Herbal Asthma Treatment

Friday, November 30, 2007

Natural Cure For Asthma

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If you experience sudden bouts of breathlessness, you are suffering from asthma. When some dust, smoke or the scent of any odd flower or perfume will get you whizzing, coughing and gasping, you are suffering from asthma. These are just some of the allergens that can irritate your nasal passage. Other irritants are exercise, pollution or smog, a sudden change in weather, cold or any infection of the airways.

Though asthma attack can be scary, there is no need to panic. Besides following doctors medications, there are certain tips that you can follow to prevent asthma. First, it is important for you to guard yourself against dust mite allergies and hay fever. Take the following steps:

 Go for yoga: Performing simple yogic breathing where you exhale for twice as long as you inhale can prevent against future asthma attacks. This technique has been proven to be very effective. The effect of this breathing is similar to that obtained by the use of a corticosteroid inhaler. To do this breathing, close your eyes, inhale and then exhale naturally. Pause without holding your breath for one or two seconds before the next inhalation. This will allow the exhalation to complete naturally. Do not try to breathe deeply or slowly. But if there is a need to breathe deeply, you can do so till you can come back to breathing exercise.

 Avoid sleeping on full stomach: Sleeping while your stomach is full can aggravate your asthma. Asthma is caused by stomach reflux, which occurs when stomach acid goes back into esophagus. This causes the stomach contents to regurgitate into your mouth and then drip down into the airways when you are lying down or sleeping. Avoid heavy snacks and take an antacid to reduce your stomachs acidity. Theophylline medications can also aggravate the asthma by increasing the stomachs reflux. If you are on this medication and are experiencing stomach reflux problem, consult your doctor to reduce the dosage.

 Note your food sensitivity: Eating or smelling certain foods can trigger an asthma attack in some people. Foods like milk, eggs, seafood and nuts are the main culprits.

 Eat plenty of fish: Eskimos rarely suffer from asthma. Hence, some researchers conclude that eating plenty of fish may prevent asthma. The fishes more likely to have an impact on asthma are omega-3 rich fish like sardines, mackerels and herring.

 Take multiple vitamins: Taking a good vitamin/mineral supplement and having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables might help; since some nutrients have been shown to prevent asthma. People who take vitamin C and zinc are less likely to suffer more than the others. Increase your intake of citrus fruits, broccoli and peppers for vitamin C and beef, crab and oysters for zinc.

 Get relief from caffeine: Coffee has been shown to help people with asthma. It has the same effect as theophylline. A cup of a regular strong black coffee will have beneficial effect on asthma. But do not use caffeine as a substitute for or along with other medications and must be always used in case of emergency. When you do not have medications, you can have 2 cups of regular strong black coffee for instant relief. You can get relief, albeit slower, with hot cocoa or milk chocolate.
Sharon hopkins has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which gives information on Home based cure for Asthma by following some simple methods.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Asthma - Children and Treatment

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Though Asthma can be developed at any age, but it is found that it occurs mostly in childhood. Moreover, it is found that it is found more in girls than boys. Asthma causes about 1/4th absentism in schools and around 20 children die due to uncontrolled Asthma only in Canada every year. So, it is very important to control Asthma so that your child can lead a normal and healthy lifestyle.

How do I know my child has Asthma?

If your child is suffering from breathing problem and uncontrollable continuous coughing then it's the time you take your child to doctor and get a proper diagnosis done. It's very likely that your child is suffering from Asthma. Delay could lead to serious problem and it may even take your child's life.

Is there anything I can do to help my child avoid Asthma?

As we all know that Asthma has no definite cure and only preventive measures and proper consultation of doctor can lead to control of Asthma, you should try and see that you keep your child away from the triggers that result to Asthma attacks in your child. You should do the following to save your child and ensure him a normal and healthy lifestyle.

* You should put extra efforts to keep your child's surroundings clean.

* You should take the child for regular checkups.

* You should ensure that child does not come into the contact of triggers that lead to Asthma attacks.

* You should educate the child about the preventive measures and teach him how to help oneself in times of emergency.

How can I help my child avoid Asthma triggers?

You should take preventive measures in accordance with the kind of triggers that lead to Asthma attacks in your child. Lets have a look on the kind of triggers and how you can help your child to fight these Asthma triggers.

* Pollen and molds: If pollen and molds causes Asthma attacks, then you should use your air conditioners and keep your doors and windows regularly closed. If you are traveling, then keep the windows of your car closed. You sholud avoid flowery plants in your nursery.

* Pets: If you are an ardent pet lover, then keep your pet at separate places and put on masks before you come in their contact.

* Strong Emotions: Try to avoid strong emotions that lead to anxiety, if they cause asthma attacks.

* Smoke and dust: Try to keep your environment smoke and dust free and ensure that you wear masks when you are out. Avoid working in kitchen.

* Heat burn: If heartburn causes allergy, that leads to asthma attacks, then avoid moving out in sun and use proper lotions that prevents sunburns

* Spray in deodorants and perfumes: Avoid using and coming in contact with perfumes and spray in deodorants, if they lead to asthma attacks.

* Smelly spices and Food Additives: Cook your food that is free from additives and try to avoid eating outdoor food. Avoid going in kitchen and if it is mandatory put a mask. Try to gather complete knowledge that what kind of food contains additives and make their intake very less.

How can I tell my child's asthma is serious?

Use a peak flow meter to check how much air flows out of your child's lung everyday. Your child will have lesser inflow and outflow of air from lungs, if he is suffering from Asthma. Measuring of peak flows can help you detect your child's air flow before he or she has any symptoms of Asthma. The peak flow meter will also tell, whether or not your child's asthma is serious and what kind of time to time medication is mandatory for your child. You will also get to know, when your child needs emergency care. In addition, it will also help you to find the triggers that lead to Asthma attacks in your child.

How is a peak flow meter used?

It is very simple to use a peak flow meter. To use a peak flow meter on your child, go thorough the following steps:

* Primarily move the indicator to the bottom of the numbered scale.

* Stand up and take a deep breath.

* Close the child's lip around the mouthpiece of the flow meter and ensure that his or her tongue does not gets inside the mouthpiece.

* Ask the child to blow hard and as fast as possible. The indicator on the scale moves up.

* Note down the number where the indicator stops.

* Ask your child to repeat the above steps 1-5 times more and then note down the highest number among them where the indicator has stopped on the peak flow meter chart.

Your doctor will tell you when to use peak flow meter on your child and how to record your child's personal best score from time to time. The personal best score is the highest score that your child shows in a period of two to three weeks, when the asthma is under good control. After you come to know, your child's best score, you should compare the daily peak flow score with the personal best score.

What to do next after using peak flow meter on your child?

Once you have recorded your child's personal peak flow score, your doctor will tell you how to put these scores into different zones as colors in the traffic light. There are three zones that tells about the severity of your child's asthma.

Green zone: This zone is the 80%-100% of the personal best score, which signifies all clear. This means that all there are no symptoms and your child can use all the medicines as usual.

Yellow Zone: In this zone, the personal best score lies between 50%-80% of the personal best score and signifies caution. Your child may need some extra medication and preventive measures.

