Herbal Asthma Treatment

Friday, February 29, 2008

Yoga For Asthma

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What is Asthma?

Asthma is an ancient Greek word that means "panting, gasping or short-drawn breath." It is one of the most discomforting of respiratory ailments, known to affect around 5% of the world?s adult population and 10% of children. Asthmatics suffer from periodic attacks of breathlessness interspersed with bouts of complete normalcy.

When normal people inhale, their air sacs fill up with air like small balloons. In exhalation they deflate expelling air. Airways are clear and open in healthy people. In asthmatics, the reverse takes place because their airways and air sacs have lost their shape and have become floppy. Their bronchi and alveoli collapse, rather than expand when air flows through them. As a result, they can inhale and exhale less.

Symptoms of Asthma

1. Dry cough
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Shortness of breath
4. Feeling of lightness in the chest
5. Wheezing (hissing or whistling sounds during exhalation.)
6. Sometimes an attack is preceded by a running nose, irritated eyes, or an itchy throat.

Two peculiarities of asthmatics:

1. Almost all patients suffer more attacks at night, in their sleep.

2. Asthmatics have more trouble exhaling than inhaling.

Causes for Asthma

Factors that precipitate an asthma attack are called triggers. They cause the air passages to get clogged and constricted, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. The inflamed bronchioles generate more mucus and also cause the muscles around them to tighten and get irritated, constricting the airways. This is called a bronchospasm.

However, asthma has a variety of causes.

1. Allergy: For most it is an allergy to foods, perfumes, scents, body sprays, deodorizers, the weather, drugs or any other irritants. They vary from person to person. However, dust allergies seem to be the most common factor.

2. Combination of Factors: For others, it is triggered off by a combination of allergic and non-allergic factors including stress and tension, air pollution or infections.

3. Abnormal Body Chemistry: Asthma may result from the abnormal body chemistry involving the body?s enzymes or a defect in muscular action within the lungs.

4. Heredity: In 75 to 100 per cent cases it has been found that when one or both parents suffer from asthma, the children have similar allergic reactions.

Yoga Therapy for Asthma

Tests carried out at Yoga Therapy Centers, across the world, have shown remarkable results in curing asthma. In some cases it has also been found that attacks can actually be averted, without the aid of drugs, just through yogic practices. There is ample research evidence to substantiate the fact that Yoga Therapy makes the treatment so much more successful. Nowadays, even allopathic and homeopathic doctors have arrived at the consensus that Yoga is an excellent alternative therapy for Asthma.

Since Yoga believes that the mind is central to a diseased condition, pacifying and placating it would, in itself, help cure the disease to a great extent. The practice of yogasanas, yogic kriyas, pranayamas, relaxation and meditation calm down the whole system. This, in turn, facilitates proper assimilation of food and strengthens the lungs, digestive and circulatory system. Over a period of time, that checks attacks and even cures the condition.

This is because Yogic practices result in more anxiety reduction than drugs do. Yoga gives patients access to their own internal experience and helps them pin-point the cause of their ailment, i.e find their own triggers. This comes through increased self-awareness. Simple Yogic practices help regulate breathing patterns, as well as enhance lung functioning. Result: Most patients are able to manage their condition by simply allaying their fears and anxieties.

Yoga also has a stabilizing effect on the body?s immune system. It is now proven that the regular and consistent practice of yoga raises the body?s tolerance to infection as well as its local resistance to infections in the respiratory tract. Yogic rest and relaxation reduce the nervous system?s overall activity, leading to remarkable recovery. Only Yoga offers resources like Abhyasa (regular, constant practice) and Vairagya (detachment) as means of holistic healing.

For best results, do all the practices prescribed in our sections on Yoga Asanas, Cleansing Techniques and Pranayama. Lay more emphasis on cleansing techniques like Jala Neti and Sutra Neti, Vaman Dhauti and pranayamas like Kapalbhati, Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjayi, Surbyabhedana and Bhramari. All yogaasanas prescribed are highly beneficial without exceptions or emphasis on any. However, Shavasana, should be practiced for as long as possible and whenever possible, lying down, sitting or standing

The practices work best on an empty stomach, but you should continue to sip water from time to time, to help keep your airways moist. Wear light, loose-fitting clothes and practice in a comfortable, well-ventilated, airy room or outdoors, with adequate room to lie down. If you experience any symptoms lying down, sit on a chair for a while and rest your head on a table, either on your folded arms or on one cheek. If you feel nauseous, anxious, or short of breath in any of the practices, stop immediately, get up and walk around. You are probably just hyperventilating and need to burn off some energy. Don't resume your practices right away. Rather give them a break for about a day or two.

Above all, tell yourself from time to time ? particularly when you get irritated or upset with yourself ? that the way you breathe now is what is making you ill. It is conditioned behavior, which can easily be altered.

Kevin Pederson, authors web content on YOGA WIZ, your online guide on yoga, fitness and wellness. He also writes on natural home cures, hair-n-skin care and many more health sites.

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Relief From Allergies And Asthma

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Asthma is often diagnosed when you cannot control your breathing. You may wheeze, have a dry cough, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and shortness of breath. This is due to a narrowing of the air passageways to the lungs. This can be brought on by a tightening of the muscles, swelling, and inflammation. Asthma is normally triggered by an allergy or certain activities that irritate the lungs. When you are having an allergy attack, your airways may constrict and you may have difficultly breathing. These symptoms can be even more severe when you have asthma. Your chest may feel heavy and you may need oxygen support or an inhaler to open the airways to your lungs.

To help prevent or lessen the severity of your asthma attacks, you may need to do a lot of cleaning. It may be advisable to invest in an air filter that removes any mold spores found in a room. You will want to eliminate any dust lying around. Dust is one of the primary triggers that cause full-blown asthma attacks. You may need to ensure that you do not have any dust mites or bed bugs in your room. You should also try to eradicate any harmful food allergens.

You can avoid ingesting a food allergen by checking food labels and reading ingredient lists. This is one way to help reduce the liklihood of an asthma attack from a food allergen. You may also want to clean your air conditioner and heating ducts. You can have this done professionally in order to reduce the mold spores and pollen in the air. You will want to consult your doctor about your allergies if you suffer from asthma. You should make your doctor aware of any allergies you think you may have developed, but takes on special importance if you are asthmatic.

