relation to the level of antibodies. The other test is a patch test where, a small patch of skin is infected with a known allergy. If a rash or welt appears, then it is considered evidence of a reaction.

The treatment depends on your medical history, your age and your health. It also depends on how bad your case is, your tolerance level and your own personal preferences. Sometimes, it may just be a matter of keeping your home dust and mold free.

For food allergies, obviously, the diet must be considered. You must have an awareness of which food items affect you. There are some treatments, for example lactose intolerant people can get over the counter drugs that reduce the symptoms and allow them to eat milk products without worry.

But food allergies such as a reaction to peanuts can be fatal and must be avoided. Every meal eaten must be checked for peanuts or peanut oil. Most foodstuffs put warnings on their wrappers.

Allergies are inconvenient fact in many people?s lives but it can be managed if they are tested and have the information to avoid a reaction.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at Wellness Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Alternative Health Advisor

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Methods To Treat Asthma In Adults And Children

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Asthma is a very serious condition affecting both children and adults. The effects of an Asthma attack are disabling if your doctor doesn?t know about your condition, leaving you improperly cared for. Though treatments for Asthma are much more advanced than they were years ago, more than half a million people every year, are in need of in-patient care while nearly four thousand ultimately die. How your doctor or specialist chooses to treat your asthma is based on your age and how severe your Asthma is.

It?s possible to pass Asthma on to a child through heredity, but more likely asthma is caused by your environment. An Asthma attacks happens when allergens infiltrate your respiratory system causing your bronchiole airway to constrict which leads to over production of mucous. It?s also possible to bring on an Asthma attack by merely laughing. There are plenty of warning signs to indicate an Asthma attack is brewing.

If you have a history of Asthma or suspect you or someone you know might, watch for signs such as: Coughing (sometimes so severe it wakes you from sleep), wheezing, tightness in the chest and the feeling of not being able to catch your breath. If you experience these symptoms its imperative you seek medical attention immediately.

If you have mild or intermittent Asthma, your doctor may suggest the use of over-the-counter medication such as a bronchodilator. More severe Asthma may require the use of a prescription medication or an inhaler containing corticosteroids, as treatment. Prescription medications used to treat Asthma contain active ingredients used to decrease the inflammation in the lungs and sensitivity to allergens. A bronchodilator is prescribed and used for immediate relief of Asthma symptoms but has no long lasting effects.

It?s possible your doctor will choose to use a combination of treatments to relieve your Asthma symptoms and attacks. An ever popular and effective treatment for Asthma caused by allergies in children and adults is Immunotherapy. This method works by building antibodies in the system to the allergens that set off the attacks by exposing the Asthmatic to ever increasing doses of said allergen. Eventually, the allergy is resolved and with it, hopefully, the Asthma attacks.This article in no way should be taken as medical advice.

As with any medical condition, its important to speak with your doctor for the best course of action and prevention. If you are currently under your doctors care for Asthma, and feel your symptoms are not improving, speak with him/her about alternate forms of treatment. If short term inhalers are being used often, this is a good indication your Asthma is not effectively being controlled.

Ask your doctor about physical exercise, how much is too much and if there are certain activities you should avoid or limit. Breathing should not be a chore, tell your doctor today if you suspect that you or someoneyou love may e suffering from Asthma.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at Wellness Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Alternative Health Advisor.

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