Herbal Asthma Treatment

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Symptoms Of Asthma Controlled By Herbs?

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It's tempting to think that our modern day medicine is somehow superior to all the 'primitve' medicine of our ancestors. But that theory doesn't hold up under scrutiny. For thousands of years humans used plants and herbs right out of the fields and forests and avoided the horrible side effects of today's medicine, as well as the creation of "super bacteria" that have grown imperious to our drugs. Here are four asthmatic remedies that have stood the test of time.

Ginger Root Reduces Or Eliminates Phlegm

The common ginger root can be found in almost every grocery store but its knobby brown appearance is strange to many who are more familiar with the delicious smell of ginger in cookies and gingerbread. It is known to be effective for digestion and motion sickness but it also is quite effective at eliminating the phlegm involved in asthma.

To get rid of mucus buildup in the chest and lungs, grate enough fresh ginger root to equal approximately two tablespoons and add to two cups of boiling water. Allow the ginger to steep for 30 minutes and drink a cup of warm tea every two hours or so. It's important to note that ginger from a bottle or can won't have the same effects. It's the fresh ginger essence in the root that helps asthmatics and cold sufferers. The ginger from the shelf is too aged to be of much use as an herbal remedy.

Add Walnuts To Your Ginger And Sleep For Clear Lungs

For centuries, the Chinese have used a combination of walnuts and ginger root to clear the lungs of excessive phlegm and to eliminate persistent couging in the throat. The recipe is simple: remove the meat from three walnuts and grind it finely. Mix with three slices of ginger that have been grated. Just before bedtime, eat your walnut/ginger mixture with warm liquid or tea and go to sleep. According to the Chinese, in the morning your symptoms will be gone.

Insects And Asthmatics Love Mullein

Mullein is an exceedingly abundant plant that grows all over North America and Europe. It loves sunshine and dry soil and is easily cultivated. Our ancestors used Mullein as a medicine for centuries and it has been studied in scientific research projects, which affirm its value. It contains Hesperidin (the predominant flavonoid in lemons and oranges) and Coumarin (smells like vanilla and found in lavender, clover, strawberries, apricots, cherries, and cinnamon) and is a sedative, safe pesticide, antioxidant and even has been used in the treatment of cancer.

It's of interest to asthmatics because it is anti-inflammatory and is an antihistamine. Simply grab a handful of coarsely cut flowers and leaves and drop them intp one quart of boiling water. Drink two cups each day and sweeten with honey, since it smells much better than it tastes.

A Delicious Almond Milk For Better Breathing

The Chinese love almond milk for relief of lung congestion and inflammation. Simply soak some almonds in water for 8-12 hours, or overnight, until they have swelled and are much softer. The Chinese add a small amount of white rice to the mixture although most western herbalists do not. Once the almonds are soft, pour off the water (but save it, since it's loaded with vitamins) and grind what's left into a paste. Add the water back to the mixture, mix with honey and cook on low heat until it's somewhat 'syrupy'. Drink one or two cups per day.

There are two special notes about this delicious homemade remedy:

1. Most recipes recommend removing the ground pulp and drinking the liquid only. However, the pulp is delicious and, depending on your taste, you might wish to leave it in the recipe. If you remove it, don't throw in away but use it in salads, desserts or fruit dishes.

2. It's wise to use organic almonds since you will be getting a very concentrated dose of this excellent nut. The chemical-laden variety definitely isn't as healthy.
It's amazing to think that food and drink are asthma supplies but at AsthmaAnswersOnline.com we reveal many such cool asthma facts.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Know the Signs of Childhood Asthma

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According to the Mayo Clinic, a well respected medical resource, and the American Family Physician, a newsletter from the American Academy of Family Physicians, childhood asthma has risen significantly in over the past few decades. The American Lung Association states that in 2004, an estimated 4 million children under 18 years old have had an asthma attack in the past 12 months, and many others have "hidden" or undiagnosed asthma.

Asthma is the most common cause of school absenteeism due to chronic disease and accounted for an estimated 14 million lost school days. They claim that childhood asthma has become more widespread and is now the most common chronic illness in children.

If you have children, it's important that you can recognize the symptoms and signs of an asthmatic condition. Understand that the symptoms below "may" indicate asthma, but could be symptomatic of a wide range of bronchial or pulmonary illnesses.

The most common signs and symptoms of childhood asthma are very similar to bronchitis and other respiratory infections. The symptoms include:

1. Coughing. The need to cough is created by mucus, which builds up and needs to be cleared. The mucus is usually caused by some type of infection or irritation. Coughing is symptomatic of many childhood and adult illnesses. Notice that although coughing is a symptom, the type of cough plays a role in understanding the cause. Simply put, a rattling or lose type cough is very different than a tight or hacking cough and both types can indicate certain illnesses

2. Wheezing. Wheezing is most commonly associated with asthma, however, all children with asthma do not necessarily wheeze. You can identify wheezing as a whistling type sound when your child breathes.

3. Chest congestion and tightness.

4. Shortness of breath

While these signs and symptoms may indicate childhood asthma, they may also point to various illnesses common to kids. As a parent, you cannot be expected to understand how various symptoms may interact or be able to accurately diagnose an illness such as asthma.

