Herbal Asthma Treatment

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Two Kinds Of Asthma Supplies And When To Use Them

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Every asthmatic wants to control or eliminate the miserable bouts of labored breathing that are the hallmark of asthma. To do this, patients rely on asthma supplies and keep them close at hand. Asthma supplies are of two types:

1. 'Preventers' do just as their name implies - they prevent attacks
2. 'Relievers', on the other hand, are emergency supplies to control or stop an attack once it has begun

Preventers: Long Term Solutions

As asthma attack is a frightening and painful affair. The victim struggles for breath and the more frightened or distressed he is, the more he will suffer. Naturally, all asthma sufferers want to avoid these debilitating bouts and they rely on preventers to reduce or eliminate this misery.

Preventers are taken over long periods of time, solely for the purpose of forestalling (preventing) attacks, or at least shortening them when they occur. They aren't instant remedies, but instead must be taken over a period of months, or even years, if they are to be effective. Many asthma patients use them daily.

The steroid Hydrocortisone, is an example of a popular preventer. This powerful medicine is naturally produced by the adrenal glands and is highly effective at reducing inflammation, the cause of choked breathing. Specifically, asthma is a narrowing of the air passages in the lungs, caused by inflammation, and hence increased resistance to airflow. Hydrocortison, over a period of time, reduces the inflammation, thus allowing for an easier passage of air.

It is well known that steroids cause serious side effects but Hydrocortisone is a "cortisteroid", rather than an "anabolis" steroid, made famous by certain athletes. It is usually a spray and supposedly less is needed if ingested in this way, thus reducing any negative effects.

Hydrocortisone does have side effects, such as insomnia, nausea, a lack of interest in eating or a sore throat.

Preventers that are in liquid or pill form have more opportunity to build up in the body and so are more dangerous. Anyone using this kind of preventer needs to be in frequent contact with some kind of medical monitoring system.

Medocromil and Cromolyn are preventers that are not steroids, and therefore not as strong. They are very popular with asthma patients whose illness isn't as severe. Kids are often successfully treated with these milder medicines.

Asthma preventers have no residual effects, meaning that once the patient ceases to take them, the inflammation regains a foothold and the asthma attacks once again become severe.

Relievers: Emergency Supplies

The most common reliever is the bronchodilator. It offers fast-acting relief, usually in about 20 minutes, and the effects last for up to six hours. Like all relievers, it is taken when an attack is ongoing and it helps expand the airways and improve the breathing of asthma patients. It can also be used before vigorous exercise or when outdoors in cold air, strictly for preventative purposes.

It's important for asthma patients to have both preventers and relievers on hand, depending upon the severity of their symptoms. Always remember, though, that medication should not be taken casually, but only when the need it great. The fewer drugs, the better in asthma and all other medical conditions.

To learn more about asthma supplies, drop by AsthmaAnswersOnline.com for asthma facts that will help manage your disease.


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