Herbal Asthma Treatment

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

German Medicine Homoeopathy For Asthma, Migraine And Chronic Ailments

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Dr. R. Thiyagarajan is a versatile personality - a leading homoeopath, psychologist, educationalist, researcher and so on.

He is exploring the homoeopathic healing powers in his website homoeocare.com extensively and visiting Sri Lanka. U.K., France and number of other global destinations monthly to share the wealth of his knowledge on homoeopathic healing powers for the last 10 years.

Some of his regular patients are ranging from the rural folks in Sri Lanka to the high officials in the World Bank.

I met Dr. R. Thiyagarajan recently in search of more on the healing power of the homoeopathy which was once introduced and inspired to me by Dr. Mohideen A. Rahaman, a homoeopath from Sri Lanka who is practising for the last three decades just opposite the colonial era Roxy Theatre of Colombo city.

Dr. Thiyagarajan is a healer with a human touch in diagnosing and solving problems whether it is physical or emotional. His Homoeocare Hospital in Trichi, a southern town of south Indian state of Tamil Nadu is witnessing his personal achievements.

His expanded hospital was recently opened in the presence of Parliamentarians, allopathic physicians, surgeons, skin specialists and so on, is an another recognition for him and the homoeopathy in large.

Dr. R. Thiyagarajan emphasized with much enthusiasm the developments of homoeopathy. He says: Ever since the birth of homoeopathy in Germany, in the year 1794, it has been practised by the doctors world over, However, the actual benefits of the homeopathic medical science have not reached every one.

As a result, millions of sufferers of chronic diseases are deprived of the homoeopathic treatment simply because of the ignorance about its existence! This is indeed cruel, as in the age of information, deprivation of the homeopathic advantage merely because of the lack of information is intolerable.

It is now possible for you to ask and know about the role of homoeopathy for a specific disease condition. For instance, you may ask: 'Does homeopathy have anything to offer for the treatment of Migraine or Asthma?' You will be offered genuine information as to what homoeopathy could offer for the said complaint.

You will be informed about the scope and limitation of homeopathy with respect to various diseases. However, it is not within the scope of this service to prescribe you any medicine over the Internet. If you want to consider homoeopathic treatment, you will be sent necessary information for the same.

Unlike other medicines, Homoeopathy medicines usually do not have any side effects. Their ability to cause structural damage is nil. The reason for this is that Homoeopathy medicines act by stimulating the body's own defense mechanism and healing powers. They do not have any chemical action, so they do not have the potential to cause any sustained damage.

The doses are given in sub-physiological quantities. So they can be given to children and adults alike without worrying about the dosage. Safe for every one.

Homoeopathy medicines are very effective - in both acute and chronic conditions. Homoeopathy in fact, is the only system of medicine which offers curative treatment (not palliative) to a large number of chronic ailments which have been labeled as 'incurable' by other schools of medicine. Homoeopathy medicines, if selected properly, give results faster than any other systems of medicine.

Homoeopathy medicine are usually dispensed as sweet sugar pills, which are very easy to take. Due to this reason, children readily agree to take Homeopathy medicines.

Homoeopathy treatment is affordable: Homoeopathy medicines are usually much cheaper than comparable allopathic and ayurvedic drugs. And also there is little stress on costly diagnostic procedures as homeopaths rely on the symptoms to find the right medicine for a person. So the overall cost of treatment is very little.

Still this may not appear so to many people in Western countries as Homoeopathy treatment is usually not covered by insurance companies. But that's myopic vision.

One has to think of long-term gains. Under proper Homoeopathy treatment not only the person's immediate complaints improve, but also his/her susceptibility to disease decreases as there is a general improvement in health. So in the long run, there is better health, less medical consultations and the cumulative cost is very low. Even otherwise, hasn't some wise man said. .."Health is the real Wealth"?....

Homoeopathy considers the complaints of a patient in totality. It views a person as a whole, as an integrated entity, and not as a mere collection of body parts. So it treats the person as a whole too. Thus one does not have to visit ten different 'specialists' for his/her ten different body parts. After all our body is more than a collection of parts! So Homoeopathy saves your time, money and health at the same time.

Rajkumar Kanagasingam is author of a fascinating book the "German memories in Asia" and you can explore more about the book and share the real-life experience of the internship students from Germany at the Asia's best intern program AGSEP

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