If you know that you have allergies and you suffer from asthma, it is vital that you take precautions such as cleaning your home, as well as avoiding certain areas and activities that you know to trigger your asthma. Prevention of an attack is the best course of action. However, if you do suffer an attack, there are inhalers and injections available that can help you stay calm while the asthma attack is occurring.

Dorothy Miller enjoys writing for several online magazines, on home and family and family concerns topics

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Vocal Cord Dysfunction And Asthma

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Did you know that asthma can mimic other diseases or symptoms? Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes air passages (bronchial tubes) particularly irritant-sensitive. It is characterized by breathing difficulties, which range on a continuum from barely noticeable to extremely severe. The disorder has been increasing in frequency in recent years, and is especially noticeable as an increasing problem amongst children living in large cities. In North America, almost half of school children seem to carry "puffers" with them these days, and the incidence seems to be increasing each year.

Asthma is a highly ranked chronic health condition in adults in most western countries. It is also the leading chronic illness in children. Asthma has no cure. Fortunately, for most patients the symptoms can be managed so that they suffer only minimal and infrequent symptoms and can live an active life. However, there are a number of illnesses which can mimic asthma symptoms and often result in misdiagnosis.

One example of an illness that is commonly misdiagnosed as asthma is vocal cord dysfunction syndrome the symptoms of which can mimic an asthma attack. Usually the difficulty in making an asthma diagnosis is making it early enough. However, sometimes people who do truly have asthma as well, difficulty in breathing can result from abnormal movements of the voice box during breathing. This can so closely mimic a severe asthma attack that a proper diagnosis is made very hard. You can benefit from learning more about vocal cord dysfunction of you think you might be suffering from it instead of asthma.

However, if this condition is recognized, appropriate treatment is much easier to achieve. There are a number of other illnesses that can mimic asthma symptoms, though in comparison to asthma, these are all very rare, and they are also much rarer than vocal cord dysfunction. It is worth keeping this in mind if you are experiencing unexplained differences in your asthma reactions.

Linda Brown contributes articles to several web sites, on health tips and wellness and health topics.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Asthma Relief And Prevention

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Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by breathing difficulties. People with asthma have hyper-responsive, extra sensitive airways. During the course of an asthma attack, irritated airways react by narrowing and constricting. This causes increased resistance to airflow and obstructs the flow of air through the bronchial passages to and from the lungs.

There are two main types of asthma treatment medicines:

* Long-Term Control Medicines: also called preventers, are taken daily, usually over long periods of time, to control chronic symptoms and to prevent asthma episodes or attacks. The effects of these medicines are generally felt after taking them for a few weeks. Long-term control medicines are necessary for people with persistent asthma.

* Quick Relief Medicines: also called relievers, give rapid, short-term treatment and are taken when you have worsening asthma symptoms that can lead to asthma episodes or attacks. These medications are effective within minutes.

Drugs, such as those resembling two of our hormones, can help alleviate asthma symptoms. These two hormones are adrenaline, called epinephrine in the United States, and the steroid hydrocortisone. There are also other medications that help treat asthma. Though drugs can remove all of the symptoms for a mild asthma sufferer, more severe or long-standing cases of asthma generally do not get such good results.

Adrenaline, also called epinephrine, is pumped into our bloodstream in cases of sudden fright or in an emergency. It is the quick-acting hormone created by the adrenal glands located near our kidneys. It causes a racing pulse, a thumping heart, and readies your body for emergency action. In asthma, these adrenaline-type medicines quickly alleviate symptoms of asthma for a short time, and are called relievers.

Hydrocortisone is manufactured by the outer part of our adrenal glands, called the 'cortex'. It is also partly an ?emergency hormone? but it works much more slowly, in a completely different way to adrenaline, and lasts for a longer duration. Medicines which resembling hydrocortisone gradually allow the lining of air tubes in an asthma sufferer to resemble regular, healthy airways. This results in asthma that is less severe and a lesser likelihood of asthma attacks. Therefore, these steroids medications are called preventers. There are additional asthma 'preventers', but the steroids are the most effective. Most asthma sufferers should take both preventers as well as relievers.

Usually the most effective way to administer these medicines is to inhale them. That is, you breath them in, through your nose or mouth.

The reasons you inhale them are:

* the medicine works more rapidly,
* because you need a smaller dose of the medicine, and
* you won't suffer the same number of side effects.

The speed with which the medicine is effective is particularly important with the adrenaline-like, fast-acting relievers. Quick relief medicines are used only acutely, at the time of an attack or impending attack. One kind of quick relief medicine is a short-acting inhaled bronchodilator. Bronchodilators take effect by relaxing the muscles that have constricted around the airways. They help rapidly open up airways and make breathing easier. Occaisionally, they are called "rescue" or "relief" medicines because they can cease an asthma attack very rapidly. These medicines act fast but their effects only last for a short duration of time. It is recommended that one take quick relief medicines when one initially begins to feel asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath. Asthma sufferers should always be in possession of one of these inhalers in case of an attack. In the case of severe attacks, your physician may administer steroids to treat the inflammation.

Long-term control medications include :

* Long-acting beta-agonists are one kind of long-term control medication. They are bronchodilators, not anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines are used to aid in controlling moderate to severe asthma as well as in preventing night-time symptoms. Long-acting beta-agonists are taken in conjunction with an inhaled corticosteroid medicine.

* Cromolyn and nedocromil are two long-term control medicines utilized in the treatment of mild persistent asthma.

* Leukotriene modifiers (such as zafirlukast, montelukast, and zileuton) are long-term control medicines administered either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or in conjunction with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma or severe persistent asthma.

* The most effective, long-term control medication for asthma is an inhaled corticosteroid. The reason for this is that this medicine reduces the swelling of airways that increases the chances of asthma attacks. Inhaled corticosteroids (or steroids for short) are the preferred treatment for controlling mild, moderate, and severe persistent asthma. They are safe when taken as directed by your doctor. Inhaled medicines go directly to the affected lungs. There are many types of inhalers that are used by different methods. Therefore, it is important to know how to correctly use your inhaler. In some cases, steroid tablets or liquid are used on a short-term basis to rein in asthma symptoms. The liquid or tablet varieties may also be utilized in the treatment of severe asthma.

* Theophylline is a long-term control medication used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or in conjunction with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma. People who take theophylline should have their blood tested regularly checked to ensure proper dosage.