Red Zone: In this zone, the personal best score lies below 50% of the of the personal best score and signifies medical alert. You should ask your child to use inhaler regularly and consult your doctor immediately.


Proper medication along with preventive measures are required to treat and control asthma. These can be divided into different categories as follows:

Reliever Medications: Normally packed in blue and grey containers these are also known as Beta agonists or broncobusters. These include salbutamol, fenoterol, and terbutaline such as Airomir, Ventolin,a nd Bricanyl. As soon as you inhale them, muscles around the bronichal tubes relax instantly and makes it easier to breath for a couple of hours. This is a perfect medicine for people suffering from mild asthma.

* Preventive Medications: Also known as preventors, they reduce inflammation in airways.The regular use of preventers reduces the irritability in bronichle tubes that leads to reduction in inflammation in the tubes. Though symptoms may start improving within a week or two, but it will take a couple of months before the inflammation also improves. If your asthma is well-controlled, you can reduce their intake with the help of doctor. Preventive medicines are divided into three groups:

* Non steroid puffers: They include cromogylate, [Intal] among others. They are very useful in mild asthma and intial therapy for children. They are best to bloc exercise related asthma attacks.

* Steroid puffers or Cortisone: Fluticasone, Budesonide, beclomethasone etc lies under the Steroid puffers category. They are very effective drugs fro reducing inflammation. These medication leads to side effects such as husky voice or soar throat. You can minimize these side effects by using spacer device or gargling with water. These are adviced to take in small doses after proper consultation.

* Leucotriene antagonists: This is a new series of medication and one tablet is taken on everyday or alternate days .Medications like Zafirlukast and montelukast reduce inflammation of airways by blocking the chemical known as leucontrienes.

Symptom Controllers

These drugs are taken on daily basis by the patients who are already on the heavy dose of preventers, this means the people who are suffering from high asthma. These drugs include eformoterol and salmaterol. You should never use system controllers alone to treat asthma attacks.

Combination Drugs

These are the medications that combine asthma preventer along with a symptom controller. They are available in Australia and includes drug such as Seretide (Flixotide + Serevent).


Immunotherapy is used to reduce the severity of allergy and is used only in specific cases of asthma to reduce medication.

Article Written by Manisha Bhatia for http://www.intellimeds.com


Asthma - Triggers and Prevention

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Triggers are basically the things and conditions that cause inflammation in the airways and leads to Asthma attacks. The triggers are classified into two broad main categories.

Inflammatory Triggers: These are also known as Allergic triggers. The inflammatory triggers include, animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits and other furry animals, viral infections such as common cold viruses and flu viruses, cockroaches, moulds ( a type of fungus and often found in damp and wet places), dust mites, grass and flower pollen, and air pollutants. The inflammatory triggers causes inflammation and tightening of airways.

Symptom Triggers: These are also known as Non-allergic triggers. They include cold air that may lead to uneasy breathing, strong smelling chemicals, perfumes, smelly spices, food additives such as saccharin, caffeine, sodium nitride etc., smoke, and intense emotions that leads to anxiety and often uncontrollable asthma. These triggers do not cause inflammation, rather they worsen the jittery airways when they are already highly inflamed.

These triggers differ from a person to person that leads to Asthma attacks. As these triggers prevails in environment, so it is nearly impossible to demolish them. You should take precautionary measures to avoid these triggers and hence avoid Asthma attacks.


There is no medication or treatment available throughout the world that can cure Asthma completely. The precautionary measures, time to time doctor's consultation, and recognizing the triggers that leads to Asthma attack in a person are very important to avoid Asthma attacks, control them, and lead a normal and healthy lifestyle.

You can take some basic steps and control your Asthma which are as follows:

* If you suffering from a constant breathing problem, its the time you visit your doctor and find out if it's Asthma. Your doctor will do certain tests and observations to confirm whether you are suffering from Asthma or not.

* You should try to find that what kinds of allergic and non-allergic triggers lead to Asthma attacks. You should also get some allergic test done in order to confirm them.
* You should stay away from these triggers as much as possible.
* There are two kinds of medications available. First one is Controller, which is also known as Preventers. Preventers minimize inflammation in airways. Second type of medication are Relievers, they help to alleviate symptoms instantly such as it will reduce instant coughing.
* You should learn about the desease as much as you can as it will not only enhance your knowledge, you will also learn different precautionary measures to handle asthma attacks at the time of emergency.
* You should avoid intense emotions.
* You should learn to take you medication properly. As improper medication will worsen the Asthma attack.
* You should visit your doctor regularly and have regular checkups done.
* You should never avoid childhood allergies as it may lead to serious asthma problems later on.

As triggers are the main reason of Asthma attacks, you should take steps to keep these triggers at bay. Here are some preventive measures to help make your environment trigger-free.

Dust mites are present in pillows, bed sheets, carpets, mattresses, soft toys, and soft furniture. You can avoid them by removing carpets from the room, encasing mattresses, pillows, and bed sheets in allergen-impermeable covers. Regular use of vacuum cleaners and keeping your house completely dry can keep dust and moulds away.

* If animals are the triggers leading to asthma attacks. Remove them from your place and if you can't, keep them separate.
* Try to be indoors, when the level of pollutants is quite high in the air or if its that mandatory to move outside, use masks to cover your face and nose.
* Quit smoking and keep the environment near you smoke free, if smoke is the trigger for you.

* Use scarf to cover your mouth and nose in winters, in case cold air is the trigger for you.

* Use your Asthma medication before exercising in cold air, if cold air is the trigger for you.
* Wash your beddings and carpets with very hot water, nearly 130 degrees Fahrenheit to kill dust mites.
* Avoid close contact with people who are suffering from cold or have flu, in case your trigger is cold or flu.

* Stay away from strong chemicals, perfumes, and smelly spices.

* Cockroaches body parts causes asthma attacks. So use disinfectant cleaners to keep them away.

Article written by Manisha Bhatia for http://www.intellimeds.com/


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Asthma - Types and Symptoms

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Nearly 15 million Americans are suffering from a chronicle inflammatory airway desease that makes breathing very difficult. Among the 15 million affected, a whopping 5 million are children. This chronicle airway desease is known as "Asthma" in medical terms. Asthma spares none, whether a child or an adult. When an Asthma attack strikes, person suffers from uncontrollable continuous coughing, neck muscles straining, distended chest, and eyes showing alarm verging on panic. It makes inhaling of oxygen very difficult for the person. When an Asthma attack strikes, the patient puts a tube like device in his mouth and inhales twice. The patient is instantly relieved and within a couple of minutes, his breathing returns back to normal and the patient can carry forward his normal daily activities as usual. But he doesn't know, when the next attack will strike, within a couple of hours or a couple of months.

