Herbal Asthma Treatment

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Asthma: The Triggers and Its Prevention

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Generally as a society we are moving towards wanting to prevent things before they happen. This trend can be applied to illnesses as well; especially those illnesses in which if someone is able to prevent it from happening, they can save either their life or the life of someone else.

One such illness is Asthma. It is necessary for asthmatics to have an idea of the things that might trigger their symptoms, and even better for them to have knowledge of what their initial symptoms are. Knowing the initial symptoms of asthma and the ways to avoid any triggers can help prevent a full-blown attack.

There are numerous substances, which can trigger an asthma attack. One very common trigger for people who suffer from asthma is cigarette smoke. If this is a trigger for you, being around people who smoke can trigger difficulty breathing. This is because the chemicals in the smoke act as an irritant cause the lining of the tubes of the lung to close. This is a common trigger that should be avoided.

Another common trigger are dust mites. Dust mites are little bugs that live in mattresses, pillows, curtains and bed linen such as sheets and blankets. Dust mites are particularly harmful as triggers of asthma because they feed on dead skin shed by humans. Then the feces excreted by them is left behind. This feces can cause an attack, but this trigger will not go away as long as the dust mites are still present.

C Dietzig is co owner of asthmatreatment.first-results.com where they discuss asthma treatment and how to live a normal productive life with asthma

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