If you cease taking long-term control medicines, your asthma will likely recur. Optimally, one should use the least amount of medicine required to manage asthma symptoms.

David Davis writes for several popular Internet magazines, on wellness and health issues.

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Understanding Asthma Medicine

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Asthma medicine helps prevent the symptoms of asthma that inhibit the possibility of doing activities that you want to when you want to do them. Symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing can be prevented completely or to some degree by using the correct asthma medication. There are generally two types of asthma medicine - controllers and relievers.

Controllers are typically used every day, sometimes twice a day. Controllers prevent asthma symptoms, asthma attacks, and lung damage by relaxing and widening the airways in the body. Some also reduce swelling of the airways. Controllers should not be used to relieve asthma symptoms. Controller medication is most often inhaled and side effects may include fast heartbeat, nervousness, headaches, and hoarseness or coughing.

Relievers are not taken on a daily basis like controllers and are used as needed typically during asthma attacks or as preventative to them. Relievers work to quickly open the narrowed airways of a person suffering from an asthma attack. A majority of relievers are a type of medicine called bronchodilators. Bronchodilators are inhaled and quickly relax and open airways. Side effects of relievers may include fast heartbeat, nervousness or restlessness, dry mouth, or shaky hands.

Since reliever medicine quickly reduces asthma symptoms, people with asthma sometimes tend to use them too often. Often overuse is from using the relievers as preventatives before activities that may not necessarily cause asthma symptoms. However, this overuse of relievers can cause problems. Using a reliever too much can actually make your asthma symptoms worse or cause your heart to beat too fast or in an odd rhythm.

If you suffer from asthma, it is always a good idea to have at least a 30-day supply of both your controller medicine and your reliever medicine. It is important to understand how your asthma medicine works and what the possible side effects are. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor to get all the information you need on asthma medication and do your own research to learn all you can about asthma and asthma medication.

Daniel Lanicek is an life long sufferer of asthma on a mission to heighten world awareness of asthma. Over 14 million people in the United States alone suffer from asthma and there are ways you can help. Learn more about asthma at http://www.asthmaexplained.com

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Asthma As Related To Acid Reflux

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Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is characterized by breathing difficulties. People who suffer from asthma have air passages that are extra sensitive or hyper-responsive. In the course of an asthma attack, the airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constricting, causing increased resistance to airflow, and obstruction of the flow of air through the air passages to and from the lungs.

There is research to indicate that the symptoms of asthma may worsen when stomach acid rises in your throat. This condition is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. It is commonly referred to as acid reflux. One result of acid reflux is painful heartburn which can be relieved with the administration of antacid medicines. These are special medications which neutralize stomach acids. Acid reflux commonly affects older and overweight people. However, it can also occur in children and people of all types.

There have been studies in which researchers have injected acid into the stomachs of asthma sufferers and it had a significant impact on their asthma resulting in worsened asthma symptoms. Evidence also suggest that asthma sufferers get acid reflux with greater frequency than people who do not suffer from asthma. This is probably due to great pressure changes present in the chest of people with asthma during the course of breathing. This high pressure could cause liquid to travel up the esophagus from the stomach.

In these cases, it would seem that people who have asthma lose out twice: they suffer from asthma and they may suffer from acid reflux more often than people who do not suffer from asthma. However, there is more to this story. If acid reflux was an genuine and important cause of increase in asthma severity, then acid reflux treatments should make the asthma better, however, this is generally not the case.

In the meantime, if you suffer from both asthma and acid reflux, it could just be that careful management of your reflux will ease your breathing. If your asthma is severe and the cause is unknown, some doctors might test to see whether you have or had acid reflux by conducting tests to measure your stomach acidity. If the result showed acid reflux tendencies, then your doctor would most likely attempt to improve your lungs by treating your stomach.

David Brown writes for several popular online magazines, on wellness and diet and health and fitness subjects.

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The Spiraling Effect Of Your Child's Stress And Pediatric Asthma

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Childhood should be joyous and free, with long days that never seem to end. That's the way most of us remember our childhoods. Unfortunately, we forget that childhood can be just as stressful for a child as adulthood is for an adult.

For a child with asthma, that stress is often multiplied many times over. Imagine never knowing when you might suddenly be unable to breathe?

Researchers have found there's a clear link between pediatric asthma and stress. But it might surprise you to know that the link may be spiral in nature, with asthma feeding the stress, then the stress worsening the asthma, which causes more stress, and on and on. In addition, when a child has asthma, additional stress is placed on the entire household. This stress is added to the burden the child is already bearing simply by having asthma.

The most important first step to reducing the impact of pediatric asthma and stress on your child is to stick to your child's asthma treatment plan. Research among families of children with asthma has shown time and again that families misunderstand the disease and have a tendency to treat it only after symptoms have appeared. This not only puts undue stress on the child and the family, it puts the child's life at risk. By sticking with the treatment plan on a daily basis, whether there are symptoms or not, you can actually prevent the symptoms from showing up. When you drift away from the treatment regiment because your child hasn't experienced any recent attacks, you allow the symptoms to return, which then contributes new stress to the situation.

No matter how well things are going, there will always be a nagging fear in the back of your asthmatic child's mind that it can only last so long. That sooner or later something will trigger another asthma attack. Unfortunately, the more your child worries about triggering an attack, the more likely the stress from that worry will actually lead to an acute episode. Which, in turn, leads to still more stress.

Caregivers can easily be caught up in the relationship between pediatric asthma and stress as well. Caring for a child with asthma can be stressful for parents and for siblings. There's the worry that his symptoms might flare up at any time. There's the fear that an acute attack might actually take your child from you. Then there's the concern about being able to afford the treatments and required medications.

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, many families with asthmatic children operate in a constant crisis mode. They coast along, pretending everything is fine, until an acute asthmatic episode strikes in the middle of the night and necessitates another trip to the emergency room. Then once the episode is brought under control, things settle down again for awhile, until the next one hits.

The best way to deal with pediatric asthma and the stress it causes is to get a working asthma treatment plan, says the AAAAI. A plan should include management of the asthma and the environment, medication, and clearly defined steps to take in case of an emergency. A solid action plan gives you and your child the confidence to handle whatever situations arise, and the confidence to know you're controlling the asthma rather than the asthma controlling you.