TYPES OF ASTHMA Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath. It occurs 50% more often in children under age 10, where the girls have outnumbered boys. In adult-onset asthma, it has been found that women are generally more affected than men. There are 7 broad types of Asthma, which are as follow:

* Extrinsic Asthma
* Intrinsic Asthma
* Exercise-Induced Asthma
* Intermittent Asthma
* Nocturnal Asthma
* Chronic Asthma
* Seasonal Asthma


Difficulty in breathing and continuous uncontrollable coughing are the main symptoms of Asthma that results due to the airway swelling. But if we have a broader look; chest tightness, wheezing upon breathing out, coughing specially at night with thick yellow or clear sputum occasionally, high difficulty in breathing, strain in neck muscles, and shallow breathing that eases up with sitting are the main symptoms of asthma. As with an asthma attack, oxygen supply gets very low so symptoms that reflect the lack of oxygen in the body, also appears. These symptoms are blue skin, exhaustion, grunting respiration, inability to speak, and mental changes such as restlessness, helplessness, and confusion. There are some symptoms that make Asthma worse. These are the conditions Rhinitis and Sinusitis. Rhinitis is the inflammation of nose lining and Sinusitis is the inflammation of sinus cavities, which normally happens after a viral, bacterial or a fungal infection.

 Manisha Bhatia for http://www.intellimeds.com/

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Asthma - Types and Symptoms

Breath FREE and Enjoy and Active Life Without DRUGS CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE




Nearly 15 million Americans are suffering from a chronicle inflammatory airway desease that makes breathing very difficult. Among the 15 million affected, a whopping 5 million are children. This chronicle airway desease is known as "Asthma" in medical terms. Asthma spares none, whether a child or an adult. When an Asthma attack strikes, person suffers from uncontrollable continuous coughing, neck muscles straining, distended chest, and eyes showing alarm verging on panic. It makes inhaling of oxygen very difficult for the person. When an Asthma attack strikes, the patient puts a tube like device in his mouth and inhales twice. The patient is instantly relieved and within a couple of minutes, his breathing returns back to normal and the patient can carry forward his normal daily activities as usual. But he doesn't know, when the next attack will strike, within a couple of hours or a couple of months.

TYPES OF ASTHMA Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath. It occurs 50% more often in children under age 10, where the girls have outnumbered boys. In adult-onset asthma, it has been found that women are generally more affected than men. There are 7 broad types of Asthma, which are as follow:

* Extrinsic Asthma
* Intrinsic Asthma
* Exercise-Induced Asthma
* Intermittent Asthma
* Nocturnal Asthma
* Chronic Asthma
* Seasonal Asthma


Difficulty in breathing and continuous uncontrollable coughing are the main symptoms of Asthma that results due to the airway swelling. But if we have a broader look; chest tightness, wheezing upon breathing out, coughing specially at night with thick yellow or clear sputum occasionally, high difficulty in breathing, strain in neck muscles, and shallow breathing that eases up with sitting are the main symptoms of asthma. As with an asthma attack, oxygen supply gets very low so symptoms that reflect the lack of oxygen in the body, also appears. These symptoms are blue skin, exhaustion, grunting respiration, inability to speak, and mental changes such as restlessness, helplessness, and confusion. There are some symptoms that make Asthma worse. These are the conditions Rhinitis and Sinusitis. Rhinitis is the inflammation of nose lining and Sinusitis is the inflammation of sinus cavities, which normally happens after a viral, bacterial or a fungal infection.

 Manisha Bhatia for http://www.intellimeds.com/

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Asthma Relief and Treatment

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About Asthma:
Asthma is a condition in which the airways of the lungs become either narrowed or completely blocked, impeding normal breathing. However, in asthma, this obstruction of the lungs is reversible, either spontaneously or with medication.Nearly 5 million children younger than 18 have asthma. Increasing in prevalence, asthma is the most common chronic illness of school-aged children. It is responsible for 10.1 million school absences every year -- three times as many as any other cause. Asthma also can limit participation in school athletic programs. However, when properly managed, children with asthma can participate fully in both academic and athletic aspects of student life.Asthma is a chronic lung condition that can develop at any age. Fifteen million people--seven percent of those who live in the United States--have asthma. However, it is most common in childhood and occurs in approximately 7-10% of the pediatric population. It is the number one cause for school absenteeism among all chronic diseases.

Symptoms of Asthma:
The most common symptoms during an asthma attack are as follows: the airways become narrowed and inflamed, making breathing difficult, wheezing and troublesome coughing (particularly at night) results.It is important to check with your doctor if you are having any of these problems:
1.Breathlessness with exercise or activity
2.Breathlessness with wheezing
5.Chest tightness or soreness, especially with coughing or deep breathing
6.Waking up at night with breathlessness or wheezing

Causes of Asthma:
The most common cause of asthma is allergy. Of the children who have asthma, 90 percent are allergic. Of the people over 30, 50 percent have allergies. Asthma may also be a result of infection such as bronchiolitis, which is caused by a viral infection of the airways. More than half the children who get bronchiolitis have asthma until they are at least 7 years old.
Generally, the cause of asthma can be divided into two major factors:

Triggers, which result in tightening of the airways. Inducers, which result in inflammation of the airways. Triggers irritate the airways, and do not cause inflammation. Symptoms caused by triggers tend to be immediate, short-lived, and rapidly reversible. Airways will react more quickly to triggers if inflammation is already present in the airways. Common triggers include everyday stimuli such as cold air, a polluted environment, strong fumes, emotional upsets, and smoke. Smoke acts as a very strong trigger. Second-hand smoke has been shown to aggravate asthma symptoms, especially in children.

Tropical Medications of Asthma:
Some tropical medicines for asthma treatment are follows.
Angelica Root Extract
Bronchitis & Asthma Aide
Kombucha Tea

Home care Suggestion:
Avoid tobacco smoke. Apply an onion poultice to the chest.
Maintain a vegetarian diet as much as possible eat only fresh raw foods.
Also take walks as exercise helps the system to get rid of toxins.

Click Here More Information for Asthma: Michal John

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Treating Asthma With Aromatherapy

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Asthma - for those affected by this complaint the very word will sometimes bring cold shivers.

For those lucky people who don't know much about asthma, it is a respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, cough and thick mucous production caused by inflammation or spasm of the bronchi.

An attack of asthma can be triggered by exposure to an allergen, strenuous exercise or infection. In between attacks, the sufferer breathes normally, but treatment should be ongoing to help prevent inflammation, and thus attacks that are in some cases, life-threatening. This is because during an attack the respiratory mucosa lining the airways swells, the smooth muscle lining the bronchiolar walls contracts and much thick mucous is secreted into the airways causing the sufferer great difficulty in breathing.

Another problem is the body's own response to the inflammation of the airways. The immune system sends out white blood cells containing leukotrienes to deal with it, but these chemical compounds cause further swelling of the mucous membrane, constriction of the smooth muscle and even more mucous, thus exacerbating the problem.

During an attack the suffer experiences extreme fatigue and anxiety which both make the condition worse. Treatment consists of the use controlling or preventing the inflammation from occurring in the first place by removal of the offending allergens or cause, but in the case of allergens, it is not always possible to identify the culprit.

Bronchodilators must be used to expand the airways, with constant use of two medications that give both long and short-term relief. It is also possible to use aromatherapy to aid in both prevention and treatment of asthma, but the sufferer should never simply go off medication prescribed by the doctor.

