Herbal Asthma Treatment

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Asthma Cures - Treatments And Tips For Coping With Asthma

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Many millions of people are affected by Asthma, from the very young to the senior citizen. It shapes every aspect of the afflicted individual's life. Sometimes, this disease can lead to death if not properly treated and managed.

Naturally, both the person affected by Asthma and the loved-ones trying to help the Asthma-sufferer, are interested in finding cures or ways to cope with this disease. With the recent advances in medications and non-traditional approaches, new hope has been given to the Asthma sufferer.

Is there an Asthma cure at present? This is the number one question that those newly-diagnosed will ask. While there is no known cure, there are ways to minimize and control the symptoms.

One of the most important pieces of managing Asthma is the formation of an effective overall Asthma action plan. You have to develop an organized and effective method of dealing with this very serious lung disease. This starts with your physician as the head of the treatment team and includes you as the compliant patient. Treatments are only as effective as the patients adherence to the treatment plan as prescribed by the MD.

Asthma medications continue to be the front-line choice of treatment by physicians. These are divided into two major categories, long-term-control and short-acting medications. Long-term meds are used to control and maintain control of asthma that is persistent in nature. Short-acting medications are used to symptoms that are acute.

Medications such as Albuterol and Ipratropium are such examples of short-acting agents, and have been proven to be quite effective in controlling the symptoms of Asthma. They are considered to be in the class of Bronchodilators. Each of these medications has their own benefit as well as side effects. In some cases, the use of nebulizer treatments in the home, become necessary, depending on the severity of the disease.

Corticosteroid medications are thought of as examples of Long-term Asthma medications. These are used in between the short-acting medications. Flovent and Pulmicort are two very commonly-used Corticosteroids that doctors use to treat Asthma-related symptoms. These are also inhaled, and given in a variety of delivery devices.

Is it possible to actually live a "normal life" despite having this terrible lung disease? The answer is yes! Again, this depends on all of the elements of the treatment plan outlined by your doctor, being followed. Non-compliance with treatment, is considered a huge obstacle blocking one's ability to lead the active and fulfilling life-style that each of us deserve.

As always, nothing substitutes for the guidance of your doctor. Working together, you can formulate a plan of attack that will keep Asthma from controlling your life.

For more information about Asthma Treatments please visit http://asthma-cure-tips.com, a website that specializes in providing information, tips, and resources on Asthma Cures.

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