David Silva is the webmaster of Asthma Insights (http://asthmainsights.com), a website dedicated to disseminating useful information about asthma, its symptoms, triggers, and treatments.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Asthma and Peak Flow

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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that constricts and inflames the airways. This causes excess mucus to form in the lungs and a narrowing of the airways that causes the symptoms of wheezing, shortness or breath, coughing, and tightness in the chest. A severe constriction of the airways, often caused by allergens or excessive exercise, is called an asthma attack.

One way that people with asthma can detect if they are going to have an asthma attack is by measuring their peak expiratory flow or peak flow for short. Peak flow measures how fast a person breathes out when that person tries his or her hardest. Basically, it tells a person how well his or her lungs and airways are working. This is often measured with a peak flow meter, a small analog or digital device that a person breathes into.

Peak flow assists people with asthma by telling them that an asthma attack is likely to occur. If a person's peak flow is low then the person's asthma is bothering him or her and the likelihood of an attack increases. This may be caused by triggers that increase the asthma symptoms such as pollen, cigarette smoke, or dust. A peak flow meter can help a person detect these triggers and steps can be made to remove the person from the triggers.

Measuring peak flow is also often used to access if certain asthma medications are helping a person or not. If a person's peak flow measurement is low then it may be a cue to change or increase medications to alleviate the asthma symptoms and prevent the likelihood of an asthma attack. If a peak flow is very high, then it may be possible to reduce the dosage of medications. No changes to medications should be made without the consultation of the doctor.

Asthma is a very serious disease that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. If you or someone you know has asthma, you owe it to yourself to learn all that you can about this chronic respiratory disease.

Daniel Lanicek is an life long sufferer of asthma on a mission to heighten world awareness of asthma. Over 14 million people in the United States alone suffer from asthma and there are ways you can help. Learn more about asthma at http://www.asthmaexplained.com

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Asthma Natural Remedies With no Side Effects

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There are many causes of asthma and each person can have different asthma attack triggers. So, each person may need to use a different medical approach and different asthma natural remedies.

Using drugs to control your asthma makes sense when you first discover that you have asthma provided your asthma is well established or life threatening. Once you have your prescriptions and your doctor's instructions, you should consider looking at or experimenting with natural remedies to control or even eliminate your asthma, since drugs are not a cure.

No matter what type of drug or inhaler you are using, they all have their side effects. The longer you use drugs or an inhaler, the less effective they become and most likely you will see side effects.

You should use asthma natural remedies when you are having an asthma attack or when asthma is under control. There are four areas you need to concentrate on when examining asthma natural remedies.

? Reduce mucus
? Reduce inflammation
? Reduce emotional and stressful situation
? Improve immune system

Reduce Mucus

By using various herbs you can control and remove mucus from your bronchioles. Test various herbs or herbal combinations to determine which work best for you.

Drink carrot and celery juice and drink plenty of water daily to help dilute and move mucus out of your body.

Reduce Inflammation

There are quite a few different nutrients that can help you reduce inflammation. You should consider using more than one at a time. Start with these and then experiment with the others.

? Add omega-3 to your diet by using flax seed oil or fish oil
? Use MSM supplements.
? Take vitamin C supplement
? Systemic enzymes, try Vitalzyme
? Digestive enzymes

Reduce Emotional and Stressful Situation

Reducing stress in your life is a difficult area to deal with since some situations in your life are strongly anchored, like your job, your family, your friends, or marital situation. But if theses areas are causing your stress and you frequently have asthma attacks, then you have to decide which is more important for you, your job or your health.

If your job is deteriorating your health, then start looking for a way out. This may require you to look for another job or to go back to school to get training for something you might like to do. Just take action and start changing your life.

Improve Immune System

Improving your immune system is accomplished through diet, through taking nutritional supplements, by reducing stress, and eliminating those conditions that overwork you body.

The fewer things your immune system has to react to and get under control, the stronger it is to take care of an asthma attack when it occurs. When your immune system has to deal with toxins in your colon and throughout your body, then it is weakened and not able to neutralize pollen or pollution you inhale from the air which can trigger an asthma attack.

Use drugs when you first discover you have asthma can make sense. But, if your asthma is light, then finding asthma natural remedies to control it, instead of using drugs, also makes a lot of sense.

Rudy Silva is a nutritionist. To get more free tips and information on asthma go to: http://www.asthmatreatments.info Pick up his revealing free constipation report by signing up for his weekly natural remedies newsletter at: http://www.natural-remedies-thatwork.com

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is Exercise Advisable For People With Asthma?

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Many people mistakenly think that those with asthma cannot and should not exercise. Contrary to this common belief, it is indeed possible, and even recommended that asthmatics get in shape and exercise. Exercise and asthma can go together quite well if proper precautions are undertaken.

Defining Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung disease. Its symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Symptoms can be mild or life threatening. It is thought there is a genetic link to asthma as well as environmental triggers.

An asthmatic episode can be set off by allergens, exercise, and respiratory infections. Dust mites and roaches are known to aggravate asthma and a big part of the management of the disease is cleaning the living environment to get rid of these pests.

Controlling Asthma

Follow these tips to help reduce asthmatic episodes:

1. Reduce pet dander by bathing your pets once a week.
2. Do not smoke. Do not let anyone else smoke in your house.
3. Monitor pollen and mold counts. Stay indoors when levels are high.
4. Wash bedding at least once per week in hot water. Pillows included.
5. Decrease chances of picking up viral illnesses by washing hands often.
6. Take a flu shot every year.
7. Protect your airways by covering your mouth and nose with a scarf in cold weather.
8. Identify your personal triggers and learn how to avoid them.

Exercising with Asthma

Your doctor will probably advise you not to abandon sports or exercise because you have asthma. You will just need to be cautious and smart about how you play.
Remember to have your inhaler and medications close by. If you have been wheezing the day of exercise or the night before, then go easy until you can determine how your airways will react.

Exercise Induced Asthma

There is a condition known as exercise induced asthma (EIA). With EIA, asthmatic symptoms will occur after approximately 10 minutes of exercise and occurs more frequently in dry and cold air.

Even with exercise induced asthma, you still have a wide variety of sports to participate in such as swimming, biking, and team sports.