To reduce air pollution (bacteria and allergens) place in an atomizer containing an ounce of purified water, 1 drop each of peppermint (mentha x piperita)and tea-tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), 2 drops of pine oil (pinus sylvestris) and bergamot (citrus bergamia) and 3 of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora). Spray the air frequently or dampen a tissue with it and inhale.

Another good inhalation that can also be used in the bath or as a chest rub to stimulate the removal of mucous, is a mix of 12 drops of Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), 2 drops of Ravensara aromatica with 28 drops of Cedarwood, (Juniperus virginiana).

Two oils containing anti inflammatory and anti-infectious properties are Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllus) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus). They should be mixed together in a 3/1 ratio respectively, and inhaled when the presence of cold and flu viruses are suspected.

Another calming inhalation and chest rub can be made by mixing 16 drops Lemon, (Citrus limon), 12 drops Clary Sage, (Salvia sclarea) and12 drops Angelica, (Angelica archangelica)

A massage oil to help to loosen tight back and chest muscles after an attack of asthma can be made from the following ingredients. Take 2 tablespoons of almond oil and add 3 drops Ylang, Ylang, (Cananga odorata), 3 drops Eucalyptus, (Eucalyptus smithii), 16 drops Lavender, Lavendula angustifolia and 3 drops Peppermint, (Mentha x piperita).

Many of these oils can aid in calming the sufferer during an attack, a difficult emotion to achieve while struggling for breath. However, anxiety makes the body's oxygen needs escalate, while a person who can remain calm needs much less oxygen and can remain more in control of the situation.

For A Free Health Newsletter please visit: http://healthybodysupplements.com Be Informed before taking action. Please consult your health care provider before starting a new program or using any herbs or supplements.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What Is Asthma

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Asthma Inhalers - Introduction

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The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.

Inhalers have changed the way that doctors treat asthma completely. Asthma inhalers can deliver medicine directly to the lungs just about anytime or anyplace that an asthma attack happens. Portable, easy to use and commonly accepted, asthma inhalers are a key to independence for many asthma sufferers.

While there are other parts to an asthma treatment plan, asthma inhalers are the part that can make it possible for those who have asthma to engage in regular daily activities - including sports and other activities - without fear. Knowing what type of inhalers you can use and how to use them can help you manage your life so that asthma doesn't manage you.

Definition: Asthma inhalers are portable, usually hand-held devices used to deliver medication directly to the lungs. There are two kind of inhalers:

* Metered-dose inhalers. A metered dose asthma inhaler delivers medication by means of a chemical propellant - like a fluorocarbon. Usually, the medicationis released by pressing the inhaler canister into a base - similar to a spray can. As the name says - it delivers a metered, or measured dose.

* Dry powder inhalers. With the concerns about fluorocarbons and chemicals damaging the atmosphere, manufacturers have come up with other ways to deliver medication in inhalers. In a dry powder inhaler, medication is delivered in a powder rather than a fine mist.

Types of Medication in Asthma Inhalers

* Short-acting bronchodilators. Often called 'rescue inhalers', short-acting bronchodilators relieve asthma symptoms immediately in an emergency situation by relaxing the muscles around the bronchial tubes. The effects last 4-8 hours. They include albuterol and pirbuterol.

* Long-acting bronchodilators. Salmeterol and formoterol are also bronchodilators, but the effects are longer lasting. Long-acting bronchodilators are NOT for use in an emergency situation. Instead, they are used to relax bronchial muscles for longer periods of time as treatment for chronic problems.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of Asthma Inhalers is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about Asthma Inhalers.

* Corticosteroids. Inhaled corticosteroids are used as a long-term preventative medication. They work by reducing the underlying bronchial and pulmonary inflammation. Most are prescribed for use once or twice a day on an ongoing basis.

* Cromolyn or nedocromil are two nonsteroid medications that are used to prevent and manage inflammation in the long term.

* Corticosteroid + long-acting bronchodilator. This medication combines a corticosteroid and a long-acting bronchodilator (Advair).

How to Use Asthma Inhalers

Your doctor may give you slightly different instructions for using the asthma inhaler prescribed for you, but in general, the instructions for using an asthma inhaler depend on which type of inhaler it is.

A metered dose inhaler comes in a pressurized canister. When you press down on the top of the canister, one measured dose of medication is converted into a fine mist. To use the metered dose inhaler, hold it in front of your mouth or against your lips and be ready to inhale. You must be able to inhale and press down on the canister at the same time. This can be difficult for young children, who often are prescribed an asthma inhaler with a spacer or a face mask to make it easier for them to use.

When you use a dry powder inhaler, you don't need to coordinate breath and press. Instead, you put your lips on the mouthpiece and take a sharp, deep breath to pull in one dose of powdered medication. Dry powder asthma inhalers are available in several different types.

Those who only know one or two facts about Asthma Inhalers can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you're learning here.

Please visit MyHealth-Info.com for more information on asthma inhalers.

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Asthma in Adults

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The following article presents the very latest information on Asthma. If you have a particular interest in Asthma, then this informative article is required reading.?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease, which is caused by an increased reaction from the airways to various stimuli. It is a persistent inflammatory condition with acute specific exacerbations. If asthma is not properly managed or treated, it can become a life-threatening disease.

A person in middle age or older can at times develop asthma and this is called adult onset asthma. A careful diagnosis of asthma is very significant, because very often the symptoms can be confused with other very similar illnesses of middle age such as specific types of heart disease chest ailments or cough.?

It's been discovered that Asthma in adults is often a recurrence of childhood asthma. Sometimes a child's asthma persists into adulthood, or very often childhood asthma disappears only to recur later in life as adult onset asthma. Therefore an appropriate diagnosis is essential.?

Asthma symptoms:

The usual asthma symptoms in adults are as follows,?

* Wheezing
* Breathlessness
* Cough
* Tightness of the chest
* Production of mucus.

Asthma triggers in adults:

Cigarette Smoking: -?
Bronchial asthma is a very common disease and is an important cause of morbidity amongst both children and adults. Tobacco smoking, which is both active and passive, can have dire effects on asthma.?

Bronchial irritation is often caused by exposure to cigarette smoking and can precipitate acute episodes of Asthma. It also increases bronchial receptiveness and causes airway sensitization to some occupational allergens.?

For any asthmatic, smoking will always increase their disease severity and is the probable cause of irreversible Airway's obstruction and also the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (COPD)?

You can see that there's practical value in learning more about Asthma. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far??

* Smoking is frequently associated with?
* Increased asthma symptoms,?
* Respiratory infections,?
* Acute episodes?
* And the frequent hospitalization of children.?
* It also increases bronchial responsiveness and any specific airway sensitization.?

Similarly, uteri exposure to maternal smoking is often independently responsible for early onset of asthma. Exposure in adult asthmatics to cigarette smoking by their spouses, siblings or colleagues is equally worrying.?

Similar triggers

A person with adult onset asthma is also sensitive to the same types of triggers, which precipitate symptoms in younger people suffering with asthma. Therefore it stands to reason that adult onset asthma can be managed by limiting the amount of exposure to specific particular triggers, which include: -

* Cigarette smoke
* Allergens such as pollen or mould
* Infections
* Fumes and strong odors
* Dust mite allergen
* Specific Exercise
* Medications such as beta-blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Asthma in adults is a permanent condition. If you suffer from Asthma as an adult, you will probably need constant medication to keep your symptoms under control for the rest of your life!