Another factor to consider is frequency. The child who frequently coughs or suffers ongoing or recurrent bouts of respiratory infection illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis may have childhood asthma.

As you can see, the diagnosis of this disease can only accurately be done by a medical doctor. Childhood asthma is a disease that has been strongly associated with genetic factors and usually involves some aspect of allergies. In the American Family Physician newsletter of April 2001 it was suggested that almost 80% of children with asthma can be expected to have allergies. This suggests that one strategy to control childhood asthma attacks is to control the environmental factors that may trigger an event. Those triggers may include dust, dirt, pollen and other factors. Visit the link below and get a free report on how to control on how to control and eliminate common allergy and asthma triggers in your home

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects for more info on children and asthma go to http://www.asthma-treatment-resources.com/ and visit http://www.asthma-treatment-resources.com/childhood-asthma/childhood-asthma-index.html#BREAK#

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Treatments of Asthma

Breath FREE and Enjoy and Active Life Without DRUGS CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE




Asthma is a disease of the lungs that affects your breathing. It is a disease in which a person's airways become inflamed, swollen, and narrowed, making it difficult for air to flow into and out of the lungs. The condition marked by chronic inflammation and irritation of the airways.

Asthma is diagnosed based on a physical examination, personal history, and lung function tests. The first step in diagnosing asthma is a good evaluation. Your child may have asthma is he or she wheezes, coughs and has trouble breathing. You should check to your doctor if you see all of these symptoms.

Studies have indicated that asthma is both a genetic and environmental disease. Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma. The real culprit in causing allergic asthma is the IgE antibody. It is always triggered by coming in contact with allergens, weather changes, viral or sinus infections.

The medical definition of asthma is simple, but the condition itself is quite complex. Asthma is a chronic disease that requires ongoing medical care to monitor and manage symptoms to prevent severe asthma attacks. People with asthma should also be aware that nocturnal asthma is associated with more severe disease and increased mortality. Asthma is a controllable but not curable disease and NOT a contagious disease. Taking care of your asthma is an important part of your life.

What can you do to treatments your Asthma? An important part of learning to control asthma is keeping a daily asthma diary. You should have an asthma management plan, because asthma is a chronic disease that requiring continual management and proper treatments. Consult to your doctor to make an asthma management plan. If you follow your asthma management plan, you can lead an active and normal lifestyle.

Today some excellent treatments are available to help you to control your asthma and maintain a symptom free life, so you can lead an active lifestyle. Some people like to supplement the medicine they take with more "natural" methods of asthma control. These natural asthma treatments are a help not only to the occasional infection, but also to longer term asthma and allergy sufferers, Treatments will aim to reduce the frequency, severity and length of your asthma attacks. The body has a natural hormone that will help to alleviate the symptoms of an asthma attack. Alternative treatments for asthma include yoga to control breathing and relieve stress and acupuncture to reduce asthma attacks and improve lung function. Natural asthma treatment will probably become very popular in the next few years.

Asthma is NOT curable disease, NOT a contagious disease, but a controllable, so taking care of your asthma is an important part of your life. Children with asthma can stay well and lead normal lives if asthma is controlled. For more information about Natural treatments of Asthma, Click here: Treatments of Asthma

Don't believe THERE ISN'T a cure for asthma. Discover how you or your children can stay healthy and Be Naturally Free from Asthma FOREVER. Click here: Natural Treatments of Asthma.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Symptoms Of Asthma

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For most people, asthma will usually start off with a cough, more often at night. This cough may or may not be accompanied by a wheezing sound. This wheezing sound is produced as width of the airways decrease in size, making it difficult for air to enter. When asthma occurs at night, the person is left extremely tired because of lack of sleep.

Usually a cough is the first sign for many who suffer from asthma in their childhood. It is important as a parent to monitor a child who is coughing for signs of difficulty breathing. The cough associated with asthma should progress to a serious stage quicker than a cough associated with a regular cold. As the cough worsens, this can signal that the physical condition is worsening as well.

Therefore, it is necessary for anyone develops a persistent cough, and who has suffered from asthma in the past, to consult their doctor. If you are someone who has never been diagnosed with asthma, but are experiencing coughing for a long time, it is also imperative to seek medical health.

It is important to remember that coughing is a common symptom for many diseases, and it is important to seek treatment for it, as quick as possible. The reason for this is because a cough usually signifies that there is a problem with the lungs and the tissue that lines the respiratory tube. This is nature's way of saying something is wrong inside our very important breathing system. So even if the problem might not be asthma, seeking medical help can determine with the real problem is.

C Dietzig is co owner of asthmatreatment.first-results.com where they discuss asthma treatment and how to live a normal productive life with asthma

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yoga A Cure For Asthma?

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If you are suffering from mild asthma, yoga breathing exercises can help you reduce the use of low-dose inhalers in case of wheezing attacks.

More studies are required in ways of improving breathing control, say researchers at the Respiratory Medicine Unit, City University, Nottingham. Western medicine, they say, has largely ignored Breathing control methods.