The most important aspect of controlling your asthma during exercise and otherwise is to know your triggers and be consistent in your treatment. Asthma attacks are often easier to prevent than they are to reverse, So be consistent with medications and trigger avoidance. Consult with your doctor on a regular basis and take responsibility for managing and preventing your symptoms.

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at Wellness Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Alternative Health Advisor.

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The Asthma Society

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The Asthma Society is an organization that is generally affiliated with various countries. If you are someone that is looking for information about asthma, working with any of these societies that are geared towards providing relevant information that you need is a great place to start. For many people that visit these society pages, the goal is to learn about what asthma is and how in the world you will learn to deal with and even live with it. Many of those that visit the society are looking for more information about asthma because they have just been told by their doctors that they have asthma or that they may have it.

What is important to take note of when visiting any society's website to learn more about asthma is that your condition is not alone. Today, there are many millions of people that have asthma and live with it day in and day out. Asthma does become a condition that you need to manage but when you do so carefully, following the recommendations that the society for asthma as well as your doctor tell you, you can lead a normal life without worrying about asthma every day of it.

Another benefit of any of the asthma societies that you will find throughout the web is the wide range of new treatment options available. There are always tests and clinical studies being done to help aid those that are suffering from asthma to get relief. New medications, new treatments, and even new diagnosing tools are something that can offer a bit of help to those that are looking for a solution to their asthma condition. Best of all, when you visit the society's website, you will also learn that you are not the only person that is struggling with asthma and therefore you can get through it.

Roger Thompson Wrties about health related articles and jobs for The Number one Healthcare Job Site He also advises consumers on online products.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Asthma Diagnosis

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The asthma diagnosis comes from a series of tests. In many cases, a doctor will be able to determine if a patient has asthma and diagnose them right on the spot. In these cases, the diagnosis will be determined by the patient?s pre history. The doctor will look at the patient?s history of illness as well as his family history to determine if the symptoms and signs there are likely to be that of asthma. In addition, most doctors will use a simple examination to confirm their diagnosis of the asthma condition.

When an adult is to be diagnosed with asthma, the doctor may take some measurements of his airways. In asthma, the airways will constrict tightly, not allowing enough air to pass through them. This is a test that offers diagnosis of the condition, but can not be done on children. The doctor will use what is called a peak flow meter to help test and then diagnosis the adult asthma patient. In addition to it using an inhaler to test the benefits it offers to the potential asthma patient. For children to be diagnosed with asthma, the doctor will look at his medical history. Then, to insure that the patient does have asthma, he or she will monitor the child?s response to various inhalers using bronchodilator medications.

In many cases, a doctor will diagnosis asthma within a matter of minutes due simple to the conditions that the patient is facing. Those that are facing asthma symptoms will usually be able to be diagnosed based on the conditions in which they face asthma like reactions. Doctors often can diagnosis a patient within a matter of minutes just by knowing the various factors that cause the body to react. In these cases, the final test comes from testing medications on the potential asthma sufferer to see if they do in fact relieve the condition.

Roger Thompson writes health related articles and jobs for The Number One Healthcare Job SiteHe also advices consumers on online products.

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Asthma Cure? Is It There?

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Is there an asthma cure? While we know that there are millions of people around the world that are suffering from asthma, the cure for this condition may or may not be in the works. If you suffer from asthma, though, there are many things that you can do to just about cure your asthma attacks. The chronic condition of asthma is something that many suffer from on a daily basis. But, with the help of the right medications, possibly even all natural treatments for asthma, and the right type of lifestyle, those that have asthma may be able to avoid and even cure the symptoms that they face.

The cure for asthma may happen one day but until then there are some things that the asthma sufferer can do to feel better. First off, the asthma sufferer should determine what their trigger is. About 60 percent of all of those that face asthma have an allergic reaction to something that brings on an asthma attack. Removing that trigger from their lifestyles can work as the first step in the cure to asthma for them. Improving their health and well being by getting exercise, staying fit and keeping in good spirits can also improve and even help take a step closer to curing their asthma.

In addition to these things, those that want to find a cure for their asthma symptoms should work on insuring they have the best medications in store for the asthma attack should it come on and they should have the best possible natural remedies on hand to help in warding off possible asthma attacks as well. Natural products always work in a natural way to help the individual to rid themselves of the occurrence of asthma attacks. While there is no for sure cure just yet, there are many possible ways to improve the lifestyle and cure symptoms of asthma that you face.

Roger Thompson writes about health related articles and jobs for The number one Healthcare Job Site He also adivses consumers on online products

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Asthma Medication

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There are several types of asthma medication that can be used to help a patient that is struggling with asthma. Usually, a doctor will prescribe medications from the start of the episodes that seem to be that of asthma. If the medication helps to relive symptoms, the patient is considered to have asthma. In other cases, medications can be given after the diagnosis has been made that the patient has asthma.

The most common medications for the treatment of asthma are called bronchodilators. These medications are well known as simply inhalers. They are small sized inhaler units that offer a measured dose of the correct medication to the patient, allowing him to receive almost instant help from asthma symptoms. The medications within the asthma inhalers can range. Short acting medications such as salbutamol, terbutaline and bitolterol are some options here. There are older medications that some asthma suffers take. These are adrenergic agonists such as ephedrine tablets and epinephrine in an inhaled form. Ipratropium bromide is another medication that is provided to asthma suffers. This medication, unlike others, does not have as many potentially drastic health risks.

All of these medications have some type of side effect or can cause potentially life threatening conditions if the medications are used in the wrong way or over used for asthma treatment. Some will cause heart reactions such as high blood pressure and should be monitored closely.

To help a child or an adult to get relief from the asthma that they suffer from, a wide range of medications are available. Usually, these medications will be administered through an inhaler that will allow the medications to instantly enter the airways, opening them up and allowing the asthma symptoms of restriction to vanish. The right medication is something that can take a bit of working out to find the right one for the specific asthma reaction the individual has.
Roger Thompson writes health related articles and jobs for The No.1 Healthcare Job site . He also advises consumers on online products.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Asthma Inhalers- Do You Need It?

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Asthma inhalers allow a person that is facing asthma to experience what is happening to them with a bit of protection along the way. Asthma is not a condition that can be predicted. There are going to be times when something that you did not know was there causes a trigger in the person that causes the reaction of blocked airways. Although there are many various methods to treating asthma, having an inhaler is almost a must for those that face this type of condition with any severity. Even those that have mild asthma that does not often trigger with an episode should have access to an inhaler.