Regular medication for Adult Asthma.

As people get older, their lungs become much less capable which makes the efficiency of the other organs of the body that much harder. Adult onset asthma in someone middle-aged or older can accelerate any worsening lung function they may be suffering from.

Adult onset asthma should be managed correctly because once the lung functioning has deteriorated it never recovers. It is very important preventive medication is prescribed and taken on a regular basis to protect lung function at all times.

Things to remember

a) Adult onset asthma is often a recurrence of childhood asthma,?
b) Symptoms can often be confused with other illnesses of middle age, such as heart disease or other chest conditions.
c) People with adult onset asthma usually need to take preventive medication to protect their lung function on a regular basis.

Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about Asthma.

Please visit MyHealth-Info.com for more information on asthma in adults.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Are Air Purifiers Beneficial for Asthmatics?

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Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air.

The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a good air purifier. An air purifier is a device that cleans the air. It assists in air purification by freeing the air from pollutants and contaminants.

Air purifiers are very beneficial for people suffering from allergies due to air pollutants, and asthma. The allergy inducing particles may come as dust or pollen, pet dander or mold spores.

A home air purifier removes these particles. It also provides protection against hazardous smoke particles and airborne gases that may intrude into the house and bedrooms. It offers a great protection against second hand smoke. Air purifiers convert the dirty and contaminated air into clean air and offer a morning fresh aroma to the whole house.

Different air purifiers use different air purification techniques including mechanical filters, adsorbents like charcoal, and electrostatic charges or ionizers. The additional setups include germicidal UV light and the emission of ions into the air to react with contaminants, making them harmless enough to breathe.

Benefits of air purifiers for asthmatics:

Air purifiers alleviate asthma, and the best air purifier can totally remove the causes by providing high quality air purification. It improves the living of asthma sufferers by air filtration, reducing the dust floating in the air, filtering second hand smoke, and purifying the air of chemical pollutants, car exhaust fumes or other contaminants.


The critics of air purifiers opine that the air purifiers don't offer any significant help to asthma sufferers. They feel that the media has over hyped the devices, and that they can't completely purify the air. Air purifiers can't provide complete protection against secondhand smoke, and cannot completely remove carbon monoxide.

The ionizing air purifiers are particularly under fire. They have kicked up a row that all ionizing models produce ozone (O3 poisonous allotrope of oxygen) that can worsen asthma and decrease lung function. Recent studies are supporting the fact.

For further information on air purifiers or air ionizers visit the home air purifiers site. You are welcome to reprint this article as long as nothing is changed, bio is included with all links made active.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Are Some Natural Asthma Remedies?

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Most asthma sufferers are familiar with the inhalers and oral remedies prescribed by their doctors for the treatment of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath that accompany an asthmatic episode. While these medicines are typically effective in the treatment of the condition, there are people who may prefer a more natural approach to asthma relief, for a variety of reasons. Some people want more natural remedies.

Any drug introduced to the body has the potential for unpleasant side effects; short term reactions such as nausea and long term concerns such as potential permanent damage from steroids used to decrease inflammation in the lung tissues. There has been ongoing controversy in the medical community regarding the safety and advisability of steroid use. While these can be life-saving, there is concern that the steroids may cause irreversible damage such as muscle weakness and bone loss. To minimize the frequency of use, the asthma sufferer can make some dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack.

The best ?natural? defense against an asthmatic episode is to avoid known triggers. People with sensitivity to tobacco smoke should obviously stay away from it; and if your trigger is cat dander, you?ll just have to avoid petting the kittens in the pet store ? no matter how adorable. Stay indoors on ?high pollen? days if that is your trigger and always try to keep stress levels down. Using common sense is the first step toward lowering frequency of asthmatic episodes.

Asthma sufferers can also make healthy changes to their diets which can minimize asthma symptoms. Beyond avoiding known dietary triggers such as food allergies, nutritional supplements in the form of necessary vitamins and minerals can go a long way toward minimizing asthma attacks. Nutritional deficiencies make for a weakened system that isn?t able to effectively fight unexpected environmental triggers. Asthmatics need to exercise care even when using natural supplements. Make sure supplements are hypo-allergenic so as not to react to those! The need for certain vitamins and minerals may be greater among asthma sufferers than the average person as the condition itself tends to contribute to certain deficiencies. A good multi-vitamin is recommended to compensate for these deficiencies and make for a healthier body, better equipped to ward off reactions. Asthmatics also tend to have very low magnesium levels ? a mineral that helps relax bronchial tubes ? so a supplemental dose may be advisable. Finally, Vitamin C is believed to improve bronchial functioning.

More and more people are turning to herbal remedies to find relief from asthma symptoms. While most herbal supplements are not evaluated or endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, there have been reports of success among those who have used them. Tylophora indica, used in Auyervedic medicine in India, has been getting a lot of positive attention thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, some individuals treated with the herb, Boswellia, reported a reduced number of asthma attacks. Butterbur is another promising herb shown to be as effective as traditional antihistamines in initial studies. As conclusive studies have not been done on most herbal remedies, the asthma sufferer is advised to be cautious when experimenting with these.

While it is possible to relieve symptoms of asthma, and reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack by avoiding known triggers, making lifestyle and dietary changes, and using certain herbal remedies, it is imperative to listen to your healthcare provider. Discuss vitamin and herbal supplements with your physician, and keep him informed of any changes you make and improvements you notice in your condition. The journey to a healthier life begins with a healthy amount of care and old-fashioned common sense.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for AsthmaDocs.com. To learn more about natural asthma remedies and asthma treatments, please visit our site.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Allergy Asthma

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Latest Asthma Research

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Asthma is a serious condition affecting millions of people. Its rapid rise among all developed countries is cause for deep concern. In response to this alarming trend, researchers are working diligently to find more effective treatments for those already diagnosed with the disease, and possibly a cure to stop its progression.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, ?Asthma is a chronic lung disorder of enormous public health importance that affects 10 to 12 percent of the population; it disproportionately affects children, minorities, and persons of lower socioeconomic status.? Asthma is the leading cause of school absences and the most common cause for childhood emergency room visits. The economic cost of asthma surpasses 12 billion dollars annually.

Despite an increase in our understanding of the progression of the disease, the effects of allergy triggers on the body and the way our bodies react to them, and the great strides in diagnosing and treating asthma, the number of people diagnosed, sick or that have died from the disease continues to rise.

Our lungs are filled with hollow tube like passages that resemble the branches on a tree. These passages gradually become smaller and smaller ending in tiny pockets where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. For those with asthma, swelling in the hollow tubes that fill the lungs makes breathing difficult and uncomfortable. This inflammation causes an increased sensitivity to allergens and a host of other asthma triggers like exercise, medications, stress, pollution, humidity and even laughter.