Practitioners of yoga have believed for the longest time in the benefits of ?pranayama?, a breathing exercises for asthmatics. But, this has been difficult to study in a formal, scientific manner. A Pink City Lung is a device that imposes slow breathing on the user, mimicking pranayama breathing exercises. This device made it possible to measure, in a hospital trial, the effects of controlled breathing.

Tests were done on two simulated pranayama breathing exercises. The first was slow, deep breathing and the second involved breathing out for twice as long you breathe in.

The airways of asthma patients become restricted, making it difficult for them to breathe. It is well documented that asthma is on the rise around the world, and especially in the UK, having affected more than three million adults and children. It is responsible for nearly 2,000 deaths in the UK every year.

Standard clinical tests carried out by doctors to measure the volume of air blown out per second by the patients and to test their airways for irritability. Subsequent to yoga breathing exercises, the patients? airways were found to be less irritable by about two times. This is a dramatic improvement, which resulted from the yoga breathing exercises.

So, to conclude, asthma patients can certainly benefit by experimenting with breathing exercises, although they should not stop their medication. Simply by using some of the controlled breathing principles taught in yoga, they can instantly see a noticeable difference in their reliance on inhalers. If you do know someone who is suffering from asthma, make sure to inform them about some of the studies related to yoga and its affects on breathing.
Shumam Fasi is involved with an online yoga project that informs and educates the yoga enthusiast through well-written articles. Discover the timeless wisdom of Yoga meditation, breathing, & positions, as well as reviews on Yoga videos,& much more...

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Asthma -- Triggers

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What triggers asthma attacks? If you have asthma, then shouldn't you know the answer?

Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive and/or hyper-responsive airways. During an asthma attack, the airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constricting, causing increased resistance, and obstructing the flow of the air passages to and from the lungs.

The words "trigger factors,? and "triggers" of asthma are used to describe the things that can cause an attack in someone who already has asthma.

Many things can bring on, or trigger, an asthma attack, and the causes and triggers vary greatly from person to person. Dogs and cats cause attacks in some people. While for others, cold air, tobacco smoke, exercise, and even laughing can trigger attacks. Some people with asthma report that the asthma attacks are worse when they are upset, under stress, or anxious. Some people get asthma if they take aspirin or other painkillers, and some get asthma from fumes or dust at work.

Bad asthma attacks, which force people to go into hospital, often happen after a virus infection of your nose or chest.

The most common triggers for asthma include:


* Dander from the skin, hair, or feathers of animals, such as cats, dogs, etc.
* Dust mites (contained in house dust)
* Pollen from grass and trees
* Mold (indoor and outdoor)
* Cockroaches


* Cigarette smoke
* Air pollution
* Cold air (for example, if you move from warm indoor air to cold outdoor air.
* Strong odors from cooking or painting
* Scented products
* Allergens or irritants that you may be exposed to at your work such as special chemicals or dusts.


* Breathing tests. Just as the fast breathing in exercise can bring on attacks, the faster and deeper breathing you have to do for most breathing tests can bring on quite a noticeable narrowing of air passages, and can bring on an asthma attack.

* Histamine or methacholine aerosols. Doctors use an inhaled mist of these substances to measure how irritable your air passages are. In asthma they are more irritable than normal. During allergic or asthmatic reactions, the cells in the lungs release histamine. Methacholine mimics the effect of a substance (acetylcholine) released by the nerves in the lung during asthma. Both substances cause an attack in anyone who breathes enough of them, but people who have asthma will get an attack from a much smaller amount. In the test, the amount of asthma produced is small and bearable, and it wears off quickly. The result gives a very useful measurement of the irritation in a persons airways.

* Irritants in asthma inhalers. Some powder inhalers can cause a small amount of chest tightness. Aerosol inhalers need to have a lubricant and this can cause irritation of air passages, and can bring on an asthma attack.

* Some drugs, especially beta-blockers (used for high blood pressure or heart disease).

* Medications such as aspirin and other painkillers.

* Sulfur dioxide, previously used as a preservative in soft drinks and wine. Drinking, or even breathing the air above such a drink, can cause chest tightening within seconds.

* Sulfites in dried fruit or in wine. For example, sodium metabisulphite (E220?227) may trigger asthma, but not via an allergic reaction. It can be found in wine, home-brewed beer, carbonated drinks, prepared meats and prepared salads.

* Indigestion, with stomach acid rising into your gullet. This is called gastro-esophageal reflux, or acid reflux. This causes heartburn and worsens asthma symptoms, especially at night.

* Infections of the lining of the breathing passages, such as colds and flu.

* Crying or laughing

* Exercise.

* Strong emotional response. People with asthma often say that their asthma gets worse if they are crying, upset, or under stress.

This is not a complete list of the things that can trigger asthma.

In addition, people differ in which of these things causes the most asthma, and some people may have trouble with one or more of the triggers. It is important that you identify what triggers your asthma, so that you can avoid or minimize your exposure to it. Your doctor can help you with this.

John Brown is an author for several Internet magazines, on wellness and health and wellness tips topics.

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