An inhaler that is used for asthma is quite important. This tool allows a person to get the almost immediate relief that they need from an asthma reaction. If you are outdoors, enjoying the day and then all of a sudden find yourself facing a reaction to the mist that you are breathing in, you need to be able to have an inhaler to help you. These inhalers work by allowing you to simply breathe in the medication quickly. This allows it to get right into your airways causing the muscles there to open up and allow you to breath normally again. Other medications that are taken in the form of a pill or even those that are injections will take more time to actual get into your system and provide help.

Not everyone that has asthma will have the same medications within their inhaler. The severity of your specific asthma reaction is what will trigger the type of medication that your doctor prescribes. You should always keep your medications up to date and keep them with you to provide the help that only your inhaler can. Of course, no one wants to use the inhalers that they have but when a time comes that you need one, can there be anything else that is more important?
Roger Thompson writes health related articles and jobs for The number one Healthcare Job Site

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Asthma Information

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Modern day advances in the medicine field have seen us tackle many diseases with ease. One such disease is Asthma. Asthma hampers the breathing of the patient by restricting the lungs. This condition is further heightened when the patient suffers an asthma attack. The asthma attacks could last for several minutes having fatal consequences. However, generally asthma is not a chronic disease and is a relatively common aliment. More often than not you will find an asthma patient in your vicinity.

If you have asthma it usually makes itself known in your childhood. Once you have been diagnosed with asthma it is rare that the condition will go away. However, it is possible. Scientists don't really know what exactly causes a person to become afflicted with asthma, but genetics is believed to play a large factor.

Over the years there has been a rise in the number of asthma patients. Though no clear reason has emerged to explain this but many believe it could one of the many ills of fast paced modern life arising from bad eating habits, stress and a polluted environment.

There are a variety of triggers for asthma attacks. A person can be affected by all of them or only some of them. The most common triggers for asthma attacks are exercise, smoking, dust, pollen, illness such as colds and flues, certain types of foods, and even sudden changes in air temperature.

The signs of an asthma attack become fairly apparent to a person who is afflicted with the condition. However, it is a good idea for those around that person to become familiar with the signs so they can assist should an asthma attack occur.

The signs are typically wheezing, coughing, breathlessness, and a tightness in the chest area. Most asthmatics have an inhaler containing medication to help control their asthma and these inhalers should be carried by an asthmatic at all times. If someone is suffering a serious asthma attack and they either don't have their inhaler, or it isn't working, call 911 immediately.

If you have asthma your doctor has probably prescribed an asthma reliever in a the form of an inhaler. Other than using your inhaler when an asthma attack strikes what can you do to help ease your asthma? Be sure to discuss prevention techniques with your doctor as they are the best resource. You can also find a variety of asthma support groups that discuss what it's like to live with asthma.

One of the easiest ways to help control your asthma is to identify what triggers typically cause your asthma attacks and avoid them as best you can. If you find your trigger is exercise you should discuss an alternative exercise program with your doctor. It is important to do a certain amount of physical activity each day but you need to find an exercise that doesn't aggravate your asthma.

Asthmatics need to take care of themselves and their health to avoid potentially dangerous asthma attacks. Informing those close to you of your condition if it is serious is also very important. Educating yourself and others about asthma is important to your well being. Being knowledgeable about asthma will help you to prevent attacks and deal with those attacks that do happen. Talk to your doctor about any concerns that you may have.

ooStephanie Winkton is the owner and operator of AZ Asthma, a fantastic resource for information about Asthma, For more articles on Asthma why not visit: http://www.azasthma.com/articlesClick here to get your own unique version of this article

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

German Medicine Homoeopathy For Asthma, Migraine And Chronic Ailments

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Dr. R. Thiyagarajan is a versatile personality - a leading homoeopath, psychologist, educationalist, researcher and so on.

He is exploring the homoeopathic healing powers in his website homoeocare.com extensively and visiting Sri Lanka. U.K., France and number of other global destinations monthly to share the wealth of his knowledge on homoeopathic healing powers for the last 10 years.

Some of his regular patients are ranging from the rural folks in Sri Lanka to the high officials in the World Bank.

I met Dr. R. Thiyagarajan recently in search of more on the healing power of the homoeopathy which was once introduced and inspired to me by Dr. Mohideen A. Rahaman, a homoeopath from Sri Lanka who is practising for the last three decades just opposite the colonial era Roxy Theatre of Colombo city.

Dr. Thiyagarajan is a healer with a human touch in diagnosing and solving problems whether it is physical or emotional. His Homoeocare Hospital in Trichi, a southern town of south Indian state of Tamil Nadu is witnessing his personal achievements.

His expanded hospital was recently opened in the presence of Parliamentarians, allopathic physicians, surgeons, skin specialists and so on, is an another recognition for him and the homoeopathy in large.

Dr. R. Thiyagarajan emphasized with much enthusiasm the developments of homoeopathy. He says: Ever since the birth of homoeopathy in Germany, in the year 1794, it has been practised by the doctors world over, However, the actual benefits of the homeopathic medical science have not reached every one.

As a result, millions of sufferers of chronic diseases are deprived of the homoeopathic treatment simply because of the ignorance about its existence! This is indeed cruel, as in the age of information, deprivation of the homeopathic advantage merely because of the lack of information is intolerable.

It is now possible for you to ask and know about the role of homoeopathy for a specific disease condition. For instance, you may ask: 'Does homeopathy have anything to offer for the treatment of Migraine or Asthma?' You will be offered genuine information as to what homoeopathy could offer for the said complaint.

You will be informed about the scope and limitation of homeopathy with respect to various diseases. However, it is not within the scope of this service to prescribe you any medicine over the Internet. If you want to consider homoeopathic treatment, you will be sent necessary information for the same.

Unlike other medicines, Homoeopathy medicines usually do not have any side effects. Their ability to cause structural damage is nil. The reason for this is that Homoeopathy medicines act by stimulating the body's own defense mechanism and healing powers. They do not have any chemical action, so they do not have the potential to cause any sustained damage.

The doses are given in sub-physiological quantities. So they can be given to children and adults alike without worrying about the dosage. Safe for every one.