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person; early morning or late night coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety and shortness of breath are all common. Allergen induced asthma usually becomes apparent before the age of 35. Non-allergic asthma usually has its onset in middle age and can be triggered or worsened by reflux disease, exercise, weather changes and illness.

Research is underway in several key directions, and on a global scale, to find more effective treatments and possibly even a cure for asthma. Secondary intervention studies, risk assessment, environmental intervention and assessing allergen exposures all allow researchers to explore different treatment options to deal with the symptoms of those who already have asthma. Studying the genetics and hereditary components of the disease, and the pathogenesis and mechanics, may someday lead to a cure.

Research progress is dependant on funding, and the participation of those who have or are at risk of developing asthma either through lifestyle or genetics. Funding for research comes from many sources: private companies and foundations, private citizens, corporate donations and government grants ? but money is often scarce; and with so many important and deserving projects, the competition for gaining the needed funding can be fierce.

Great strides have been made in the area of asthma, but the steady rise in new cases suggests that greater strides are necessary. Researchers all over the world are working hard to develop new treatment modalities and possibly even a cure for this chronic and often debilitating disease.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for AsthmaDocs.com. To learn more about asthma research and to learn more about asthma treatment, please visit our site.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

What Causes Asthma?

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Asthma is chronic disease that is hallmarked by the inflammation of the bronchial or breathing tubes, in the lungs. While there is no known specific cause for the condition, many of its triggers are well known and avoidable; and those that can?t be avoided can be well managed.

15 million adults and 5 million children in the United Stated have asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that can cause early morning or late night coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety and shortness of breath. Asthma symptoms can be mild or serious, and they can also be life threatening during an asthma attack.

Our lungs are filled with hollow tube like passages that resemble the branches on a tree. These passages gradually become smaller and smaller ending in tiny pockets where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. For those with asthma, swelling in the hollow tubes makes breathing difficult and uncomfortable by preventing the air from moving freely. This inflammation causes an increased sensitivity to allergens and a host of other asthma triggers.

So what causes asthma? It is generally believed that exposure to allergens early in life can trigger asthma, but heredity plays a role too and can predispose certain populations to this chronic condition. Allergen induced asthma usually becomes apparent before the age of 35. Non allergic asthma usually has its onset in middle age and can be triggered or worsened by reflux disease, exercise, weather changes and illness.

Environmental lung irritants are by far the biggest culprits in triggering asthma problems and include cleaning products, perfume, smoke, mold, dust, pollution, mildew, seasonal pollen and animal dander.

Lifestyle and illness also play a role in causing respiratory flare-ups in those susceptible.
Stress, exercise, laughter, foods and food additives like sulfites, getting a cold, the flu or a bronchial infection, and even changes in the weather can bring the asthmatic closer to an asthma attack.

Luckily for asthmatics many of the factors that can lead to an asthma attack can be eliminated or reduced in their lives. Keeping the environment clean and dust free to avoid exposure to mold, mildew and dust mites, avoiding pets and smoke, staying inside on windy days and always riding in the car with the windows up to avoid excessive amounts of pollen, avoiding exposure to household chemicals and perfumed body products, and running a dehumidifier on humid days can all help to reduce the causes of environmental allergen triggers. Reducing stress, increasing exercise and working to stay healthy are necessary additional steps to managing asthma.

Asthma is on the rise in the United States and in other developed countries around the globe; and though no one knows exactly why, it is theorized that the culprits may be a byproduct of our more industrialized lives. People spend more time indoors where household pollutants are greater, and though environments are generally healthier, with less exposure to viruses and bacteria our immune systems may be becoming more sensitive to these issues.

There is no cure for asthma, but medication, and environmental and lifestyle changes can help to alleviate the symptoms and keep asthma from limiting the lives of those afflicted.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for AsthmaDocs.com. To learn more about natural asthma treatment and to learn more about what causes asthma, please visit our site.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Asthma Cough Productive Treatment

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A persistent, chronic, nighttime cough is one of the most common symptoms of mild asthma. It also can be a symptom of several other pulmonary problems. If your child coughs often at night, how do you tell if it's asthma - or something else?

Without a medical evaluation, you really can't. Even doctors find it difficult to diagnose asthma when its only presenting symptom is nighttime coughing. In general, an asthma cough is a non-productive cough - one that doesn't bring up any mucus. It may sound as if something is rattling, or have a wheeze at the end of it. More often than not, there's a spasmodic quality to the cough - it may continue until the child is completely out of breath and gagging, or even until they actually vomit.

What if your child is coughing up mucus and sputum? Well, say doctors, chances are that it's not an asthma cough if it's productive. In most cases, a productive cough accompanies a cold, or lingers for a week or two beyond it. It may also be a symptom of other seriously lung problems, though, so if a cough persists more than 5-7 days, be certain to contact your doctor. Treatment of a night-time cough obviously depends on the underlying cause of the cough, but most doctors agree that if a cough is productive, treatment shouldn't suppress the cough, since the body needs to bring up all the 'junk' that's clogging the lungs and airways. In fact, if there's obvious congestion that isn't being brought up, an expectorant can help break it up and allow it to be coughed out.

Asthma coughs, on the other hand, are most often dry coughs caused by bronchial spasms. Since there's nothing to bring up, there's no way for an asthma cough to be 'productive', though you may hear rattling or 'crinkling' sounds if you listen to the chest of a child when they cough. Most doctors now believe that the actual cause of an asthma cough is an irritant or allergen of some kind that sets off an excessive immune reaction. The airways swell as histamine is produced, and the muscles around the bronchial passages go into spasms to attempt to force the irritant up through them.

When dealing with an asthma cough, productive treatment should include regular use of a bronchodilator to help loosen up the muscles around the bronchial tubes. Those muscles put a stranglehold on the airways and make it almost impossible to force air in and out of them. Relaxing them can soothe the most evident symptom of childhood nighttime asthma. Productive treatment often also includes the use of an anti-inflammatory - most often inhaled steroids - to reduce chronic swelling of the bronchioles and make it easier for them to empty.

You can also try a few 'natural remedies' to help reduce episodes of night-time asthma coughing - as long as you keep using the treatment your doctor gave you. Some herbalists suggest a cup of hot black or green tea with honey before bedtime - the theophyline and caffeine in the tea are both older treatments for asthma, and the honey can sooth a dry, irritated throat. Add a banana or two to your daily diet, or make sure to eat plenty of magnesium-rich vegetables and meats - magnesium helps control muscle contraction, and many people with asthma have low magnesium levels. Finally, avoid having irritants in your (or the child's) bedroom. No pets, no stuffed animals, nothing that might trap dust mites or dust - major causes of allergic reactions in childhood asthma.

Check out MyHealth-Info.com for more information on asthma, asthma treatment and asthma allergy.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Asthma and Sinusitis Awareness

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Today, asthma and sinusitis are increasing in frequency and morbidity. When a person has asthma, the patients and his family's cooperation are very important. Parents must keep an eye on the complex treatment that includes pills, inhalers and exercises. If there is poor medical service, asthma and sinusitis are likely to get worse.

Asthmatic children have higher risk of getting sinusitis from exposure to second hand smoke. On the other hand, people with chronic sinusitis are sometimes at higher risk of developing asthma.