Homoeopathy medicines are very effective - in both acute and chronic conditions. Homoeopathy in fact, is the only system of medicine which offers curative treatment (not palliative) to a large number of chronic ailments which have been labeled as 'incurable' by other schools of medicine. Homoeopathy medicines, if selected properly, give results faster than any other systems of medicine.

Homoeopathy medicine are usually dispensed as sweet sugar pills, which are very easy to take. Due to this reason, children readily agree to take Homeopathy medicines.

Homoeopathy treatment is affordable: Homoeopathy medicines are usually much cheaper than comparable allopathic and ayurvedic drugs. And also there is little stress on costly diagnostic procedures as homeopaths rely on the symptoms to find the right medicine for a person. So the overall cost of treatment is very little.

Still this may not appear so to many people in Western countries as Homoeopathy treatment is usually not covered by insurance companies. But that's myopic vision.

One has to think of long-term gains. Under proper Homoeopathy treatment not only the person's immediate complaints improve, but also his/her susceptibility to disease decreases as there is a general improvement in health. So in the long run, there is better health, less medical consultations and the cumulative cost is very low. Even otherwise, hasn't some wise man said. .."Health is the real Wealth"?....

Homoeopathy considers the complaints of a patient in totality. It views a person as a whole, as an integrated entity, and not as a mere collection of body parts. So it treats the person as a whole too. Thus one does not have to visit ten different 'specialists' for his/her ten different body parts. After all our body is more than a collection of parts! So Homoeopathy saves your time, money and health at the same time.

Rajkumar Kanagasingam is author of a fascinating book the "German memories in Asia" and you can explore more about the book and share the real-life experience of the internship students from Germany at the Asia's best intern program AGSEP

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10 Steps to helping you with your Asthma

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If you, or a family member, suffer from asthma, you are always looking for ways to managing asthma it as it is not something your doctor can do for you all by himself. Asthma self help is an important part of treating and managing your condition so that it doesn't take over your entire life. Your doctor may prescribe both daily medication and medication to take in case of an acute asthma episode, but the task of minimizing the risk of an asthma attack and taking care of yourself on a daily basis is largely up to you and your family. Learning some key asthma self help tricks can help you keep your asthma under control so that it doesn't interfere with your daily life.

We all know that asthma can be caused, triggered or worsened by so many things, there are many things that you can do to lessen the frequency and severity of the symptoms. Your doctor will offer important suggestions in addition to medication to help you manage your asthma. Think of those suggestions as a personalized asthma self help plan. A major part of asthma self help involves avoiding asthma triggers. Some ways that you can help yourself if you or someone in your family has asthma include:

1. The first and most important step in asthma self help is to follow your doctor's orders. Don't stop taking daily medication just because you feel better. If he's prescribed daily peak flow measurements, be sure to follow instructions carefully and measure daily to monitor your condition.

2. If you smoke, quit. Whether the asthma sufferer is you or a child in your family, cigarette smoke is one of the most common asthma triggers known.

3. Keep the house dust-free - or as close to dust-free as possible. Dust is another common asthma trigger. Use a cylinder vacuum instead of an upright - preferably one that encloses the vacuum cleaner bag inside a solid canister to minimize pumping dust back into the air.

4. If you can, remove carpets and heavy draperies. They're dust-catchers that easily breed dust mites. If you can't remove them, vacuum them frequently using a canister vacuum cleaner.

5. Avoid using down feather pillows and comforters, and use a plastic cover on your mattress. Mattresses and pillows can harbor dust mites. The same goes for stuffed animals and other 'soft' decorations.

6. Cover your mouth and nose with a scarf in cold weather. Cold air is another common asthma trigger.

7. If your asthma is triggered by allergens, monitor the outside air quality daily. Avoid open fields and woodsy areas during peak pollen seasons, and take extra care when air quality is in danger ranges.

8. Mold is another common allergen that triggers asthma. Keeping mold down is another important part of asthma self help care. Dry wet laundry immediately, and wash and disinfect bathrooms and showers regularly. Remove houseplants, as mold grows in their soil.

9. Pet dander can also trigger asthma symptoms. If you can't part with a pet because of emotional ties, at least keep it out of the bedroom to minimize your exposure to dander.

10. Be aware of any food or ingested allergies, and avoid foods, medications and drinks that cause allergic reactions.

In conclusion then we acknowledge that Asthma self help is a very important component of treating and managing the condition and learning some key asthma self help tricks can help you keep your asthma under control in order to attempt to lessen the frequency and severity of the symptoms. Good luck in your endeavors, by reading this article you are well on the way.Jenny Gill is an international author with vast experience in a diverse range of subjects, for more information visit www.besthealthsyte.com

Jenny Gill is an international author with an immense range of knowledge and skills in a wide range of areas. Jenny is a mother and a grandmother and devotes a lot of her time supporting the aged in her community.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Identification Of Asthma

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Asthma (pronounced AZ-muh) is defined in the book "Essential Allergy", by Mygind, Dahl, Pedersen, and Thestrup-Pedersen as "A lung disease characterised by: 1. variable and reversible airway obstruction; 2. airway inflammation; and 3. bronchial hyper-responsiveness. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes bronchial passages that make up one's airways particularly sensitive to irritants. It is primarily characterized by breathing difficulties. Asthma is a highly-ranked chronic health condition for adults in a majority of western countries. It is also the leading chronic illness afflicting children. Asthma cannot be cured. However, most patients can control it so that they suffer only minimal and infrequent symptoms and they can live an active life.

If you suffer from asthma, managing it is an important part of your life. Controlling your asthma entails avoiding things that bother your airways and taking medicines under your doctor's direction. With daily asthma control, serious symptoms can be prevented and it is possible to participate in all normal activities. When asthma is not well-controlled, your symptoms may cause you to miss school or work and may keep you from enjoying other activities.

Asthma sufferers have hyper-responsive or very sensitive airways. An asthma episode, or, in severe cases, an asthma attack occurs when a person experiences a worsening of their asthma symptoms. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscles around the bronchial tubes contract, narrowing airway openings thereby restricting air flow. As inflammation increases, the airways become more swollen and increasingly narrow. Cells in the airways also overproduce mucus, which further narrows the airways. These airway changes cause the asthma symptoms. It becomes difficult for air to pass in and out of the lungs and blood-oxygen levels decrease.