When asthma comes with sinus infection, simple treatment will not do. Since the nose is blocked, the individual is forced to breath through their mouth which can likely hasten an asthma attack. Likewise, air breathed through the mouth is colder than the air breathed through the nose. And cold air is known to trigger asthma attacks. Overuse of antibiotics, environmental factors, bacteria and fungi among others often increases the occurrence of asthma and sinusitis despite the advances made in treating these conditions.

If both asthma and sinusitis are considered as inflammatory diseases, then their treatment is likely similar. Patients should drink enough fluids and bacterial infection should be reduced by means of breathing and coughing exercise, various enzymes, exercise, iodides, guaifenesin and irrigation. However, if the sinus infection does not improve with antibiotics, a CT scan may be necessary. Asthma and sinusitis are often treated at the same time as what affects the sinus affects the entire upper respiratory system.

You are likely to identify asthma if you are aware of its causes and symptoms. Symptoms can generally range from mild shortness of breath to chest pain, coughing and tightness in the chest. Common asthma triggers include indoor and outdoor allergens, infections, tobacco smoke, wood smoke, air pollution, certain medication, weather and even strong emotions. Some episodes of asthma attacks can be very severe and even life threatening. For this reason, education of patients is very important. Also, prompt diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis is important in the long-term management of asthma. And in order to effectively control the symptoms, it is important to know what triggered the attack and then avoid those causes.

Understand that sinusitis can worsen asthma. However, many patients who have successful treatment of their sinus infection find that their asthma also improves. Controlling the inflammatory process in the nose can help to control asthma symptoms. And along with prevention and treatment, maintaining a healthy well-balanced lifestyle and diet is also very important. After all, a healthy body is likely to get sick.

For comments and suggestions kindly visit Sinus Infection Relief

Viojieley Gurrobat loves readings books in her spare time. She writes stories and poems about anything under the sun.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Alternative Treatments For Asthma

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Why Asthma's On The Rise And The New Asthma Treatments

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The incidence of asthma has more than doubled - from 3% to 7.5% since 1980. Believe it or not, nearly 25 million people in the United States are asthma sufferers. And while there's no shortage of theories about why asthma is becoming a major health concern, there is a shortage of definite answers. Which has led many people to ask why is asthma on the rise, especially in urban neighborhoods, and are there any new asthma treatments?

The two questions actually go hand in hand. Many new asthma treatments have been developed based upon the various theories doctors have come up with to explain asthma's rise. In this light, this article is a look at some of the answers to "why is asthma on the rise and are there new treatments?"

Let's start off with a theory that might sound odd the first time you hear it. Some doctors have come to believe asthma's growing prevalence is actually due to our better health. Because there are far fewer major diseases requiring the attention of our immune systems, these doctors believe our immune systems overreact to minor stressors such as allergens, which trigger histamines and other inflammatory agents in the lungs. Once the lungs become inflamed, bringing the condition under control again can be a major effort.

There are other theories, of course. Even though air quality in general has improved, there are more people than ever living in urban settings where they're overly exposed to the allergens that commonly trigger asthma - cockroaches, dust mites, mold and secondhand smoke. Add to that the fact that children lead far more sedentary lives than they used to, and spend far more time indoors where they're exposed to allergens, and we can begin to see that one reason asthma is on the rise maybe because children are exposed to the allergens far more often these days.

New asthma treatments go beyond medicine to a whole new way of looking at this disease and its management. Rather than focusing on crisis management of acute asthma attacks, new asthma treatments emphasize managing the disease by controlling the environment and daily medication to reduce the risk of acute attacks. These new treatments include once a day oral medications for children with chronic asthma, daily maintenance inhalers, education about asthma triggers and allergens for those dealing with asthma and outreach efforts that involve entire communities.

While there's been a great deal of research on asthma and asthma medications over the past twenty years, there have been few new drugs developed for treatment. This is primarily due to the success of the current inhaler drugs. They work extremely well as long as they're used everyday as prescribed. However, because so many asthma sufferers tend to ignore their doctor's instructions, a major component of this new approach to treating asthma is to educate patients and families about what asthma is and how to prevent asthma attacks.

The good news is that according to the Centers for Disease Control, this new approach to treating asthma with education as well as medication does pay off. In a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Services, researchers found that children whose families were taught about asthma and how to manage asthma through environmental control had 37.8 more days per year without any symptoms than those who were treated in the hospital, given a prescription, and sent on their way.

David Silva serves as the webmaster of Asthma Insights, a comprehensive and informative website on asthma. If you'd like to learn more, read our article at: http://asthmainsights.com/treatments.html

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Asthma - Types, Causes, and Treatment

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Asthma can strike at any age, half of all cases first occur in children under age 10; in this age group, asthma affects twice as many boys as girls. It is one of the leading causes of respiratory illness among children and young adults, however, this condition may progress a lifetime. It's estimated 17-million Americans suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a reversible lung disease characterized by obstruction or narrowing of the airways. It may resolve spontaneously or with treatment. Its symptoms range from mild wheezing and shortness of breathe (dyspnea) to life-threatening respiratory failure. Symptoms may persist between acute episodes.

People with asthma do not have a problem inhaling, but rather, a problem exhaling. Airways open up during inhalation with the lowering of the diaphragm as the ribs move out making the lungs bigger allowing air to move around any obstruction. However, when the person exhales, as the rib cage relaxes, the diaphragm slides up preventing the air from getting around the obstruction.


Extrinsic asthma results from sensitivity to specific external allergens. In cases in which the allergen isn't obvious, it's referred to as intrinsic asthma.

Extrinsic asthma usually begins in childhood and is accompanied by other manifestations of atopy -- A hereditary disorder marked by the tendency to develop immediate allergic reactions to substances such as pollen, food, dander, insect venoms, house dust or mold, kapok or feather pillows, food additives containing sulfites, or similar allergic conditions. In intrinsic asthma, no external allergen can be identified. Most cases are preceded by a severe respiratory infection. Irritants, emotional stress, fatigue, exposure to noxious fumes, changes in temperature, and changes in humidity, may aggravate intrinsic asthma attacks. In many asthmatics, intrinsic and extrinsic asthma coexist.

Several drugs and chemicals may provoke an asthma attack. Examples of these substances include aspirin, various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and yellow food dye (tartrazine). Exercise may also provoke an asthma attack. In exercise-induced asthma, bronchospasm may follow heat and moisture loss in the upper airways.

An asthma attack may begin dramatically, with simultaneous onset of many severe symptoms, or insidiously, with gradually increasing respiratory distress. It typically includes the following signs or symptoms or some conbination of them:

- progressively worsening shortness of breath - cough - wheezing - chest tightness.

During an acute attack, the cough sounds tight and dry. As the attack subsides, thick mucus is produced (except in young children, who don't expectorate). Between acute attacks, breath sounds may be normal.

The intensity of breath sounds in symptomatic asthma is typically reduced. A prolonged phase of forced expiration is typical of airflow obstruction. Evidence of lung hyperinflation (use of accessory muscles, for example) is particularly common in children. Acute attacks may be accompanied by tachycardia, tachypnea, and diaphoresis. In severe attacks, the patient may be unable to speak more than a few words without pausing for breath. Cyanosis (a bluish or purplish tinge to the skin and mucous membranes), confusion, and lethargy indicate the onset of respiratory failure.