This narrowing of the air passages is due to different combinations of:

* swelling of the airway lining caused by airway inflammation
* excessive mucus in airways
* contraction of muscles around the air passages

Not all asthma attacks are created equally. Some are more severe than others. In a severe asthma attack, the airways can close to the extent that vital organs do not receive enough oxygen. This condition constitutes a medical emergency. It is possible die from a severe asthma attack. Suffering from an asthma attack has been compared to the sensation of drowning. Sufferers of an asthma attack describe symptoms such as a tightness in the chest, wheezing or whistling noises in the chest, coughing, breathlessness, and breathing difficulties that occur as the airways become narrowed, inflamed, and blocked by mucus. An asthma attack can flare up suddenly. However, asthma sufferers learn to recognize those warning signs that signal an attack. These indicators include an itchy nose or skin, dizziness or light-headedness, or an irritating cough. Learning the warning signs is essential to alert a sufferer to take preventive action, such as medication in time to avoid an attack. Because of this asthma sufferers should have regular contact with their physician. They need to educate themselves as to what things cause a worsening of their asthma symptoms methods to use to avoid them. Additionally, your doctor will prescribe medicines to manage your asthma.

In the Western world, about one in thirteen adults and one in eight children have asthma and rates are on the rise. It can affect anyone, any place, at any age. In the developed world asthma is becoming increasingly common and is presently the most common chronic condition in the west. Major contributing factors are thought to be aspects of our modern environment such as air pollution, processed foods, and centrally heated, double-glazed houses which are an ideal breeding grounds for house dust mites. Because it is considered a chronic condition, that means that attacks can occur over a long period of time. Although there are times when asthmatics suffer acute episodes, the majority asthma sufferers report that there are long periods during which they suffer few, if any,symptoms. Asthma can change progressively during the lifetime of the asthma sufferer. For example, children may grow out of asthma, but of these, some redevelop asthma at a later age.

Medications, such as those resembling two naturally-occurring hormones, help asthma. These two hormones are adrenaline or, in the United States, epinephrine and the steroid hydrocortisone. There are additional drugs which help treat asthma. Though drugs can remove all of the symptoms for a mild asthma sufferer, more severe or long-standing cases of asthma generally do not get such good results. To combat this, alternate medications have been developed. Over time, lifelong asthma sufferers see a decrease in the effectiveness of medications in removing the obstruction of the airways. One of the current treatment goals is to minimize the inflammation in the lung passages as this is thought to precipitate this long-term decline.
Barbara Brown contributes to several web sites, on health and beauty tips topics.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Emotional Cause of Asthma

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Asthma is also influenced by certain emotions such as laughing, crying, anger, panic, etc. But many in the medical community believe there is no proof people with asthma are any more psychologically disturbed than their non-asthmatic peers. However, it is not possible to have an illness without it having an emotional or trauma component associated with it. Our brain and body is not a split organism where our brain and body work independently of each other.
Having asthma is most likely related to birth traumas where the newborn is being suffocated by the birth process or has a difficulty coming out thus weakening the lungs and the bronchioles. Or, possibly where the parents were over protective or dominating, or demanding to the point of, in a sense, suffocating the child.
And, there are many other asthmatic scenarios that could weaken a persons lungs and bronchioles during childhood. You might know what yours is.
In his book, How to Get Well, 1974, Paavo Airola, Ph.D., says,
?Extensive studies show that there are two basic causes of asthma: one, the typical allergic reaction to one or more allergens; two, psychic factors. Doctors agree that many young asthmatics (according to studies, about 25%) have in common a ?deep-seated emotional insecurity and an intense need for parental love and protection?. When emotional causes are suspected, these must be dealt with before biological and nutritional treatments can be effective.?
Emotions and feelings, such as apprehension, concern, anxiety, and panic can cause muscular tension and contraction around the bronchioles. Over a long time, these tensions can cause muscle spasms and weakening of the bronchioles, which can then lead to asthma as an adult.
In his book, Cleanse & Purify Thyself, 1998, Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D., says,
?Our own research indicates that Love is the great key. When we understand that Love is the natural state of our beings and when Love is not flowing through our beings every moment, than some other emotion or concept is interfering. These interferences are usually emotions of great intensity or some quirk in our point of view, such as the habit of judging conditions, things, or people in negative ways, and most of the time they are unconscious. One of the activities we all need to initiate is to remove these conscious and unconscious negative emotions so that Love may flow through us. Here in lies one of the most important point in this book.?

For many healers of the past it was clear that childhood trauma and the lack of love provided an atmosphere where illness could develop. Asthma sufferers need to look for and heal that emotional component that prevents them from healing so that they can start the asthma healing.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist that teaches people how to use natural remedies for better health. For more free tips and information on how to get asthma relief with natural remedies and techniques, go to: http://www.asthmatreatments.info

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Allergic Asthma Treatment

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Allergic asthma treatment is often a necessary treatment for those asthma sufferers that face asthma attacks that are triggered or brought on by allergies that they have. Those that have allergic asthma are known to have chronic inflammatory conditions within their breathing airways. Those that face allergic types of asthma will have an asthma attack that is brought on by the various types of contact with such things as they are allergic to such as dust, pollen, dander and even mold. The treatment for this type of asthma is important to take note of although the treatment method often starts by learning what the allergy is.

Those that have allergic forms of asthma are those that often have the same types of symptoms as other asthma patients. It is estimated that about 60 percent of those that suffer from asthma actually have allergic asthma. The symptoms of an attack are the same as other asthma in that shortness of breath, changing breathing patterns, pain in the chest area, wheezing, coughing and rapid breathing are all experienced by those that suffer from this form of asthma. The most common way to get this type of asthma is to inherit it from a parent or relative that has had allergic asthma.

As far as treatment goes, the first step is to determine the allergn to individual and then to avoid that allergen. In doing this, the frequency of allergic reactions will happen. The same medications that are used to treat other asthma sufferers such as anti inflammatory, are used to treat those that suffer from allergic asthma. In addition, there are other medications that can be taken to limit the reaction that the body has to the allergen thereby lower the frequency of the asthma reactions. Those that face asthma should determine if allergic asthma may be behind their asthma. If so, avoiding the trigger to that allergy will help in minimizing the asthma attacks.
Roger Thompson writes health related articles and jobs for The Number one Healthcare Job Site He also advises consumers on online products.

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