Treatment of acute asthma aims to decrease inflammation, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, bronchial airway swelling, and increase pulmonary ventilation. After an acute episode, treatment focuses on avoiding or removing precipitating factors, such as environmental allergens or irritants.

If asthma is caused by a particular virus, bacterium, toxin, or other foreign substance, it may be treated by desensitizing the patient through a series of injections of limited amounts of the antigen causing the attack. The aim is to curb the patient's immune response to the antigen.

HealthClamour.com Larry Champlin Health Clamour Senior Editor http://www.healthclamour.com

Larry Champlin is the Senior Editor at Health Clamour.com http://www.healthclamour.com

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Breath is Life--Fight Asthma! (Posted in getmedix.com)

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Breath is Life--Fight Asthma! (Posted in getmedix.com) Asthma- has become a significantly common disease that everybody must have heard of somewhere, sometime! The highest ratio rests with Australia, who has in fact, around two million Australians have asthma; that is about 10% of the population. It's so common! Yet, unless one knows some facts and have studied it or had it explained by a doctor, one wonder what asthma actually is. Have you ever been felt breathless while, gasping for breath? It's difficult for anyone to understand what an asthma attack feels like, but truly, it is too much scary! For anyone who has never had an asthma attack, it is very hard to understand what it feels like. The small air sacs and airways of the lungs become irritated. Thus, they swell and can fill with mucous. This leaves less space in the airways for air to move through and it becomes hard to get enough air into the lungs. This results in chest pain and an overwhelming desire to breathe rapidly which actually worsens the situation. Asthma is a life threatening disease and should be taken seriously. Even a mild asthma attack can be very serious. A mild asthma attack can develop into a more serious attack or it might exhaust the patient so much such that a mild attack can become fatal. In general, asthma is caused by an irritation of the airways. Some common irritants of Asthma are: § Dust § Pollen § Tobacco § Allergens § Hay fever § Viral infections § Animal hair § Temperature changes § Heavy Exercise

However there is no cure for the asthma disease, but clearly the disease is manageable. Medication is available to prevent attacks and relieve the symptoms. There is no single cause and no single answer. Attacks can be minimised by avoiding known triggers as much as possible and by leading a generally healthy lifestyle, including fresh foods and exercise.

Cathrine is an associated editor to the website www.getmedix.com. Getmedix is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Health Care, men's health, sexual health, and online prescription drugs like .....by latest news, http://www.getmedix.com/diet_pills/, personal views, and articles on related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at email Cathniz@gmail.com

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Breath is Life--Fight Asthma!

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Asthma- has become a significantly common disease that everybody must have heard of somewhere, sometime! The highest ratio rests with Australia, who has in fact, around two million Australians have asthma; that is about 10% of the population. It's so common! Yet, unless one knows some facts and have studied it or had it explained by a doctor, one wonder what asthma actually is.

Have you ever been felt breathless while, gasping for breath? It's difficult for anyone to understand what an asthma attack feels like, but truly, it is too much scary! For anyone who has never had an asthma attack, it is very hard to understand what it feels like.

The small air sacs and airways of the lungs become irritated. Thus, they swell and can fill with mucous. This leaves less space in the airways for air to move through and it becomes hard to get enough air into the lungs. This results in chest pain and an overwhelming desire to breathe rapidly which actually worsens the situation.

Asthma is a life threatening disease and should be taken seriously. Even a mild asthma attack can be very serious. A mild asthma attack can develop into a more serious attack or it might exhaust the patient so much such that a mild attack can become fatal. In general, asthma is caused by an irritation of the airways.

Some common irritants of Asthma are:

 Dust  Pollen  Tobacco  Allergens  Hay fever  Viral infections  Animal hair  Temperature changes  Heavy Exercise

However there is no cure for the asthma disease, but clearly the disease is manageable.

Medication is available to prevent attacks and relieve the symptoms. There is no single cause and no single answer. Attacks can be minimised by avoiding known triggers as much as possible and by leading a generally healthy lifestyle, including fresh foods and exercise.

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The Simplest Asthma Solution

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The Simplest Asthma Solution

During the Democratic convention the Reverend Al Sharpton quoted a shocking statistic: One third of the children in Harlem suffer from asthma. This shouldn't be completely surprising since asthma cases have been consistently increasing over the years, especially in the cities, escalating recently during the rollback of some key environmental laws, but it is a trend we must turn back.

While parents have only limited control over the environment where they raise their children, there is a personal environmental decision they can make that may dramatically reduce the symptoms their children experience. It all comes down to detergent, and not just any detergent. It is the detergent that they use to wash their children's clothes and sheets. The biggest selling detergents in the United States contain large amounts of irritating phosphates, which are not only a major irritant to the skin and respiratory system, but a source of serious pollution, and a component in global warming.

If you are wondering if your laundry detergent contains phosphates just read the label, it is listed there. In most industrialized countries phosphate detergents are outlawed for good reason, but in the United States the chemical industry has a strong lobby and cheap phosphates help manufacturers keep their costs low, so their use continues. The next time you walk though the laundry detergent section of your supermarket, take a deep breath and notice how much the smell irritates your nose and lungs.

What kinds of detergent contain low, or no phosphates? Baby detergent! No mother would dream of washing their newborn's clothes and sheets in the family's powdered detergent! That would give their baby's delicate skin rashes, not to mention an increase in crying and crankiness. There are many readily available natural detergents that are phosphate-free and it's worth the time to find them.

We have noticed tremendous improvements for both children and adults when their clothes and sheets are consistently washed in a phosphate-free detergent. By itself this change may not alleviate all of the symptoms of asthma and those related skin rashes, but it clearly removes an insidious irritant from the equation.

More alternative treatments at http://alternativecentral.info/ please visit TODAY.

It might be helpful to explain why this simple change is so effective. Testing in Europe shows that, while sleeping, people are between two thousand and ten thousand times more sensitive to chemical and electromagnetic pollution than while they are awake. When a child's pajamas are washed with a chemical irritant and they sleep on bedclothes containing those same toxins, their immune system is challenged nightly, during a time when they are most vulnerable. Their body's nutritional reserves are consumed in that battle and they are less able to defend themselves from the pollutants they encounter during their day. Asthma and allergies are not produced by a single irritant, but by an accumulation of minor irritants that eventually overwhelm the body's ability to adapt. It is not a huge leap to imagine that removing a respiratory irritant from the sleeping environment, where a person spends one third of their time, is going to produce an improvement in a child's ability to breathe.

Keith Londrie II is an authority on alternative medicines. For more information, please visit his informative web site at http://alternativecentral.info/ to find more alternative methods for treating many ailments.

Keith E. Londrie II infoserve @ mchsi.com http://alternativecentral.info/

Keith Londrie II is a renowned specialist in alternative medical treatments. He provides information on the subject matter at his web site at http://alternativecentral.info/ - Visit to get your questions answered now.

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